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Another Week of GW News, June 10, 2007
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- Top Stories, BAS report, Gonu
- Hurricanes, GHG Stats, Glaciers, GOfIaS report, Sea Levels, el Niño, NASA/NOAA report
- Impacts, Tropical Rainforests, Wacky Weather, Floods & Droughts, Biofuel & Food
- Mitigation, Transportation, Sequestration, Geoengineering
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- 2007/06/08: ClimateP: Top Ten President Bush Global Warming Solutions
- 2007/06/08: ClimateP: Cartoon of the Week [Luckovich]
[I have kicked the G8 stuff below because one can only stand so much boshwa.]
BAS has reported that Antarctic Peninsula glaciers are moving faster:
- 2007/06/05: BAS: Hundreds of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers accelerating as climate warms
- 2007/06/06: OilChange: Antarctic Glaciers Retreating Faster than Ever
- 2007/06/06: SciDaily: Hundreds Of Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers Accelerating As Climate Warms
- 2007/06/05: TerraDaily: Antarctic Glaciers Flowing Faster
- 2007/06/06: BBC: Antarctic glaciers 'flow faster'
Satellite data confirms glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula are flowing faster. British Antarctic Survey (BAS) scientists used Europe's ERS-1 and -2 spacecraft to track the flow rate of over 300 "ice rivers". They found a 12% increase in the speed of the glaciers over the period from 1993 to 2003. - 2007/06/05: PhysOrg: Hundreds of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers accelerating as climate warms
Tropical cyclone Gonu in the Arabian Gulf received a lot of attention:
- 2007/06/09: Maribo: More on Gonu
- 2007/06/09: CCM: Cyclone Gonu Death Toll Rising
- 2007/06/09: DailyIndia: Iran surveys damage after cyclone [at least 61 dead in Iran and Oman]
- 2007/06/09: ArabNews: Cyclone Gonu Wanes as Death Toll Crosses 35
- 2007/06/08: Reuters: Cyclone Gonu wanes after slamming Oman and Iran
- 2007/06/08: ArabNews: Gonu Leaves a Trail of Death and Destruction
- 2007/06/07: CCM: Impacts from Gonu: Damages, Deaths
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Cyclone Gonu Sweeps Oman, Disrupts Oil Exports
- 2007/06/07: BBC: At least 20 people were killed when Cyclone Gonu struck the Gulf country of Oman, emergency officials say
- 2007/06/07: AFP: Twenty-five killed in Oman as storm targets Iran [& 26 missing]
- 2007/06/07: ArabNews: Omanis Flee Cyclone’s Fury
- 2007/06/07: DailyStar: Oil experts expect fallout from Cyclone Gonu to be short-lived
- 2007/06/06: NYT: Cyclone [Gonu] Nears Iran and Oman
- 2007/06/06: Turkish Press: Cyclone lashes Oman as Iran battens down
- 2007/06/06: BBC: Oman pummelled as cyclone passes - The strongest tropical storm to hit the Gulf for decades has lashed Oman
- 2007/06/06: AFP: Cyclone lashes Oman as Iran battens down
- 2007/06/06: ArabNews: Gulf States Weather Cyclone [Gonu] Threat
- 2007/06/05: GristMill: What if Hurricane Katrina had hit the Persian Gulf coast?
- 2007/06/05: Wunderground: Severe Cyclone Gonu Prepares to Strike the Gulf of Oman
- 2007/06/05: CCM: Cyclone Gonu, a Scary Record-Setter
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: Cyclonic Storm [Gonu] Stalls India's Monsoon, Not Unusual
- 2007/06/05: METimes: Cyclone Gonu bears down on Oman
- 2007/06/05: BBC: Thousands flee Oman storm threat [Gonu]
An unusually powerful cyclone has begun battering the coast of Oman with winds of 160mph (260 km/h) and large waves. The centre of Tropical Cyclone Gonu is heading north-west through the Indian Ocean towards Oman's east coast - 2007/06/09: ClimateP: A Storm-Surge of Extreme Hurricanes
- 2007/06/09: CCM: Hurricanes, Media Coverage, and Skewed Values
- 2007/06/06: TerraDaily: Surge In Hurricane Activity Is Only A Return To Normal
- 2007/06/06: NSU: Storm seasons back to normal? Hurricane activity today looks much the same as the long-term average
- 2007/06/06: NewScientist: Coral reveals increased hurricanes may be the norm
- 2007/06/06: PhysOrg: Surge in hurricane activity is only a return to normal: study
- 2007/06/06: Wunderground: Grading NHC's Tropical Weather Outlook
- 2007/06/06: CCM: Gonu, Monica, Wilma, Ioke....Hurricane Intensity Records Just Keep Breaking
- 2007/06/05: SciDaily: New Orleans Levee: [ASCE] Report Details What Went Wrong And Why In Hurricane Katrina
- 2007/06/04: Wunderground: Beneficial Barry
While GHGs are still going up:
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: EU Industry Carbon Dioxide Emissions Inch up in '06
- 2007/06/08: GristMill: Natural gas from dams
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: China Says 2004 Carbon Emissions Hit 6 Bln Tonnes
And on the el Niño/la Niña [ENSO] front:
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: El Nino, La Nina Cycle Needs Watching - UK Experts
Glaciers are melting:
- 2007/06/09: WaPo: In Arctic Ice, Lessons on Effects of Warming - Researchers Drill, Map, Blast In Greenland in Hunt for Clues
- 2007/06/07: WaPo: Icy Island Warms to Climate Change - Greenlanders Exploit 'Gifts From Nature' While Facing New Hardships
- 2007/06/06: TruthOut: Thunder? It's the Sound of Greenland Melting
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Global Warming and the Melting of Greenland
- 2007/06/07: Reuters: Global warming melts Andean glaciers toward oblivion
- 2007/06/06: ENN: Thunder? No, Just the Sound of Greenland Melting
Atop Greenland's Suicide Cliff, from where old Inuit women used to hurl themselves when they felt they had become a burden to their community, a crack and a thud like thunder pierce the air. "We don't have thunder here. But I know it from movies," says Ilulissat nurse Vilhelmina Nathanielsen, who hiked with us through the melting snow. "It's the ice cracking inside the icebergs. If we're lucky we might see one break apart." It's too early in the year to see icebergs crumple regularly but the sound is a reminder. As politicians squabble over how to act on climate change, Greenland's ice cap is melting, and faster than scientists had thought possible. - 2007/06/05: KSJT: Reuters: This is World Environment Day. And the ice is still melting.
