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Another week of GW news - October 15
Summary of the week's Global Warming headlines compiled by H. E. Taylor
2006/10/15: Guardian(UK): Climate change is expensive. Does that help?
An influential report out this month concludes that it will be cheaper to act on global warming now than to wait, but campaigners doubt whether the government will respond
2006/10/14: PeakEnergy: The Cheaper Option - Doing Something About Global Warming
2006/10/14: TreeHugger: "Climate Change: The Costs Of Inaction"
2006/10/13: Guardian(UK): Warming will cost trillions, says report - Damage forecast to cost 8% of global GDP by 2100 - UK 'faces droughts and floods costing billions'
2006/10/13: Yahoo: Climate change inaction will cost trillions: study
2006/10/13: GristMill: The cost of everything - Will global warming eventually cost the world's economy $12 trillion?
2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: Climate Inaction Will Cost Trillions of Dollars 2006/10/13: PlanetArk: Climate Change Inaction Will Cost Trillions - Study
2006/10/13: TP: REPORT: The Cost of Ignoring Climate Change Is $20 Trillion A Year
2006/10/13: Reuters: Climate change inaction will cost trillions: study
2006/10/13: THP: An Inconvenient Debate [GW & hurricanes] GSFC:NASA: Current Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures 2006/10/13: JFleck: SST Anomalies 2006/10/13: TerraDaily: NASA Live Tropical Seas Surface Temperature Website Gives Climate, Hurricane Clues
2006/10/12: Eureka: NASA'S live tropical sea surface temperature Web site gives climate, hurricane clues
2006/10/11: SciDaily: Dust May Dampen Hurricane Fury
2006/10/10: PhysOrg: Study: Dust may dampen hurricane fury
2006/10/10: Eureka: Dust may dampen hurricane fury
2006/10/13: PhysOrg: Rapid Growth of Huge Northern Bog Complex May Have Helped Kick-Start Past Global Warming
2006/10/13: TerraDaily: Northern Bogs May Have Helped Kick-Start Past Global Warming 2006/10/13: PlanetArk: Big Bogs Spurred Ancient Global Warming - Report 2006/10/13: SciDaily: Northern Bogs May Have Helped Kick-start Past Global Warming 2006/10/12: Eureka: Northern bogs may have helped kick-start past global warming
2006/10/13: PhysOrg: Marine life stirs ocean enough to affect climate
2006/10/13: Eureka: Marine life stirs ocean enough to affect climate, says FSU study
2006/10/14: CBC:Quirks&Quarks: (mp3/ogg) Quirks in the Arctic, Part 1
2006/10/11: PhysOrg: Global warming may melt caribou 'ice cream' [ACIA]
2006/10/11: TruthOut: Ecological Upheaval on the Edge of the Ice
2006/10/13: TerraDaily: Shrinking Ponds Signal Warmer, Dryer Alaska
2006/10/12: PhysOrg: Group warns mountains will lose ice caps
2006/10/11: Guardian(UK): Water for millions at risk as glaciers melt away
2006/10/11: CDreams: Guardian(UK): Water for Millions at Risk as Glaciers Melt away
2006/10/09: TerraDaily: Canadian SCISAT Satellite Explains 2006 Ozone-Layer Depletion 2006/10/09: TerraDaily: NASA Data Captures El Nino Return In The Pacific
2006/10/12: PlanetArk: El Nino's Wrath Seen Muted in Asia, Sparing Crops
2006/10/13: Yahoo: Expert [Jonathan Overpeck]: U.S. West becoming warmer faster
2006/10/16: MSNBC: Why the Frogs Are Dying
Climate change is no longer merely a matter of numbers from a computer model. With startling swiftness, it is reordering the natural world.
