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Another week of GW news - January 21, 2007
Courtesy of H.E.Taylor, here is this week's GW news roundup
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Speculation and leaks are the order of the day with the upcoming [Feb 2nd] release of the 2007 IPCC report looming large:
- IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- 2007/01/21: IHT: In new global warming study, researchers to take a bolder stand
- 2007/01/20: ClimateArk: New Warnings on Climate Change
- 2007/01/21: Guardian(UK): Global warming: the final verdict
- 2007/01/20: NYT: New Warnings on Climate Change
- 2007/01/20: ERabett: The Mighty Wurlitzer...As we approach the IPCC's release of the fourth Assessment Report the animals in the woods are stirring
- 2007/01/20: Deltoid: IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
- 2007/01/19: CDreams: TStar: Landmark UN Study [AR4] Backs Climate Theory -- 2,000 scientists all but end the debate: Human activity causes global warming
- 2007/01/17: Yahoo: The Importance of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists changed the doomsday clock:
- Click here to read more
- 2007/01/17: NSU: Doomsday draws two minutes closer - Atomic scientists add climate change to the threats to humanity
- 2007/01/18: TruthOut: [Stephen] Hawking Warns: We Must Recognize the Catastrophic Dangers of Climate Change
- 2007/01/19: Independent(UK): Hawking warns: We must recognise the catastrophic dangers of climate change
- 2007/01/18: EnergyBulletin: 5 minutes to midnight
- 2007/01/18: ABC(Au): Climate Change Resets 'Doomsday Clock'
- 2007/01/17: BBC: Climate resets 'Doomsday Clock'
Experts assessing the dangers posed to civilisation have added climate change to the prospect of nuclear annihilation as the greatest threats to humankind.
The rate at which the CO2 concentration is increasing is increasing:
- 2007/01/19: CDreams: Guardian(UK): Surge in Carbon Levels Raises Fears of Runaway Warming
Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is measured in parts per million (ppm). From 1970 to 2000 that concentration rose by about 1.5ppm each year, as human activities sent more of the gas into the atmosphere. But according to the latest figures, last year saw a rise of 2.6ppm. And 2006 was not alone. A series of similar jumps in recent years means the carbon dioxide level has risen by an average 2.2ppm each year since 2001. - 2007/01/19: OilChange: Surge in Carbon Levels Raises Fear of Runaway Warming
New islands are appearing as Greenland's glaciers melt:
- 2007/01/20: ClimateArk: Islands appear off Greenland as polar ice melts away - An ominous discovery
- 2007/01/16: NYT: The Warming of Greenland
All over Greenland and the Arctic, rising temperatures are not simply melting ice; they are changing the very geography of coastlines. Nunataks -- "lonely mountains" in Inuit -- that were encased in the margins of Greenland’s ice sheet are being freed of their age-old bonds, exposing a new chain of islands, and a new opportunity for Arctic explorers to write their names on the landscape.
The abrupt acceleration of melting in Greenland has taken climate scientists by surprise. Tidewater glaciers, which discharge ice into the oceans as they break up in the process called calving, have doubled and tripled in speed all over Greenland. Ice shelves are breaking up, and summertime "glacial earthquakes" have been detected within the ice sheet.
"The general thinking until very recently was that ice sheets don’t react very quickly to climate," said Martin Truffer, a glaciologist at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. "But that thinking is changing right now, because we’re seeing things that people have thought are impossible." - 2007/01/20: CDreams: ProvidenceJournal: The World's Largest Mineshaft Canary
Coral proxy records have shown a relationship between ENSO, monsoons and the Indian Ocean Dipole:
- 2007/01/19: PhysOrg: Corals show Aussie drought link to Asian monsoon
- 2007/01/17: PhysOrg: Asian monsoons might become more intense
British scientists have found an unexpected link between Asian monsoons and an oscillating pattern of Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures. Nerilie Abram and colleagues at the British Antarctic Survey say their findings suggest the consequences of future Asian monsoons will be more widespread and intense than previously forecast. The recently discovered Indian Ocean Dipole, as it is known, has profound impacts on rainfall across the tropical Indian Ocean region. But its interactions with the Asian monsoon system and El Nino/ Southern Oscillation -- which are themselves forecast to change -- have been unclear. Abram and his colleagues used coral records to reconstruct the interaction for the past 6,500 year -- including times when the Asian monsoon season behaved very differently from how it does today. The results, the scientists say, show the dipole does not act in isolation but is influenced by the Asian monsoon, which appears to extend dipole-related droughts and sea-surface cooling. - 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: Indian Ocean Shift Seen Stoking Indonesia Droughts
wmc is watching for sea level rise malarkey:
- 2007/01/17: Stoat: Sea level rise [cum grano salis]
- 2007/01/16: Stoat: Noble lord predicts 6m sea level rise by 2050!!!