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: Vanishing Himalayan Glaciers Threaten a Billion
- 2007/06/05: ENN: Melting Ice: World Environment Day's Hot Topic
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: China Could Lose Western Glaciers by 2100
- 2007/06/04: PhysOrg: Himalayan glaciers could be gone in 50 years: experts
UNEP has released a Global Outlook for Ice and Snow report:
- Global Outlook for Ice and Snow
- 2007/06/05: TruthOut: UN Warning Over Global Ice Loss
- 2007/06/04: UN: Melting ice will affect hundreds of millions globally, new UN report says
- 2007/06/05: People's Daily: UN report warns of meltdown [GOfIaS: Global Outlook for Ice and Snow]
- 2007/06/04: PhysOrg: U.N. Warns of Effects of Global Thaw
- 2007/06/04: Yahoo: Melting ice accelerates global warming: UN report
- 2007/06/04: CDreams: Reuters: Melting Ice, Snow to Hit Livelihoods Worldwide: UN
- 2007/06/04: BBC: UN warning over global ice loss
Hundreds of millions of livelihoods will be affected by declining snow and ice cover as a result of global warming, a UN report [Global Outlook for Ice and Snow] has warned. The risks facing people included losing access to drinking water, and rising sea levels, the study concluded. - 2007/06/04: TerraDaily: Indonesia Threatened By Rising Sea Levels
- 2007/06/04: Yahoo: Indonesia threatened by global warming, rising sea levels
Many commented on the NASA-NOAA report about the loss of US climate satellites:
- 2007/06/08: ENN: Bush Administration Considering Cheaper Ways To Monitor Global Warming [NPOESS cuts]
- 2007/06/05: TruthOut: "Serious Jeopardy" for US Climate Studies
- 2007/06/05: LA Times: U.S. short-changes climate monitoring, report says
- 2007/06/04: CSW: Key points in NASA-NOAA report to White House science office on NPOESS de-scoping
- 2007/06/05: MSNBC: U.S. scales back climate science via satellites - 'Overall climate program in serious jeopardy,' NOAA and NASA experts say
- 2007/06/04: ERabett: See no climate change
- 2007/06/04: ThinkP: WH cuts back on monitoring global warming from space
- 2007/06/04: PhysOrg: U.S. Cuts Back Climate Checks From Space
- 2007/06/04: CSW: Internal report to White House on implications of NPOESS climate observations crisis
- 2007/06/04: Yahoo: U.S. cuts back climate checks from space
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2007/06/10: ABC(Au): Hong Kong winters may disappear, expert warns
- 2007/06/09: TreeHugger: The Ticks Have it: Climate Change Not to Blame for More Diseases?
- 2007/06/09: PhysOrg: Global Warming Threatens Antarctic Base [Scott's Terra Nova Hut at Cape Evans]
- 2007/06/07: ENN: Climate Change Imperils Monuments
- 2007/06/07: Yahoo: Climate change wreaks havoc on Asian water resources [says a US State Department report]
- 2007/06/07: CDreams: AP: Landmarks Threatened by Warming, [WMF] Report Says
- 2007/06/06: HuffPo: Group [World Monuments Fund]: Climate Change Imperils Monuments
- 2007/06/05: NSU: Bye-bye, birdie - Climate change and human intrusion converge to imperil birds
- 2007/06/05: PhysOrg: Study Warns Climate Change and Deforestation will Lead to Declines in Global Bird Diversity
- 2007/06/06: PlanetArk: Global Warming May be Good for Greenland [attract tourists and open up resources]
- 2007/06/05: UN: UN agencies highlight climate change’s impact on human security, health
- 2007/06/05: NewScientist: Up to 10% of land bird species endangered by 2050
- 2007/06/05: PhysOrg: Land conversion and climate threaten land birds
- 2007/06/05: SciDaily: Climate Change And Deforestation Will Lead To Declines In Global Bird Diversity, Study Warns
- 2007/06/04: MongaBay: 10-20% of birds extinct by 2100 due to global warming, deforestation
- 2007/06/04: TruthOut: Dry Winter Setting Off Canada Forest Fires
- 2007/06/04: ABC(Au): Global warming threatens New Zealand "dinosaurs" [the tuatara]
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: China Says Impact of Climate Change Clearer Daily
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: Dry Winter Setting Off Canada Forest Fires
And then there are the tropical rainforests:
- 2007/06/09: GristMill: Low-hanging fruit [RED - deforestation in the tropics]
- 2007/06/06: TerraDaily: Zimbabwe Forests Under Threat While Cambodia Censors Logging Report
- 2007/06/05: TerraDaily: Amazon State Adopts Law To Promote Forest CO2 Abatement Projects
- 2007/06/05: TruthOut: Indonesia's Forests Threatened by Logging
- 2007/06/05: CDreams: Independent(UK): Start The Fightback To Save Our Planet - Protecting The Rainforests Offers The World One Last Crucial Breathing Space
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2007/06/10: AFP: Deadly storms hit Australian city 'like a quake'
- 2007/06/10: Guardian(UK): Storm havoc in Australia [at least 7 dead]
- 2007/06/09: PhysOrg: At least six dead in Australia storms
- 2007/06/10: GWWatch: Twenty three die in rain storms and floods in China
- 2007/06/09: GWWatch: NSW battered by a 1 in 30 year storm
- 2007/06/09: BBC: Australia storm death toll rises
At least six people have been killed by heavy storms that are continuing to lash eastern Australia, officials say. Gale-force winds and rising flood waters have forced the evacuation of hundreds of people in New South Wales. More than 200,000 homes remain without electricity in the Hunter Valley and Central Coast regions, and in Sydney. - 2007/06/07: JacksonsHoleStarTrib: Snow, winds cause travel problems - 8 inches of snow in northern Wyoming
- 2007/06/06: MTobis: Tropical storms and extreme climate change
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: 2006: Second most extreme weather ever
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2007/06/08: TruthOut: Drought: A New Norm Across the Nation?
- 2007/06/08: ABC(Au): WA rainfall lowest on record: bureau [BOM]
- 2007/06/08: PhysOrg: U.S. drought spreading in South and West
- 2007/06/08: TreeHugger: Drought Again
- NOAA: Weekly Palmer Drought Indices
- 2007/06/07: USAToday: A drought for the ages
Drought, a fixture in much of the West for nearly a decade, now covers more than one-third of the continental USA. And it's spreading. - 2007/06/08: IndependentMail: Drought endangers crops and electric supply [South Carolina]
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: LA Residents Told to Cut Showers as Drought Deepens
- 2007/06/07: CDreams: McClatchy: Climate Changes Already Affecting the West, Experts Tell Senate
- 2007/06/07: CBC: B.C. floods submerge key routes, strand thousands
- 2007/06/05: TerraDaily: Drought Hits Millions In Southwestern China As Polluted Lake Forces Factory Shutdown
- 2007/06/06: PlanetArk: Drought Hits Nearly 4 Million in [Sichuan] Chinese Province
- 2007/06/05: AfterGutenberg: Mega-Drought Forecast for Southwest U.S.
- 2007/06/05: MSNBC: Scientists predict Southwest mega-drought - Climate models indicate region will be as dry as Dust Bowl for decades
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: East China Floods Bring Down 2,000 Houses
On a quirky note, falling waters are revealing drowned history on opposite sides of the world:
- 2007/06/05: PhysOrg: Drought Uncovers Artifacts in Fla. Lake [Okeechobee]
- 2007/06/05: ENN: Old Adaminaby Resurfaces in Australian Drought
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2007/06/07: DailyST: Food prices skyrocket
"What we've done with the usage of biofuels, based on corn, is link our food prices to energy prices," said Michael Swanson, an agricultural economist for Wells Fargo, one of the nation's largest commercial agricultural lenders. "Agriculture is one of the most intense users of energy. And now you can either sell corn for feeding animals or for fueling vehicles." - 2007/06/02: StarTrib: Consumers feel the heat from rising food prices - Ethanol-driven demand for corn is just one of the causes
And the troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2007/06/08: PopSci: Is America Headed for a Food Shortage?