2006/10/13: CBC: Warmer ocean damages Madagascar's coral reefs: survey
2006/10/13: TruthOut: Madagascar Coral Reefs Damaged [coral bleaching caused by rising sea temperatures] 2006/10/13: PhysOrg: Survey: Madagascar Coral Reefs Damaged
2006/10/13: SciDaily: Central American Fires Impact U.S. Air Quality And Climate
2006/10/12: PhysOrg: Shrinking ponds signal warmer, dryer Alaska
2006/10/12: UAF: Shrinking ponds signal warmer, dryer Alaska 2006/10/11: PhysOrg: Rising Ocean Temperatures, Pollution Have Oysters in Hot Water
2006/10/10: TerraDaily: Warming Melting Arctic Forces Native Alaskan Village To Move
2006/10/11: PlanetArk: US Faces Warmer-than-Normal Winter - Government
2006/10/11: Eureka: Rising ocean temperatures, pollution have oysters in hot water
2006/10/11: TP: Global warming threatens fall foliage
2006/10/10: TruthOut: Rising Seas Could Leave Millions Homeless in Asia
2006/10/10: TerraDaily: Global Warming Will Alter Character Of The Northeast 2006/10/10: TerraDaily: Asia-Pacific Faces Global Warming Disaster
2006/10/09: BostonGlobe: Climate change may hurt Asian economies [CSIRO] 2006/10/09: Yahoo: Asia-Pacific faces global warming disaster: [CSIRO] scientists 2006/10/09: ABC(Au): Climate change threatens economies, security: report
2006/10/09: TreeHugger: Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast: Migrating Climates
2006/10/08: JFleck: The "Civil War Drought"
2006/10/08: JFleck: Drought in Kenya
2006/10/14: JFleck: Defining and Measuring Drought
Princeton:L.Luo: Drought Monitoring and Hydrologic Forecasting with VIC: Current Forecast UWash: Experimental Surface Water Monitor for the Continental U.S. NOAA: U.S. Palmer Drought Indices WRCC: Standardized Precipitation Index UNL: National Drought Mitigation Center
LDEO: Persistent drought in North America: a climate modeling and paleoclimate perspective
UNL: Drought Monitor
2006/10/10: GwynneDyer: How Long Can the World Feed Itself?
2006/10/13: BBC: 'Hunger critical' in South Asia
A report released by a US-based group says South Asia continues to face "critical" levels of hunger. The region has the highest levels of child malnutrition in the world, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute. The report says the current hot spots of hunger and under-nutrition are in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
2006/10/12: FT: Grain stockpiles at lowest for 25 years
The world's stockpiles of wheat are at their lowest level in more than a quarter century, according to the US Department of Agriculture, which on Thursday slashed its forecasts for global wheat and corn production. The lower forecasts were largely attributable to the severe drought in Australia...
2006/10/11: JFleck: Drought and the Price of Wheat
2006/10/10: ERabett: Mitigation and Adaptation...[another dog who did not bark moment]
2006/10/10: ClimateProgress: The Norwegian Commission on Low Emissions: If They Can Do It...
2006/10/09: SciDaily: Alaska Study Offers Strategies To Mitigate Climate Warming
2006/10/12: PhysOrg: U.S. tests CO2 underground storage options
2006/10/13: PlanetArk: Norway to Build World's Biggest CO2 Capture Facility 2006/10/09: PlanetArk: ANALYSIS - Carbon Capture: Climate Saviour?
2006/10/14: CP: Equatorial insolation: from precession harmonics to eccentricity frequencies by A. Berger et al. 2006/10/11: CPD: The modern and glacial overturning circulation in the Atlantic ocean in PMIP coupled model simulations by S. L. Weber et al. 2006/10/12: CPD: Linking glacial and future climates through an ensemble of GCM simulations by J. C. Hargreaves et al.
2006/10/04: AGU: ($$$) Mass balance of glaciers and ice caps: Consensus estimates for 1961-2004 by G. Kaser et al.