Meanwhile [not] in near earth orbit:
- 2007/01/19: BobPark: #2) Observing Earth: NAS Calls for a "Surge" In Climate Research.
#3) An Inconvenient Question: What is the Earth's Energy Balance? [DSCOVR] - 2007/01/19: CSM: Keeping more eyes on the planet
The US needs more satellites to learn how humanity is changing the Earth -- and fix any mistakes. - 2007/01/15: NSU: Researchers lay out wish list for Earth-observing satellites - Approval of new projects would avoid 'fatal' gaps in measurement.
- 2007/01/16: DeSmogBlog: Why Is The Sky Falling? US Won't Pay To Find Out
- 2007/01/16: TruthOut: Cutbacks Impede Climate Studies
- 2007/01/16: WaPo: Cutbacks Impede Climate Studies - U.S. Earth Programs In Peril, Panel Finds
The government's ability to understand and predict hurricanes, drought and climate changes of all kinds is in danger because of deep cuts facing many Earth satellite programs and major delays in launching some of its most important new instruments, a panel of experts has concluded.
The two-year study by the National Academy of Sciences, released yesterday, determined that NASA's earth science budget has declined 30 percent since 2000. It stands to fall further as funding shifts to plans for a manned mission to the moon and Mars. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, meanwhile, has experienced enormous cost overruns and schedule delays with its premier weather and climate mission.
The Stern Review is still getting kicked around:
- 2007/01/18: Guardian(UK): Stern tackles climate change for India
- 2007/01/16: Guardian(UK): Stern refuses to be drawn on green taxes
- 2007/01/19: UN Chronicle: Act on Global Warming Now or Pay Later: The Stern Review
- 2007/01/19: BDL: Economy-and-Environment-Positions Blogging -- Nick Stern and company's responses to critics
- 2007/01/16: BBC: Stern upbeat over climate action
Economist Sir Nicholas Stern has told MPs he is encouraged by the progress being made around the world to tackle climate change. India and China had to be persuaded to do more but the scientific arguments were gaining ground in the US. And the EU had set more ambitious targets for carbon reduction than expected, he added. - 2007/01/14: ERabett: The Stern gang [links to many useful resources]
And more impacts of GW are arising:
- 2007/01/21: ABC(Au): Melting Arctic draws in killer whales, threatening Inuit fishing
- 2007/01/20: ABC(Au): Experts warn of rising 'megafire' threat
- 2007/01/19: TruthOut: World Faces Megafire Threat - Expert
- 2007/01/18: ABC(Au): OECD says global warming threatening ski resorts
- 2007/01/16: Yahoo: Sweden's tree line moving at fastest rate for 7,000 years
- 2007/01/15: CanWest: Climate change linked to health problems
- 2007/01/16: USAToday: Warming trend visible in the trees
- 2007/01/15: TerraDaily: Italy Concerned Over Mild, Dry Winter
- 2007/01/15: TerraDaily: Lakes Have Not Developed Ice Covers This Winter [in the US Northeast and parts of the Midwest]
- 2007/01/16: OilChange: Climate Change Breeds Confused Salmon
- 2007/01/15: PhysOrg: Extreme Weather Leaves Flamingos Hungry
- 2007/01/14: Times(UK): Britain 'will be tropical by 2100'
- 2007/01/15: OilChange: Britain Will be "Tropical" by 2100
- 2007/01/20: CDreams: IPS: Swiss Glaciers Melting Rapidly
And then there are the tropical rainforests:
Everyone is talking about the wacky weather:
- 2007/01/19: Wunderground: Storms & Heat in Europe
- 2007/01/20: al Jazeera: Europe counting cost of storms
- 2007/01/19: BBC: Poland and the Czech Republic are now taking the full force of a storm that has swept northern Europe leaving at least 40 people dead.