- 2007/06/05: ENN: Experts Warn Climate Change To Hit Bangladesh Food Output
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2007/06/06: NEN: Agrichar: Sinks Carbon, Grows Plants
- 2007/06/05: ABC(Au): SAFF [South Australian Farmers Federation] warns tree planting may harm environment [by impacting water supplies]
- 2007/06/06: C411: Why does the "safety valve" matter to farmers?
- 2007/06/05: C411: What is the "safety valve"?
Consider aviation & GHG production:
- 2007/06/08: ClimateArk: Branson unveils 'green' train that could slash rail's carbon footprint industry emissions
- 2007/06/07: EnvFin: Air transport should aim for 'zero emissions' -- IATA
- 2007/06/08: Turkish Press: EU backs plans to include airlines in emissions trading
- 2007/06/08: BBC: Airline carbon plan gets EU nod
European Union transport ministers have approved a plan to make airlines part of a carbon trading scheme aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Airlines will either have to reduce the amount of CO2 they produce or buy credits from other industries. The plan, which is expected to come into effect from 2011, still needs to be approved by the European Parliament. - 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Airlines Seen Paying Billions in EU Emission Scheme
- 2007/06/05: GristMill: Jet-propelled greenwashing
- 2007/06/05: TerraDaily: UN Chief [Ban Ki-moon] Concerned Over Impact Of Travel On Climate Change
- 2007/06/05: TerraDaily: Airline Sector Aims For Zero Emisssions By 2050 [IATA meeting]
- 2007/06/06: TreeHugger: Are 'Eco-loonies' Damaging Ryanair's Sales After All?
- 2007/06/06: PlanetArk: Airlines Seek to Escape Climate-Change Dog House [IATA meeting]
- 2007/06/05: CanWest: Airlines told to eliminate emissions [by IATA]
- 2007/06/05: TCE: Airlines Told to Go Emissions Free
And other forms of transportation as well:
- 2007/06/07: CSM: Sooty vessels try to turn green
With pollution in ports a key contributor to US emissions, ferries and other harbor vessels look for new ways to operate - 2007/06/08: NEN: How To Capture Carbon
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2007/06/05: SciAm: If Cutting Carbon Isn't Enough, Can Climate Intervention Turn Down the Heat?
- 2007/06/09: NEN: Geoengineering: SPF for Earth
- 2007/06/08: SciDaily: Iron Fertilization Of Oceans: A Real Option For Carbon Dioxide Reduction?
- 2007/06/01: CNN:Biz2: Fertilizing oceans to save the planet
- 2007/06/06: GristMill: It's raining in Death Valley
- 2007/06/05: NewScientist: Solar shield could be quick fix for global warming
- 2007/06/04: MongaBay: Geoengineering could stop global warming but carries big risks
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: Using Earth's magnetic field to eject CO2
- 2007/06/04: SciDaily: Geoengineering: A Quick Fix With Big Risks
- 2007/06/04: Eureka: Geoengineering -- A quick fix with big risks
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2007/06/10: PLoSOne: Climate Change Cannot Explain the Upsurge of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in the Baltics by Dana Sumilo et al.
- 2007/06/04: CP: Results of PMIP2 coupled simulations of the Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum - Part 2: feedbacks with emphasis on the location of the ITCZ and mid- and high latitudes heat budget by P. Braconnot et al.
- 2007/06/04: CP: Results of PMIP2 coupled simulations of the Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum - Part 1: experiments and large-scale features by P. Braconnot et al.
- 2007/06/08: CPD: How unusual was autumn 2006 in Europe? by G. J. van Oldenborgh
- 2007/06/04: CPD: Climate model boundary conditions for four Cretaceous time slices by J. O. Sewall et al.
- 2007/06/05: PNAS: Dominant factors controlling glacial and interglacial variations in the treeline elevation in tropical Africa by Haibin Wu et al.
- 2007/06/05: PNAS: Mechanisms for climate-induced mortality of fish populations in whole-lake experiments by Peter A. Biro et al.
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2007/06/10: NewScientist: Ice ages dried up African monsoons
- 2007/06/08: PhysOrg: Salty oceans provide early warning for climate change
- 2007/06/08: PhysOrg: Ticks challenge climate theory [in the spread of disease]
- 2007/06/08: SciDaily: Salty Oceans Provide Early Warning For Climate Change
- 2007/06/08: Eureka: Salty oceans provide early warning for climate change
- 2007/06/06: CBC: Dirty snow warms Arctic more than greenhouse gases: study
- 2007/06/06: PhysOrg: Dirty snow may warm Arctic as much as greenhouse gases
- 2007/06/06: Stoat: Climate change prediction:a robust or flawed process?
- 2007/06/06: UCI: Dirty snow may warm Arctic as much as greenhouse gases
- 2007/06/05: Eureka: Study of underground lakes in Antarctica could be critical, prof says
- 2007/06/04: SciDaily: Satellites Track Human Exposure To Fine Particle Pollution
Meanwhile on the Kyoto front:
- 2007/06/05: Freezerbox: The Bored Whore of Kyoto
- 2007/06/05: TStar: Self-interest fuels debate over Kyoto
What we are witnessing is best understood as a form of world government. Given its impact upon people, upon economies, upon industries, and upon personal lifestyles and habits, there's never been a world issue like global warming. It's all just starting. Everyone's jostling for a position that benefits principally their own nation while trying to look and sound appropriately concerned globally. So there's a commonality to what's going on. The U.S. is being dragged along by public pressure. The Europeans are skipping along. China and India are wondering how long they can get away with staying on the sidelines. Out of all this hot air, there's a fair chance will come a less-hot globe. - 2007/06/04: TSun: Time to clear air on Kyoto
And on the emissions trading front:
- 2007/06/07: ABC(Au): Conservation group [Trees for Life] seeks carbon credit partnerships
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Fortis Sees CO2 Trade Focus on China Methane
- 2007/06/07: NEN: Carbon Market Rising
- 2007/06/05: GristMill: Europe to reform carbon trading system
- 2007/06/05: BBC: Carbon trade scheme [EU ETS] 'is failing'
The EU's carbon trading scheme has increased electricity bills, given a windfall to power companies and failed to cut greenhouse gases, it is claimed. An investigation by BBC Radio 4's File on 4 programme has found that after two and half years the scheme has yet to cut in carbon dioxide emissions. The consumer body Energywatch said customers are getting a raw deal. But a government minister has promised that the scheme's next phase will be a big improvement. - 2007/06/04: BBC: Energy bosses urge carbon markets
Business leaders from the Energy industry have called for global carbon markets to help tackle climate change. Speaking ahead of the G8 summit of industrialised nations, they said they wanted a market in which carbon prices were transparent and consistent. The idea of carbon trading is that firms can either cut emissions or buy the right to keep polluting. - 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: Global Carbon Market Gets Mixed Signals
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: Nordics Launch First Global CO2 Reduction Contract
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: EU Governments Seek New Design for CO2 Trade Scheme
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: Germany's Gabriel Wants Full Auctioning in CO2 Trade
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2007/06/07: TreeHugger: Quebec Introduces Carbon Tax
- 2007/06/07: GristMill: Ceci n'est pas une carbon tax
- 2007/06/08: Xinhuanet: First Canadian province to implement carbon tax
- 2007/06/07: CBC: Quebec to collect nation's 1st carbon tax - Energy companies will pass cost to consumers, say analysts
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
- 2007/06/07: GristMill: The latest carbon abatement policy arguments [optimal strat]
- 2007/06/07: GristMill: Mr. Right, or Mr. Right Now? [optimal strat]
- 2007/06/06: EnvEcon: Carbon tax vs cap-and-trade: which one is more likely to disgust the American public?