2006/10/10: CP: Social vulnerability to climate in the "Little Ice Age": an example from Central Europe in the early 1770s by C. Pfister and R. Braizdil
2006/10/12: SciDaily: Rapid Sea Level Rise In The Arctic Ocean May Alter Views Of Human Migration 2006/10/11: PhysOrg: Natural climate change periodically wipes out mammal species: study 2006/10/11: PhysOrg: Rapid Sea Level Rise in the Arctic Ocean May Alter Views of Human Migration
2006/10/11: WHOI: Rapid Sea Level Rise in the Arctic Ocean May Alter Views of Human Migration
2006/10/09: Eureka: 'Trapped wave' caused unexpected Dennis surge, scientists say FSU 2006/10/09: SciDaily: Evidence From Ice Age That Climate Change Can Have A Rapid Effect On Ocean Circulation
2006/10/15: ClimateArk: Kyoto emissions targets prove difficult to meet
2006/10/12: PlanetArk: Post-Kyoto Climate Talks May Last to 2010 - Expert
2006/10/14: PRWatch: Faulty [carbon] Accounting [in Scotland]
2006/10/13: FramingScience: What Does the Public Think of Bush on Global Warming?
For Republicans, the Issue Polls Way Behind Flag Burning and the Inheritance Tax in Importance; But Overall, the Public Rates the President's Job Performance on Global Warming as Miserable
2006/10/10: CSW: House Science Committee ranking member seeks answers on Commerce Dept. cover-up of hurricane report
2006/10/09: CSW: Briefly Noted -- Climate science and government accountability 2006/10/08: CSW: The "Vanishing" National Climate Change Assessment, Part 1: The Administration 2006/10/08: JFleck: Brooks on Climate, Society and "Progress"
2006/10/13: GristMill: U.S. Catholic Bishops on global warming
2006/10/10: MSNBC: Bill Moyers Q&A on religion, environment ['Is God Green?']
2006/10/11: US Senate: Nuremberg-style trials proposed for global warming skeptics
2006/10/11: Oikos: A Convenient Truth
2006/10/11: TruthOut: "Our Mode of Development Is Neither Sustainable Nor Replicable." [says Al Gore]
2006/10/12: BBC: Former US presidential candidate Al Gore has won a prestigious Quill literary award for his book An Inconvenient Truth.
2006/10/11: CDreams: Reuters: Al Gore Wins Quill Book Prize
2006/10/10: GristMill: An Inconvenient Truth in Dutch: Thanks Maurits!
2006/10/10: DeSmogBlog: Newsweek Alerts (Almost) the Whole World to Global Warming
2006/10/13: Guardian(UK): [UK] Government plans climate change law
2006/10/13: Reuters: UK government plans bill on climate change
2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: Britain To Enact Climate Legislation -- With Fingers Crossed Behind Its Back
2006/10/12: BBC: A climate change bill which could see regular targets put in place to cut UK carbon dioxide emissions is being considered by the government.
2006/10/09: ABC(Au): Climate change report backs Labor strategy, says [Labor environment spokesman, Anthony] Albanese
2006/10/12: TruthOut: A Report Deems France Can Divide Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Four
2006/10/13: PlanetArk: EU Warns 8 States Over Late CO2 Emissions Plans
2006/10/12: BBC: EU takes action over carbon plans
The European Commission has begun action against eight nations that have so far failed to submit details on how they plan to cut carbon emissions. The plans are a key part of a Europe-wide carbon trading scheme. The eight nations that have failed to submit their "National Allocation Plans" are: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.
2006/10/11: PlanetArk: EU to Start Legal Action over Late Emission Plans
2006/10/15: TheAge: The excuses have dried up - we must sign the Kyoto pact
[Australian PM] John Howard has little choice but to review his sceptical outlook as the harsh reality of global warming makes itself clear.
2006/10/15: ABC(Au): Melbourne faces stage two water restrictions
2006/10/14: Independent(UK): Fires and worst drought in 100 years wake Australia up to the reality of climate change 2006/10/13: ABC(Au): [Victorian city of] Sale hears push for climate change strategy 2006/10/13: ABC(Au): CSIRO warns of increasing bushfire threat 2006/10/13: ABC(Au): Kyoto Protocol won't solve drought crisis: Campbell
2006/10/13: BBC: Australian PM warns on drought - Australian Prime Minister John Howard has warned that the country's worsening drought could hit economic growth.