- 2007/01/18: CBC: Hurricane-force winds batter Europe for 2nd day - Britain and Germany hit hardest, with at least 46 dead overall in several countries
- 2007/01/19: AFP: Devastating storm leaves 45 dead across Europe
- 2007/01/19: Yahoo: Killer winds rip into eastern Europe
- 2007/01/18: BBC: At least 16 people have been killed as violent storms lashed northern Europe, causing travel chaos across the region
- 2007/01/18: BBC: US harsh weather extends its grip - Snow hits California and storms threaten the south-eastern US, as weather-related deaths rise above 60
- 2007/01/18: BBC: Nine people have died, travel has been severely disrupted and thousands of homes have been left without power as gales and heavy downpours hit the UK
- 2007/01/19: ABC(Au): 11 dead as storms lash Europe
- 2007/01/17: PhysOrg: Warm Spell in Russia Wakes Up the Bears
- 2007/01/17: TerraDaily: European Russia's Continued Warm Winter Is Unprecedented
- 2007/01/16: BBC: US ice storms sweep north-east - The US winter storms spread north, killing 42 people and leaving half a million without electricity
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2007/01/21: AFP: US ethanol boom squeezes world corn supply
- 2007/01/17: GristMill: Meanwhile, south of the border ... [price of corn]
- 2007/01/12: Reuters: Ethanol boom to evaporate corn surplus
- 2007/01/14: DelawareOnline: Biofuels boom pinches the world's poorest - Ethanol means money for farmers, but hunger for many poor people
And the troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2007/01/18: DailyReckoning: US grain farming disaster: a prediction for China?
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: Warming Could Cut China Grain Crops by over a Third
- 2007/01/17: Guardian(UK): Big freeze hits $1bn crop - Three nights of freezing temperatures have destroyed up to three-quarters of California's $1bn citrus crop...
- 2007/01/16: BBC: Corn prices surge to 10-year high
Corn prices have surged to a 10-year high on strong demand for ethanol, which is an environmentally friendly fuel and can be mixed with petrol. The high corn prices have hit Mexicans especially hard, and has meant that many people have been paying 25% more for corn-based tortillas, a key staple. Bad weather conditions have also affected other crops worldwide. In Australia, drought has hurt wheat output, while in California cold nights are threatening citrus fruit harvests. Wheat prices hit a decade high in Australia last year, with some analysts now warning that world bread prices will rise as a result.
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2007/01/17: BSD: Kleiman digs further down a hole; I blast straight through Godwin's Law [geoengineering]
- 2007/01/16: Economist: Dr Strangelove saves the earth - How big science might fix climate change
- 2007/01/16: GristMill: Brace yourself for the geoengineering hype
Wallace Broecker has won the Craaford Prize:
Stephen Schneider spoke at Stanford this week:
- 2007/01/19: BSD: Notes on Stephen Schneider presentation, Jan. 17th at Stanford
On Kyoto:
-The most important accomplishment of Kyoto isn't controlling emissions, it's setting up an ongoing process for countries to work together to manage climate change.
US politics and climate change:
-Climatologists like him used to have a contentious and negative relationship with previous Republican administrations (Reagan and Bush I). With Bush II, there's no relationship at all - this administration doesn't even want to talk to climatologists.
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2007/01/19: CPD: Selection of borehole temperature depth profiles for regional climate reconstructions by C. Chouinard & J.C. Mareschal
- 2007/01/18: CPD: Thermal log analysis for recognition of ground surface temperature change and water movements by M. Verdoya et al.