- 2007/06/05: TEC: Offset or Off Put? The carbon offset market
- 2007/06/04: C411: How does cap and trade work?
Meanwhile in international politics, the G8 had a meeting; did nothing:
- 2007/06/08: CanWest: Leaders fail the planet
- 2007/06/08: CNN: G8 backs climate-change science, sets no hard goals
- 2007/06/08: Independent(UK): Deal or raw deal? Bush refuses to commit to climate change target
Blair hails 'major' agreement on climate change - yet still Bush refuses to commit - 2007/06/08: Asia Times: G8: Fair-weather friends
- 2007/06/09: GWWatch: Plus Five won't align on G8 climate plan
- 2007/06/09: FergusB: Idiots [G8 joint statement]
- 2007/06/09: GWWatch: A Jury Of Your Pyrrhus - G8 climate deal is failure or triumph, depending whom you ask
- 2007/06/09: Maribo: The G8 statement on climate change
- 2007/06/08: CSM: G-8 summit isolates US on climate change
As Bush pushes for voluntary measures, other members endorse goal of halving greenhouse emissions by 2050. "What has emerged from this week's G-8 summit about the issue of global warming is one of the most explicit agreements to disagree that has appeared in a final communique." - 2007/06/09: WSWS: G8 summit: Climate compromise masks mounting conflicts
- 2007/06/08: Guardian(UK): Geldof hits out at G8 'farce'
- 2007/06/08: USAToday: Greenpeace, others pan G-8 global warming deal
- 2007/06/08: ClimateP: Bush: "The Skunk at the Garden Party"
- 2007/06/06: TruthOut: G8: Legislators Detail Their Hopes for a Climate Accord
- 2007/06/07: ABC(Au): US torpedoes German hopes for binding G8 climate deal
- 2007/06/08: ABC(Au): G8 agrees on climate goal of halving emissions by 2050
- 2007/06/08: ABC(Au): US welcomes G8 climate accord
- 2007/06/08: ABC(Au): Greenpeace slams 'weak' G8 climate accord
- 2007/06/08: PhysOrg: Germany: G-8 Agreement on Climate Change
- 2007/06/07: TerraDaily: Twenty-Five Killed In Oman As Storm Targets Iran
- 2007/06/08: JQuiggin: G8 and APEC
- 2007/06/08: Stoat: G8 climate deal signals a breakthrough
- 2007/06/08: RealClimate: G8 summit declaration
- 2007/06/08: TerraDaily: Major Developing Nations [Brazil, China, India, Mexico & South Africa] Lukewarm On G8 Climate Goals
- 2007/06/07: TerraDaily: Climate Groups Cool On G8 Deal But US Turnabout Hailed
- 2007/06/08: TreeHugger: G8 Summit: US to "Seriously Consider" European Climate Pact
- 2007/06/08: FergusB: Back of the Heiligenvelope
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: UN Hails G8 as Step Towards Global Climate Deal
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: G8 Leaders Agree "Substantial" Greenhouse Gas Cuts
- 2007/06/07: DeutscheWelle: US Demonstrators Join the G8 Protests
- 2007/06/08: OilChange: No Where Near Far Enough
- 2007/06/07: ZMag: Climate Change Flap At The G8
- 2007/06/07: Guardian(UK): Environmentalists dismiss G8 climate deal
- 2007/06/08: Guardian(UK): Bush agrees to CO2 cut, with strings attached
- 2007/06/08: Guardian(UK): A concession or a convenience?
- 2007/06/08: Guardian(UK): 'It's all more talk, really. We have to see some action'
- 2007/06/07: GristMill: More on the G8 climate statement
- 2007/06/07: GristMill: 'Breakthrough' at G8: U.S. agrees to consider a process of setting a goal to agree on a commitment to agreeing on a process
- 2007/06/07: G8: Summit Declaration
- 2007/06/07: C411: With G8 Climate Agreement, Congress Must Act
- 2007/06/07: TCE: G8 Leaders Agree to Make an Agreement
- 2007/06/07: DeSmogBlog: Bush Administration derails Germany's climate-change initiative at G-8 summit
- 2007/06/07: OilChange: G8 Climate Debt Grows as Impacts Rise
- 2007/06/07: Yahoo: G8 leaders agree "substantial" greenhouse gas cuts
World leaders agreed on Thursday to pursue substantial but unspecified cuts in greenhouse gases and work with the United Nations to clinch a new deal to fight global warming by 2009. The agreement, sealed at a G8 summit on the Baltic coast, binds the world's largest polluter, the United States, more closely into international efforts to curb the gases scientists say are causing dangerous changes to world weather patterns. But it does not commit the club of industrialized nations -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States -- to the firm emissions reduction targets that the summit host, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, had wanted. President George W. Bush has refused to sign up to numerical targets before rising powers like China and India make similar pledges. Convincing them to join the U.N. process will be crucial to reversing a rise in global temperatures. - 2007/06/07: OilChange: Three Billion Reasons For Bush to Take Action on Climate Change at G8
- 2007/06/07: HuffPo: Three Billion Reasons For Bush to Take Action on Climate Change at G8
- 2007/06/07: Impolitical: U.S. using Canada's position as a shield at G8
- 2007/06/08: Xinhuanet: Merkel hails climate change deal as "turning point"
- 2007/06/07: CBC: G8 reaches climate change deal: Merkel
- 2007/06/07: BBC: G8 leaders agree to climate deal
Leaders of the G8 nations have agreed to seek "substantial" cuts in emissions in an effort to tackle climate change. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the G8 would negotiate within a UN framework to seek a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol by the end of 2009. No mandatory target was set for the cuts, but Mrs Merkel's preference for a 50% emissions cut by the year 2050 was included in the agreed statement. Developing nations should also cut emissions, the leaders agreed. - 2007/06/07: Independent(UK): Bush dashes Blair hopes of breakthrough on climate change deal
- 2007/06/07: Guardian(UK): Bush under EU pressure to sign up on climate change