2006/10/10: ABC(Au): Climate change overshadows state election: coal miners
2006/10/09: CarbonSink: Howard's new policy on climate change: Adaptation
Minster for Hypocrisy Ian Campbell today signalled what could be the Howard government's new policy on climate change: Adaptation.
Denial is no longer credible, prevention and mitigation are too hard, so we'll adapt. Easy! Ok, so we'll have to say ta ta to coral in the Great Barrier Reef, snow in the Snowies, water in the Murray-Darling, agriculture in the Riverina, wheat in the wheat belt, food, water that kind of thing ... but hey, we're a resourceful lot us Aussies, I'm sure we'll think of something!
2006/10/11: PlanetArk: Canada's Harper Says Environment Plan in Works
2006/10/10: CBC: Harper set to impose 'strict' regulations on smog producers - Conservative government will introduce a new Clean Air Act next week
2006/10/11: CBC: Ambrose defends smog plan in face of criticism
2006/10/12: PlanetArk: Canada's Harper Under Fire for Clean Air Plan
2006/10/11: DeSmogBlog: Canadian Environment Minister Bungles Carbon Credit Issue
2006/10/14: CanWest: Leaked draft suggests gaping holes in Clean Air Act
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's plan to crack down on smog and fight climate change would weaken federal powers to regulate greenhouse gases and toxic substances such asmercury, a leaked draft of the government's Clean Air Act suggests.
2006/10/12: CanWest: Clash with gassy culprits inevitable - Tory-blue Alberta is No. 1 emitter
Critics of the Tories' Clean Air Act say it fails to set industry targets for reducing greenhouse gases.
2006/10/11: DeSmogBlog: Harper Follows Bush In Adopting Sham Emissions Measurement
2006/10/11: Globe&Mail: PM plans 'intensity' alternative to Kyoto - Blueprint wouldn't necessarily reduce emissions; critics react with scorn
2006/10/15: TSun: Dramatic threat of global warming
2006/10/12: CBC: Sask., Alberta worst greenhouse gas offenders: report
2006/10/13: CanWest: Study finds oilsands could mitigate climate change
2006/10/12: DeSmogBlog: A Realpolitik Review of Canadian Climate Policy Roadblocks
2006/10/14: ClimateArk: New growth climate change theory [carbon tax arguments]
2006/10/09: EnergyBulletin: Today is World Overshoot Day
2006/10/10: ClimateProgress: The New York Times and A.P. Can Do Better
2006/10/12: DeSmogBlog: Harper Deserves Credit for Clean Air Act?
2006/10/15: TheAge: PM backs nuclear power
2006/10/12: TruthOut: In Ontario, Making "Clean Energy" Pay [with Net Metering with payout]
2006/10/13: ABC(Au): Work starts on nation's 'biggest' wind farm
2006/10/13: PlanetArk: PG&E in Deal for Cow Gas to Fuel Power Plants
2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: Climate Change a Business Opportunity
2006/10/12: PlanetArk: Investors Urge More Company Action on Warming
2006/10/13: CSM: New combatant against global warming: insurance industry
The world's second-largest industry, worried about losses related to climate change, offers incentives to 'go green.'
2006/10/11: ClimateProgress: Insuring Against Climate Change
2006/10/11: PlanetArk: Global Warming Seen Pushing up Insurance Costs
2006/10/13: ERabett: Svensmark stumbles into a smog chamber... 2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: Tim Ball vs Dan Johnson Lawsuit - Documents
2006/10/14: Deltoid: Johnson's statement of defence against Ball
2006/10/13: ClimateProgress: Cheers and Jeers to the San Francisco Chronicle
2006/10/12: GristMill: They write emails [Morano & ilk]
2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: New York Times Nails Inhofe's "hysteria" mongering
2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: NRSP: Not Really Science People
2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: And It You Believe This: Buy My Exercise Machine ...