- 2007/01/16: CPD: Anomalous flow below 2700 m in the EPICA Dome C ice core detected using δ18O of atmospheric oxygen measurements by G. B. Dreyfus et al.
- 2007/01/16: CPD: Ice flow modelling at EPICA Dome C and Dome Fuji, East Antarctica by F. Parrenin et al.
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2007/01/20: SciDaily: Deep In Arctic Mud, Geologists Find Strong Evidence Of Climate Change
- 2007/01/19: SciDaily: Rotting Leaf Litter Study Could Lead To More Accurate Climate Models
- 2007/01/18: Eureka: Rotting leaf litter study could lead to more accurate climate models
- 2007/01/18: UBuff: Deep in Arctic Mud, Geologists Find Strong Evidence of Climate Change
- 2007/01/16: TerraDaily: A Bumpy Shift From Icehouse To Greenhouse [300 mya]
ASEAN held a conference this week:
- 2007/01/16: OilChange: Asian States Sign Key Energy Deal
- 2007/01/16: PlanetArk: SE Asia [ASEAN] Seeks Access to Emissions Market
- 2007/01/15: BBC: Asian states sign key energy deal
Leaders at an East Asian summit have signed an agreement to promote energy security and find alternatives to conventional fuels. The agreement was signed by 10 South East Asian nations, China, Japan, New Zealand, India, S Korea and Australia.
The Cebu Declaration on East Asian Energy Security, signed after a three-hour meeting on Monday, lists a series of goals aimed at providing "reliable, adequate and affordable" energy supplies to a huge region from Australia to India. The document does not set any targets for capping greenhouse emissions, but will call for extra investment in eco-friendly fuels. There are also plans to construct a regional electricity grid and a natural gas pipeline across South East Asia. - 2007/01/15: BBC: Asian states to sign energy deals
Asian states are preparing to sign agreements on energy security and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The deal will be signed by 10 members of the Association of South- East Asian Nations plus China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand. There are also plans to construct a regional electricity grid and a natural gas pipeline across south-east Asia. - 2007/01/15: ABC(Au): Asian nations pledge to promote biofuels
And the World Economic Forum at Davos is upcoming:
- 2007/01/18: DeSmogBlog: Economic Elite to Discuss Warming Concerns
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: Climate Change to Dominate Davos Meeting
- 2007/01/15: GCC: World Economic Forum: Global Risks Are Outpacing Ability to Mitigate Them
Meanwhile on the Kyoto front:
- 2007/01/17: FTimes: China "exploiting Kyoto loophole"
- 2007/01/16: TreeHugger: Kyoto in Action: Gazprom and Dresdner Announce Carbon Trading Venture
And on the Kyoto-2 front:
- 2007/01/17: OilChange: UN: Action on Climate is "Stuck"
- 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: UN's [Secretary-General] Ban [Ki-moon] Urged to Lead Global Climate Change Plans [by UNFCCC head, Yvo de Boer]
- 2007/01/16: BBC: UN 'should take lead on climate' [says UNFCCC head Yvo de Boer]
The top UN official on climate change says the failure of world leaders to agree on global warming means it is time for the UN to take the lead. Yvo de Boer, head of the UN Climate Secretariat, wants a summit of world leaders to talk about what happens when the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. Despite rising sea levels, there is no agreement on how to deal with global warming's long-term threat. In fact, Mr de Boer says, the process is getting more and more stuck.