- 2007/06/06: MongaBay: U.S. refuses to talk global warming cuts at G8 summit
- 2007/06/06: ClimateP: Jim Connaughton, Jedi Master of Doubletalk
- 2007/06/06: ClimateP: G8 Question of the Day
Can you explain why you guys are calling it leadership from the President to talk about continuing to talk, as opposed to just sitting down with the countries who are here in coming to some form of agreement? - 2007/06/05: TruthOut: Global Warming Bush - How to Call His Bluff
- 2007/06/06: TCE: US Rejects G8 Climate Goals
- 2007/06/06: TerraDaily: Why Global Warming Has Brought The G8 To Boiling Point
- 2007/06/06: PlanetArk: Japan, EU Call for 50 Pct Reduction in Emissions
- 2007/06/06: CDreams: Guardian(UK): Warm Words Won't Save Us - The G8 Must Show Bush That On Climate Change Compromise Is Futile
- 2007/06/04: EUPolitix: EU insists on UN climate leadership
- 2007/06/06: EUO: US-Russia war of words hijacking G8 'climate' summit
- 2007/06/06: Turkish Press: US torpedoes hopes for G8 climate deal
- 2007/06/06: BBC: US rejects German G8 climate goal
Washington says it will not agree to a deal on slashing greenhouse gas emissions at the G8 summit in Germany. - 2007/06/06: ABC(Au): US rejects emissions targets ahead of G8 summit
- 2007/06/06: AFP: US torpedoes hopes for G8 climate deal
- 2007/06/06: Guardian(UK): I can persuade George Bush on climate change - Blair
- 2007/06/05: UN: Ban Ki-moon calls for new thinking on solutions to climate change problems
- 2007/06/04: UN: Climate change raises more than environmental issues - Ban Ki-moon
- 2007/06/04: CSpin: George W. Bush: "I'm the denier"
- 2007/06/04: TerraDaily: India Resists Calls To Cut Emissions As Brazil Says No To US Plans
- 2007/06/04: TerraDaily: China Cool On Two-Degree Warming Limit
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: Canada Dilutes Climate Change Tone, Backs Merkel
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: China Says EU Two Degree Warming Goal Lacks [scientific] Basis
- 2007/06/05: Hindu: Threat of climate change real: PM [Manmohan Singh]
- 2007/06/05: TStar: Merkel `not happy' with PM on Kyoto
- 2007/06/01: SciNow: Bush Climate Goals Greeted With Skepticism
- 2007/06/05: Guardian(UK): Britain to urge US to set climate goal
- 2007/06/04: EUO: Blair and Merkel push US for concrete climate deal
- 2007/06/03: ERabett: G-8 heats up
- 2007/06/04: TCE: Canada and Europe Agree on Climate Change, Sort of
- 2007/06/04: TCE: German Chancellor [Merkel] Strong Against Bush
- 2007/06/04: TruthOut: Too Late for "Luxury" of Kyoto Delay, Warns Blair
- 2007/06/04: TerraDaily: EU, US Agree 15 Years Left To Avert Climate Disaster
The United States and the European Union agree that the next 15 years will be decisive in averting a global warming disaster but disagree on a strategy, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Sunday. - 2007/06/04: DeSmogBlog: Reality Check: Maybe Bush Does Represent Americans!
- 2007/06/03: DeSmogBlog: Bush Fiddles As The World Burns
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: Bush Adds New Track to UN Climate Bid
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: London March Urges G8 Action on Debt, Climate
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: India to Resist Bush Pressure on Global Warming
- 2007/06/04: PlanetArk: Merkel Says US Could Join UN on Climate Change
- 2007/06/04: OilChange: U.S. Groups Demand Bush Heed Climate Justice Concerns at G8
- 2007/06/04: OilChange: Brazil Rejects Bush Move on Climate
- 2007/06/04: CDreams: Bush's Trade Barriers to Climate Success
- 2007/06/03: CDreams: Independent(UK): The World Must Isolate Bush Over Climate Change
- 2007/06/04: TLC: Did Bush Sandbag Merkel On Global Warming Announcement?
- 2007/06/04: SwissInfo: Bush urged to back U.N. climate change deal [by senior officials from Europe, the United Nations and G8 countries]
- 2007/06/04: AFP: Bush faces heat over climate change and Russia at G8
- 2007/06/04: ArabNews: Climate Change: Scent of Betrayal in the Air [Bush, Blair & climate]
- 2007/06/04: BBC: Investors seek clarity on climate
Investors [Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change] are urging greater clarity from key industrialised nations on policies addressing climate change. The call, in an open letter, comes as leaders of G8 most industrialised nations are to meet in Germany. - 2007/06/04: Guardian(UK): Brazil rejects Bush move on climate change talks
- 2007/06/04: Guardian(UK): Nearly 1,000 hurt in protests around G8 site
And on the American political front:
- 2007/06/10: ClimateP: U.S. Cities Take Lead on Climate Change
- 2007/06/09: UPI: U.S. cities take lead in climate change
- 2007/06/09: WaPo: Cities Take Lead On Environment As Debate Drags At Federal Level - 522 Mayors Have Agreed To Meet Kyoto Standards
- 2007/06/08: TruthOut: EPA to Contract Out Watchdog Function - EPA Inspector General shifting focus to emphasize Bush management agenda
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: US CEOs Want Leadership on Carbon from Washington
- 2007/06/08: ENN: U.S. Religious Leaders Assert Need To Act on Climate
- 2007/06/07: PolitikaErotika: Our Green Bubble
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: States Urge US EPA to Tighten Rules on Coal Plants [reduce smog and global warming emissions]
- 2007/06/06: GristMill: Connecting land use and global warming [Cal legal]
- 2007/06/05: GristMill: An enemy of my enemy...
- 2007/06/06: ThinkP: [Rep. John] Doolittle (R-Cal) lies to children about global warming
- 2007/06/05: TerraDaily: Global Warming House Committee Visits Greenland
- 2007/06/05: DeSmogBlog: Didn't Bush Say Climate Change Needed "More Study"?