2006/10/13: DeSmogBlog: Discredited Friends of Science Re-emerge as the Natural Resources Stewardship Project
2006/10/13: Deltoid: New Canadian Astroturf Group
2006/10/13: Stoat: Inhofe's NYT refs
2006/10/12: GristMill: On climate denialists and Nuremberg
2006/10/12: DeSmogBlog: Inhofe's Mini-Me [Marc Morano] to Face Off Among Enviromental Journalists
2006/10/12: DeSmogBlog: "Ambiguous scientific statements about climate are hyped by those with a vested interest in alarm"
2006/10/12: DeSmogBlog: Climate Change Denier of the Week
2006/10/12: Stoat: Global cooling: Inhofe talking sh*t* again
2006/10/11: GristMill: Attacked by Inhofe, finally
2006/10/11: DeSmogBlog: John Ibbitson, Who May or May Not Have a Clue
2006/10/11: DeSmogBlog: Tim Ball: Finding New Ways to Fudge His Credentials
2006/10/11: DeSmogBlog: Heartland Institute: Don't Rely on Us for Significant Decisions
2006/10/10: DeSmogBlog: Monbiot, TASSC and the tobacco, climate change cover-up
2006/10/10: DeSmogBlog: Province: In Staunch Defence of the Right to be Wrong
2006/10/09: DeSmogBlog: Tim Ball: the Last Skeptic Standing
2006/10/09: SPGCC: The build-up of CO2 in our atmosphere will be good!
2006/10/12: SPGCC: Climate models vs weather models
2006/10/14: JFleck: Climate Forecasts vs. Weather Forecasts
2006/10/10: SPGCC: Report from the G8 meeting on climate
2006/10/14: ERabett: The virtue of unintended Lomborgianism
2006/10/13: TomPaine: Carbon Blindness
2006/10/13: THP: Titanic nipples
2006/10/11: Guardian(UK): Closer to the brink
2006/10/: SocRev: Feeling the Heat? [Monbiot interview] 2006/10/10: ERabett: Uncertainties and risk...
2006/09/26: TheLoom: Historical Heat [Hansen ref]
2006/10/11: THP: Coming Up at the Bottom of the Hour: Global Warming
2006/10/10: Grist: On Your Mark, Offset, Go! A guide to offsetting your carbon emissions
2006/10/11: ABC(Au): Warmer weather 'sign of climate change'
2006/10/09: PlanetArk: All Can Play Part in Beating Global Warming - Expert
2006/10/10: RealClimate: How not to attribute climate change
2006/10/09: RealClimate: Con Allagre, ma non troppo
2006/10/09: TreeHugger: The Weather Channels Launches One Degree
2006/10/09: TreeHugger: The TH Interview: Laurie David
2006/10/10: AFTIC: 1000 Pictures
CAN: Climate Action Network - Canada Global Warming Art
GCC06: Global Climate Campaign2006
CaCC: Campaign against Climate Change
CCA: Climate Change Action
Radio Ecoshock - Green Radio.
GCI: Global Commons Institute
EDGAR: Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research
Kyoto USA
Sierra: Petition - Global Warming
Climate Audit [M&M]
CTW: Carbon Trade Watch
Plausible Futures
PNT: Post-Normal Times
NODC: Publication summary of the NODC Ocean Climate Laboratory, 1990-2005
PS.You can access the previous postings of this series here
"Who ever heard a theologian preface his creed, or a politician conclude his speech with an estimate of the probable error of his opinion?"
-Bertrand Russell
Global Warming:
GW News:
GW News Archive:
H.E. Taylor
The significant report of the week has to be the estimate of the cost of climate change inaction
An influential report out this month concludes that it will be cheaper to act on global warming now than to wait, but campaigners doubt whether the government will respond
The hurricane wars are still chugging along
Feedbacks, we have feedbacks
And here is a feedback you may not have considered
The Arctic is on a lot of people's minds
Glaciers are melting
While in near earth orbit
And regarding that El Nino
The impacts of GW are becoming clearer
Climate change is no longer merely a matter of numbers from a computer model. With startling swiftness, it is reordering the natural world.