While on the emissions trading front:
- 2007/01/20: BtP: Carbon Dioxide Emission Caps: Follow the Money
- 2007/01/17: GreenLeft: The impact of carbon trading in the Third World
- 2007/01/12: GreenLeft: Carbon trading: a corporate scam
- 2007/01/15: OilChange: The Carbon Offset Con
As Ross Gelbspan once remarked, GW controversy begins & ends at the American border:
And on the American political front:
- 2007/01/19: EnvEcon: The Author of the Writing on the Wall
- 2007/01/18: EnvEcon: Ho-hum, cap-and-trade
- 2007/01/20: GristMill: New plan in fight against global warming: raise emissions
- 2007/01/16: TEB: Bill Would Cap and Reduce Greenhouse Emissions [Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act of 2007]
- 2007/01/19: WaPo: House Repeals Tax Break for Big Oil - Pelosi Plan for New Panel Sparks Criticism
- 2007/01/18: KC: Pelosi seeks global warming committee
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sought to create a special committee Thursday in an effort to jump-start long-delayed government efforts to deal with global warming and produce a bill by Independence Day. Pelosi, D-Calif., said the committee would hold hearings and recommend legislation on how to reduce greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide generated by fossil fuels, that most scientists blame for a gradual warming of the earth's climate. "I promise to do everything in my power to achieve energy independence ... and to stop global warming," Pelosi said. Pelosi set a goal of the Fourth of July for finishing a global warming bill that would "truly declare our energy independence." - 2007/01/18: NYT: Bills on Climate Move to Spotlight in New Congress - The climate here has definitely changed
- 2007/01/18: NYT: Bills on Climate Move to Spotlight in New Congress
- 2007/01/17: AP: Pelosi May Create Global Warming Panel
- 2007/01/17: GristMill: Bush White House: We do love clean coal, we do, we do!
- 2007/01/17: GristMill: Sorry, Mallaby [US pol]
- 2007/01/17: GristMill: Terry Tamminen: Legal strategies to address climate change
- 2007/01/17: ENN: Federal Judge Delays Trial Over California Auto-Emission Rules
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: US Court Stays Calif. Carbon Emissions Lawsuit
A federal judge put California's bid to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicle pollution on hold on Tuesday until the US Supreme Court rules on a related case. US District Court Judge Anthony Ishii said California's program to regulate the emissions is pre-empted by the Clean Air Act. - 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: GE, AES Plan Partnership to Cut Greenhouse Gases
- 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: US Auto Industry Sees Higher Gas, Tougher Standards
- 2007/01/15: BostonGlobe: Sanders, Leahy re-introduce Jeffords global warming bill
In a belated attempt to spin the Democratic congress, major US energy players are embracing change:
- 2007/01/18: SF Gate: Power players warm to Feinstein bill
Plan to reduce electric utilities' greenhouse gas emissions by 25% gets industry backing - 2007/01/17: FTimes: Power companies endorse emissions cap bill
- 2007/01/19: TruthOut: Companies Press Bush, Congress on Climate
- 2007/01/17: AFTIC: The changing climate of climate change
- 2007/01/19: DeSmogBlog: A US coalition of industry giants and environmental groups wants firm limits on carbon emissions
- 2007/01/19: Ledger: A Coalition for Firm Limit on Emissions
- 2007/01/19: WaPo: Companies press Bush, Congress on climate: reports
- 2007/01/20: CDreams: Independent(UK): Big Business Joins Greens to Pressure Bush on Climate
- 2007/01/20: Independent(UK): Big business joins greens to pressure Bush on climate
An unprecedented coalition of blue-chip US companies and environmental lobby groups will urge President Bush next week to get serious about global warming, calling for caps on carbon dioxide emissions that would cut greenhouse gases by 10-30 per cent over 15 years.
The group, called the US Climate Action Partnership, will unveil the details of its plan on the eve of President Bush's State of the Union speech on Tuesday. The companies involved include some of the old-fashioned pollution-generating industries normally associated with anti-environmental policies and politicians - the chemical giant DuPont, the bulldozer company Caterpillar, the aluminium producer Alcoa and the US subsidiary of BP. - 2007/01/18: OilChange: The Climate Changes in Washington
There has been some stir looking forward to the upcoming SOTUA:
- 2007/01/17: FramingScience: The Global Warming Surge and Accelerate: Will Bush Use the State of the Union Address to Announce a "Kyoto-Like" Emissions Cap?
- 2007/01/19: CliProg: The State of the Union is Warm -- and Getting Warmer
- 2007/01/18: CliProg: Bush State of the Union Addresses on Energy: Yada, Yada, Yada?