- 2007/06/04: ClimateP: Fred Thompson, Global Warming Denyer
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: Spotlight on Thomas Friedman
- 2007/06/03: BoomanTrib: Mt. Everest Glacier Melts; Bush Still Not Impeached
- 2007/06/04: NYT: Everybody Talks About the Weather; All of a Sudden, It’s Controversial [weather channel]
- 2007/06/04: Guardian(UK): Hurricanes are more powerful than words - Katrina blew open US minds on climate change and Bush can no longer ignore it
The coal lobby has struck back with a particularly retrogresssive energy bill:
- 2007/06/08: TruthOut: Democrats Face Off Over Emissions Bill [Boucher bill]
- 2007/06/06: TruthOut: Pelosi Scuttles Warming Challenge
- 2007/06/08: WaPo: Kneecapping California - Guess who's trying to kill the Golden State's emissions standards
- 2007/06/08: WarmingLaw: Still more on Dingell-Boucher
- 2007/06/08: WarmingLaw: WashPost on Dingell-Boucher Provisions
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: US States Protest Vehicle Emissions Limit [Boucher] Bill
- 2007/06/07: WarmingLaw: Pushback on the Dingell-Boucher Provisions
- 2007/06/07: ENN: Lawmaker [Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va)] Not Budging on Emissions Controls Despite Pelosi's Opposition
- 2007/06/06: SF Gate: Pelosi scuttles warming challenge - Dems' plan would have blocked state's greenhouse limits
- 2007/06/06: ClimateP: Pelosi criticizes Boucher Bill
- 2007/06/05: ClimateP: NRDC Comments on Boucher Bill Blog
- 2007/06/05: ClimateP: Flaws in the Boucher Bill
- 2007/06/05: GristMill: Flaws in the Boucher bill
- 2007/06/05: SF Gate: Dems drafting bill that could derail state warming law
California officials upset -- Pelosi aides say plan needs work. House Democrats, in their first draft of new energy legislation, would wipe out California's landmark global warming law -- despite their California speaker's promises that her party would use the state as a model to combat climate change. The legislation would pre-empt California and 11 other states from implementing laws requiring automakers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across their fleets. The bill would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from granting the states waivers to put their climate change rules into effect. California officials, including Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's top environmental aides, blasted the legislative proposal. - 2007/06/05: WarmingLaw: The more we learn, the worse it gets
- 2007/06/05: WarmingLaw: Pothole on the road to a CA waiver
- 2007/06/04: Yahoo: Bill would block states on auto rules
A dozen states would be blocked from imposing new requirements on automakers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under a draft energy bill being prepared for a vote later this month.
It was drafted by Rep. Rick Boucher, D-Va., whose Energy and Commerce energy subcommittee has scheduled a hearing on the legislation for Thursday. Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., a committee member, said the bill would "pre-empt the rights of states to set strong standards to save energy and reduce global warming pollution." - 2007/06/04: ENN: House Chairman [Rep. Nick Rahall] (D-WVa) Pushes Tougher Regulation for Wind Industry
The Detroit automobile industry is lobbying DC to let them make themselves obsolete:
- 2007/06/09: Yahoo: GM wants to drive green, but easy on the rules
- 2007/06/08: ClimateP: Dorgan to Detroit: "I think your position is yesterday forever."
- 2007/06/07: TruthOut: Auto Execs Visit Congress to Try to Head Off Higher Fuel Economy Standards
- 2007/06/06: NYT: Automakers Push to Head Off Tighter Fuel Standards
- 2007/06/07: DeSmogBlog: How many times do we have to say, ixnay the imateclay [automakers]
- 2007/06/07: ENN: Auto Execs Visit Congress To Try To Head Off Higher Fuel Economy Standards
- 2007/06/07: NEN: Detroit Car Bosses Against Better Mileage
Several guides to the presidential candidate positions on GW have appeared:
- 2007/06/09: GristMill: Yet another guide to the candidates on global warming
- 2007/06/09: BSD: Presidential candidate positions on climate change
- 2007/06/08: GristMill: Another guide to the candidates on energy and climate change
- 2007/06/08: TreeHugger: The Heat Is On - A 'Who's Who' On Climate Position
- 2007/06/08: LCV: The Candidates - Where do they currently stand on global warming?
- 2007/05/22: CFR: The [US Presidential] Candidates on Global Warming
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Al Gore Wins Spanish Prize for Climate Change Fight
While in the UK:
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: UK Scientists Change Weather Measures, World Warms
- 2007/06/05: WorldChanging: London Goes Carbon Crazy
- 2007/06/04: Guardian(UK): Britain's energy policy fails to stack up, says expert panel
And in Europe:
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: Spain Close to Imposing Emissions Tax on Cars
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: Hungary to Take CO2 Cuts to European Court
- 2007/06/05: NYT: Europe Moves to Make Big Polluters Pay for Emissions
- 2007/06/06: PlanetArk: EU Considers Auctioning 100 Pct of CO2 Permits
- 2007/06/06: BBC: Euro MPs have signalled the end of traditional barometers, in a move to ban the sale of products containing mercury across the EU
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2007/06/10: GWWatch: Labor won't flog nuclear power
- 2007/06/10: GWWatch: Carbon trading junction up ahead
- 2007/06/06: N3xus6: An aspirational goal [DPMC report]
- 2007/06/09: SMH: Carbon is the new Black
An emissions trading scheme will bring a bonanza for many - with this year's election determining who the winners might be. - 2007/06/07: ABC(Au): PM appoints climate change envoy [head of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Michael L'Estrange]
- 2007/06/08: ABC(Au): Scientist says Xstrata [coal co.] greenhouse plan not enough
- 2007/06/07: JQuiggin: Howard rolls the dice
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: Australia's Howard Plans Asia-Pacific Kyoto Successor
- 2007/06/01: GreenLeft: Moving Victoria to zero greenhouse emissions
- 2007/06/06: NEN: Australia Faces Facts, Will Carbon Trade
- 2007/06/07: ABC(Au): Howard seeking flexible model for emissions trading
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: Global Warming Overheats Australian Politics
- 2007/06/04: Oikos: Who do you trust with the challenge of climate change?
- 2007/06/04: ABC(Au): PM [Howard] 'scaremongering' on economic effects of climate change [says Opposition Labor environment spokesman Peter Garrett]
- 2007/06/05: ABC(Au): Aussies want action on climate change: survey
- 2007/06/04: Yahoo: Global warming overheats Australian politics
While in China:
- 2007/06/09: People's Daily: China adopts a series of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emission
- 2007/06/07: TerraDaily: Australia Begins Climate Project With China
- 2007/06/05: MongaBay: China Unveils Global Warming Initiative
- 2007/06/05: GristMill: China's unveils new climate change plan
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: Experts React to China's Climate Change Plan
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: Key Facts on China and Climate Change
- 2007/06/04: Guardian(UK): China unveils climate change plan - vows to 'blaze new path to industrialisation'
- 2007/06/04: ABC(Au): China targets energy consumption in climate change plan
- 2007/06/04: NewScientist: China unveils climate action plan
- 2007/06/04: PhysOrg: China releases strategy to fight global warming
- 2007/06/04: TreeHugger: China Has a Plan for Climate Change
- 2007/06/04: DeSmogBlog: China's New Climate Plan -- Made in the USA?