Speaking of floods & droughts
John Fleck put up a some pointers to drought info
LDEO: Persistent drought in North America: a climate modeling and paleoclimate perspective
The troubling matter of falling food production is not going away
A report released by a US-based group says South Asia continues to face "critical" levels of hunger. The region has the highest levels of child malnutrition in the world, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute. The report says the current hot spots of hunger and under-nutrition are in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
The world's stockpiles of wheat are at their lowest level in more than a quarter century, according to the US Department of Agriculture, which on Thursday slashed its forecasts for global wheat and corn production. The lower forecasts were largely attributable to the severe drought in Australia...
Elsewhere on the mitigation front
As for carbon sequestration
Meanwhile in the journals
Before we get into politics, there was some science done
While on the Kyoto front
And on the emissions trading front
Then there's the American political front
For Republicans, the Issue Polls Way Behind Flag Burning and the Inheritance Tax in Importance; But Overall, the Public Rates the President's Job Performance on Global Warming as Miserable
And on the theme of religion and the environment
More than a few eyebrows raised over this
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along
These covers make it clear what Ross Gelbspan meant when he said "the 'globalwarming controversy' stops at the American border"
While on the UK political front
Meanwhile in Europe
The European Commission has begun action against eight nations that have so far failed to submit details on how they plan to cut carbon emissions. The plans are a key part of a Europe-wide carbon trading scheme. The eight nations that have failed to submit their "National Allocation Plans" are: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.
Meanwhile in Australia
[Australian PM] John Howard has little choice but to review his sceptical outlook as the harsh reality of global warming makes itself clear.
Also in an Australian vein, I couldn't pass up this little rant
Minster for Hypocrisy Ian Campbell today signalled what could be the Howard government's new policy on climate change: Adaptation.
Denial is no longer credible, prevention and mitigation are too hard, so we'll adapt. Easy! Ok, so we'll have to say ta ta to coral in the Great Barrier Reef, snow in the Snowies, water in the Murray-Darling, agriculture in the Riverina, wheat in the wheat belt, food, water that kind of thing ... but hey, we're a resourceful lot us Aussies, I'm sure we'll think of something!
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper continued doing nothing by announcing he was going to make an announcement
A leak and much speculation is surrounding the forthcoming act
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's plan to crack down on smog and fight climate change would weaken federal powers to regulate greenhouse gases and toxic substances such asmercury, a leaked draft of the government's Clean Air Act suggests.
Critics of the Tories' Clean Air Act say it fails to set industry targets for reducing greenhouse gases.
It seems that the 'shrub' aka a little bush is planning to use 'emmission intensity'
And then there are the oil sands
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around
The movement toward ecologically based economics is glacial
As for how the media handles the science of climatology
The Canadian media is as partisan as any
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat
The world's second-largest industry, worried about losses related to climate change, offers incentives to 'go green.'
The carbon lobby are up to the usual
Andrew Dessler pulled an old chestnut from the PR fire
There are a couple of older stories still reverberating through the media echo chamber
Then there was the usual news and commentary
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful
PS.You can access the previous postings of this series here
"Who ever heard a theologian preface his creed, or a politician conclude his speech with an estimate of the probable error of his opinion?"
-Bertrand Russell
Global Warming:
GW News:
GW News Archive:
H.E. Taylor
Labels: news
At October 15, 2006 8:33 PM,
M.J. S. - (Wacki) said…
holy crap threadbot.
At October 15, 2006 8:41 PM,
coby said…
I take that as you wish there were a few more links there...? ;-)
At November 02, 2006 3:27 PM,
David said…
I'm trying to run a simple blog for a wildlife conservation group here in Somerset UK and it takes me all my time to make two posts a week. What you are doing is amazing.
I have a link on my blog to part of your output and probably should update that to cover more.
To see your coverage of recent developments is especially remarkable.
Thanks isnt enough!
Here is my blog address:
At November 02, 2006 3:38 PM,
coby said…
Thanks, David!
I'm accepting the praise, but have to say on this post the credit isn't for me, this is HE Taylor's fine work.
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