- 2007/06/03: Yahoo: China urges local officials to prepare energy efficiency plans
- 2007/06/04: OilChange: China Puts Economy First
- 2007/06/04: Forbes: China Unveils Program on Global Warming
- 2007/06/04: SwissInfo: China says climate policy must allow for growth
- 2007/06/04: CBC: Chinese energy plan reject caps on greenhouse gases
- 2007/06/04: BBC: China unveils climate change plan
- 2007/06/04: DeutscheWelle: China Climate Plan Stresses Right to Fast Growth
While in Japan:
- 2007/06/08: PlanetArk: Japan's Kansai [Electric Power Co.] Relies on Nuclear to cut CO2
And in Canada, the minority neocons continue their policy of doing as little as possible:
- 2007/06/08: Tyee: Carbon Sinks in Haida Gwaii
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Details of Canada's Approach on Climate Change
- 2007/06/07: OttawaSun: Internal report rips fed climate group
- 2007/06/04: CTV: Canada fails WWF's scorecard on climate change
Harper came out of G8 looking like either a liar or a puppet:
- 2007/06/09: Impolitical: You got that right, Bob Geldof
"A man called Stephen Harper came to Heiligendamm; Canada stayed at home." - 2007/06/09: Canoe: [NDP Leader, Jack] Layton says G8 summit a bad meeting for Canada and the world
- 2007/06/09: CanWest: Take lead on climate change, Chinese ambassador tells Canada
- 2007/06/07: Impolitical: Bush speaks for Steve, Steve enables Bush
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: "Unique" Canada to Tell G8: Leaving Kyoto Can Work
- 2007/06/06: CanWest: PM says green plan tougher than EU's
- 2007/06/04: CBC: Canada can be leader in climate change battle: Harper
Elizabeth May, the leader of the Greens, has taken the politically bold step of advocating a revenue-neutral federal carbon tax:
- 2007/06/06: CanWest: Opposition rejects Green party call for carbon tax
Elizabeth May's proposal of a $50-per-tonne carbon tax, which could drive up gasoline prices by 12 cents per litre, drove a wedge between her Green party and the other federal opposition parties. - 2007/06/06: TStar: Greens' climate plan sees 12-cent tax at the pumps
So are the Tories above sikking Revenue Canada on Suzuki?
- 2007/06/07: CanWest: Tories did not order Suzuki audit: official [spokesman for the National Revenue Minister]
- 2007/06/06: TreeHugger: Revenooers Chasing David Suzuki
- 2007/06/06: Canoe: Suzuki, Fontaine press PM to pass climate, native bills
- 2007/06/06: Globe&Mail: Suzuki fears sharp criticism of Ottawa prompts audits [Tories vindictive audits]
The tricky question of the oil sands looms:
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Lax CO2 Targets a Boon for Canada Oil Patch - Study
- 2007/06/06: Canoe: Centuries of oil left in Alberta
- 2007/06/06: MSNBC: Green group hits at Canada over oil sands
- 2007/06/04: CanWest: Environmentalist boot camp aimed at disrupting oilsands
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2007/06/01: DailyKos: Catastrophic Warming: Is It Too Late?
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: Catastrophic warming: Is it too late?
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2007/06/03: CSpin: Underreported story on CO2 emissions? [joint academies' statement & rising CO2 levels]
Joseph has started commenting on specific stories:
- 2007/06/09: ClimateP: NOW the Post gets the Greenland Story Right
- 2007/06/08: ClimateP: USA Today Almost Gets the Drought Story Right
- 2007/06/07: ClimateP: What was the Washington Post Thinking?
- 2007/06/05: ClimateP: N.Y. Times STILL confused about Bush do-nothing plan
Here is something for your library:
- 2007/06/08: BookForum: [Review] _Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations_ by David R. Montgomery
- 2007/06/01: GreenLeft: A blistering critique of climate change politics [Book Review] _Scorcher: The Dirty Politics of Climate Change_ by Clive Hamilton
- 2007/06/06: ClimateP: Really Short Book Reviews: Monbiot's Heat
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2007/06/06: MudCityPress: What a Way to Go (Life at the End of Empire) A Documentary Movie Review
Meanwhile in the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2007/06/06: WarmingLaw: More on the Sprawl / GHG Lawsuits
Developing a new energy infrastructure is the fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2007/06/10: Forbes: China to restrict ethanol, coal liquidification industries
- 2007/06/09: ClimateP: Climate Progress Dehypes Hydrogen Again
- 2007/06/09: GristMill: Medium wind: Village-sized turbines make a contribution in Alaska
- 2007/06/07: FTimes: Biofuels no threat to OPEC, says IEA
- 2007/06/06: BBC: Biofuels 'will push up oil price' [says OPEC chief]
- 2007/06/08: TerraDaily: Calpine Geysers Announce Five-Year Geothermal Energy Deal
- 2007/06/09: TreeHugger: Switched On: 15,000 Homes Powered By Nevada Solar One
- 2007/06/08: GristMill: 25x25 [energy]
- 2007/06/05: AfterGutenberg: Federal Grant for Utility Scale Solar Thermal
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: Pumped hydro energy storage
- 2007/06/05: WorldChanging: Eye on Mali: Jatropha Oil Lights Up Villages
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: Wind is well
- 2007/06/04: TerraDaily: GE Unit To Double Renewable Energy Investing And Disclose Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- 2007/06/03: CNN:B2M: Big Solar's day in the sun
This is not the same old pipe dream. The economics -- and the technology -- of turning light into electricity have changed. - 2007/06/09: NEN: The Future of Coal?
- 2007/06/10: People's Daily: China may halt production of liquefied coal: official
- 2007/06/08: GristMill: MoveOn fights liquid coal
- 2007/06/07: GristMill: Coal state newspapers attack liquid-coal plans
- 2007/06/05: PlanetArk: Carbon Capture Makes US Coal Growth Uncertain
- 2007/06/04: EcoEcon: Say No to Liquid Coal?
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2007/06/08: CSM: Biofuel boondoggle: US subsidy aids Europe's drivers
- 2007/06/07: Rabble: Killing the biofuel buzzword
- 2007/06/06: TruthOut: Massacres and Paramilitary Land Seizures Behind the Biofuel Revolution
- 2007/06/07: OilDrum: Corn-Based Ethanol: Is This a Solution?
- 2007/06/06: AoL: The five myths of the transition towards biofuels
- 2007/06/05: WaPo: Ethanol boom won't threaten food supply: analysts [ethanol producers push back]
- 2007/06/05: OilChange: The Dark Side of Biofuels
- 2007/06/05: Guardian(UK): Massacres and paramilitary land seizures behind the biofuel revolution
Colombian farmers driven out as armed groups profit - Lucrative 'green' crop less risky to grow than coca - 2007/06/07: MongaBay: Nobel prize winner debates future of nuclear power
- 2007/05/25: OpenDem: Decoding nuclear nonsense
- 2007/06/: UCSUSA: Global Warming Solutions - UCS Position on Nuclear Power and Global Warming
- 2007/06/05: GristMill: More on nuclear shillery
- 2007/06/05: SFBG: Nuclear greenwashing
Global warming has suddenly put nukes back on the agenda -- but there's a lot the industry isn't telling you - 2007/06/05: BBerg: Uranium May Reach $200 in Two Years, Macquarie Says
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2007/06/05: PhysOrg: Industry Wants Ban on Bulb in Europe
- 2007/06/05: ENN: EU, Lightbulb Makers Announce Plans To Make More Eco-Friendly Lamps
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2007/06/09: GristMill: Honda ditches Accord hybrid
- 2007/06/09: TreeHugger: Pickup Truck Sales Falling, Taking Auto Industry With Them
- 2007/06/05: PhysOrg: EU institution tests new climate friendly cars
- 2007/06/05: ClimateP: The Economist Disses Hydrogen Cars
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: Powering cars with hydrogen?
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2007/06/07: EnvFin: GHG resolutions get highest votes at GM, ExxonMobil
- 2007/06/07: EnvFin: Climate change has 'no influence' on fund managers [according to a survey of UK asset managers]
- 2007/06/09: ClimateP: Green and Gold and Goldman Sachs - The investment firm Goldman Sachs has released an environmental policy framework...
- 2007/06/07: PlanetArk: Climate Challenge Bigger Than Moon Shot - PG&E CEO
- 2007/06/06: TomPaine: The Greenwashing Of America
- 2007/06/05: OilChange: NGOs Warn of Climate Dangers - Business Not Bothered Despite Trying to Green its Image
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2007/06/07: BSD: Understanding an Adler: Volokh Correction #21
- 2007/06/07: ERabett: Twitchy whiskers -- Dano has pointed out the folks over at Climate Audit are undergoing mentalpause...
- 2007/06/07: ERabett: Hi Climate Auditors [blog wars]
- 2007/06/07: ERabett: Ethon takes up the Climate Science challenge
- 2007/06/06: Stoat: Digging up the dirt on Singer
- 2007/06/07: TreeHugger: National Post Green Report. Not.
- 2007/06/06: DeSmogBlog: Harris, Ball Courting Political Isolation
- 2007/06/05: DeSmogBlog: Political Position Paper Masquerading as Business Survey
- 2007/06/06: JEB: From the department of "you couldn't make it up"
- 2007/06/05: Deltoid: Quoting a Motl
- 2007/06/05: BCLSB: Auditing Climate Audit
- 2007/06/04: PacInst: (37k pdf) The Political and Selective Use of Data: Cherry-Picking Climate Information in the White House by Dr. Peter H. Gleick
The Cockburn saga grinds on:
- 2007/06/09: CPunch: Dissidents Against Dogma
- 2007/06/08: ZMag: Denying time and place in the global warming debate
- 2007/06/07: RealClimate: Cockburn's form
As does the Griffin saga:
- 2007/06/06: PhysOrg: NASA Head Regrets Global Warming Remarks
- 2007/06/06: GristMill: NASA chief Griffin stands by his Luddite remarks -- as space agency guts climate science work
- 2007/06/05: BSD: NASA is a bad place to be anti-science
- 2007/06/06: Stoat: Griffin
- 2007/06/06: DeSmogBlog: NASA's Griffin apologizes for controversial comments
- 2007/06/06: ThinkP: [NASA administrator Michael] Griffin blames NPR for global warming controversy
- 2007/06/04: ThinkP: Griffin Altered NASA Mission Statement To Remove Global Warming Reference
James Hansen raised a few eyebrows:
- 2007/06/05: ERabett: Hide the bunnies.
- 2007/06/05: MTobis: Hansen v Griffin; NASA mission
- 2007/06/04: ClimateP: Hansen Replies to his Critics Bluntly
- 2007/06/04: ERabett: Assault on Mt. Hansen
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2007/06/08: MTobis: Livelihood, right?
- 2007/06/08: CDreams: ProvidenceJournal: We're Nearing Climate's Tipping Point
- 2007/06/08: Impolitical: Doing end runs around the feds on climate change
- 2007/06/07: Tamino: Inverting Boreholes
- 2007/06/07: TruthOut: California Standards Could Crimp Canadian Oil Boom
- 2007/06/08: NewScientist: Developing countries more worried about emissions
- 2007/06/09: GWWatch: Global warming survival guide
- 2007/06/08: GristMill: [Dessler] Should the IPCC be more extreme?
- 2007/06/08: WorldChanging: 21 Principles for the 21st Century -- Series Collection
- 2007/06/08: GWWatch: Climate change: In graphics
- 2007/06/08: JFleck: Scientists, the Public and Risk
- 2007/06/07: KSJT: San Diego Union Tribune: Tornadoes and global warming, a link? Looks for now like dunno
- 2007/06/07: GristMill: Economic growth and climate change
- 2007/06/07: FergusB: How good are global climate models?
- 2007/06/07: FergusB: Back to the land by elephant [land use]
- 2007/06/06: MTobis: NASA, DOE, and the Myth of Neutrality
- 2007/06/06: DeSmogBlog: MediaMatters launches Climate of Smear
- 2007/06/07: Eureka: Who needs environmental monitoring?
- 2007/06/02: GreenLeft: FoE calls for big boost in climate change aid
- 2007/06/01: GreenLeft: Zero-minus-fast: The best target for a safe planet?
- 2007/06/06: Reasic: Medieval Warm Period: Global or Regional?
- 2007/06/05: PhysOrg: 'Push-button' climate modeling now available [Community Climate System Model with a Web interface]
- 2007/06/06: MTobis: [Geochemist, Daniel] Schrag doesn't think it's all that complicated
- 2007/06/05: FergusB: The right thing to do
- 2007/06/05: TreeHugger: What do we Need to Tackle Climate Change? What Have we got? [WBCSD]
- 2007/06/05: Yahoo: Worries about global warming are growing: survey
- 2007/06/04: Reasic: How Can We Make a Difference?
- 2007/06/04: KSJT: AP: Plenty today on global warming in all its diverse news
- 2007/06/04: TruthOut: UN Urges Protection of Animals From Climate Change
- 2007/06/04: ENN: UN Urges Protection of Animals from Climate Change
- 2007/06/04: GristMill: (mess-o-links) The Economist talks business on climate change
- 2007/06/04: JQuiggin: Zugzwang?
- 2007/06/04: Stoat: Climate feedback
- 2007/06/04: OilChange: Climate Change -- Three Times Faster Than Worst Predictions?
- 2007/06/04: DVoice: Climate and Carbon, Consensus and Contention
- 2007/06/04: Telegraph(UK): CO2 'rising three times faster than expected'
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- Maribo [Simon Donner]
- NOAA: Weekly Palmer Drought Indices
- Media Matters on Global Warming: Misinformation Action Center
- TEC: Total Environment Centre
- PMESIP: Passive Microwave Earth Science Information Partner
- Global Outlook for Ice and Snow
- IIGCC: Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change
- Save the Boreal Forest
- NEN: New Energy News
- WSJ Energy Blog
- Energy Blue Print
- CTW: Carbon Trade Watch
- EESI: Environmental and Energy Study Institute Briefings
It's always nice to start with a larf:
Otherwise, the hurricane wars are warming up:
Sea levels are rising:
And on the carbon sequestration front:
Not to be outdone Rahall struck a blow against renewables:
The arithmetic of coal carbon is striking home:
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published May, 2007. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Foreword and the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
"We basically have three choices: mitigation, adaptation and suffering. We’re going to do some of each. The question is what the mix is going to be. The more mitigation we do, the less adaptation will be required and the less suffering there will be."
-John Holdren, AAAS president
Labels: news
At June 23, 2007 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
What about the rest of you?
Don't the rest of you people ever get sick of Coby Beck and these wall-to-wall leftist CUNTS pretending this is scientific and none of them will ever come up with any evidence?
I will break the nose of any of these lying marxist cunts if I see them.
I don't think thats too much to ask.
Graeme Bird sez:
I'm OK.
And you are NOT ok
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