- 2007/01/16: Yahoo: Bush to address global warming in annual speech [SOTUA]
- 2007/01/14: Yahoo: U.S. denies British rumors on Bush climate change
- 2007/01/15: WaPo: The Other Team's Playbook -- A Bush U-Turn On Climate Change?
- 2007/01/15: ABC(US): White House Denies Climate Policy U-Turn
The E.O.Wilson campaign to matchmake science & religion may be bearing fruit:
- 2007/01/18: Reuters: U.S. scientists, evangelicals join global warming fight
- 2007/01/17: DeSmogBlog: Science meet religion. Religion meet science.
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: US Scientists, Evangelicals Join Global Warming Fight
- 2007/01/15: PhysOrg: Science and Faith Join Forces [to fight global warming]
- 2007/01/15: BostonGlobe: Evangelical leaders join scientists to fight global warming
Now here is a harsh truth:
Just when you think US politics can't get any stranger:
Dr. Heidi Cullen kicked off the howler monkeys by suggesting AMS weathermen stop making incorrect statements and get informed:
- 2006/12/21: TWCB: Junk Controversy Not Junk Science...
- 2007/01/19: TruthOut: American Weather Forecasters Do Battle Over Mankind's Role in Global Warming
- 2007/01/18: Reuters: Global warming dissenters few at US weather meeting [AMS]
- 2007/01/20: GristMill: Me on talk radio [Cullen flames]
- 2007/01/19: GristMill: Should we burn climate skeptics at the stake? [Cullen flames]
- 2007/01/20: AFTIC: Who said this? "TV weathermen are truly the last of the independent scientists" [Cullen flames]
- 2007/01/20: DeSmogBlog: Deniers Attack Weather Channel's Heidi Cullen
- 2007/01/20: Deltoid: Attack Orchestrated [on Dr. Heidi Cullen]
- 2007/01/20: TreeHugger: Weather Channel's Heidi Cullen Bares...The Truth
- 2007/01/17: Senate:EPW: Weather Channel Climate Expert Calls for Decertifying Global Warming Skeptics
- 2007/01/19: Independent(UK): American weather forecasters do battle over mankind's role in global warming
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2007/01/20: BSD: What Al Gore says about his travels
- 2007/01/17: Herald(UK): All secondary schools to see Gore climate film
- 2007/01/15: BBerg: Al Gore Says U.S. States May Force Change in Climate Policy
- 2007/01/15: Yahoo: Japanese business can lead climate campaign: Gore
And the NSTA & AIC debacle is still unfolding:
- 2007/01/20: ERabett: Why the NSTA matters...
- 2007/01/17: GristMill: Follow-up on Federal Way schools and Gore's movie
- 2007/01/16: Hecate: Help Us, Obi Wan. You're Our Only Hope. [Gore & Dingell]
- 2007/01/15: OpenMind: Calling All Science Teachers
- Open Mind
- 2007/01/15: RealClimate: Calling All Science Teachers
Okay, so we have a problem. What do we do about it?:
Meanwhile on the UK political front:
- 2007/01/18: BBC: UK to tackle bogus carbon schemes - The government is proposing standards for carbon offsetting schemes, in a bid to bring clarity to the industry
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: Burying UK CO2 Needs More Cash
- 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: London Council to Hit Gas-Guzzling Cars
- 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: UK to Unveil Standard for Offsetting Emissions
The BBC and ClimatePredictionNet have generated their first results:
- 2007/01/19: ENN: Climate Future Results Show Sweltering Britain - Britain will regularly be crippled by heatwaves and floods this century...
- 2007/01/19: CBC: 'Fantastic' response to online climate-change experiment [says BBC]
- 2007/01/18: BBC: Your PCs forecast climate future - uses the power of thousands of ordinary PCs
A computer model of climate run on home PCs in conjunction with the BBC has yielded its first results. About 250,000 people downloaded software from onto their home computers, each running a single simulation of the future. The results suggest the UK could be about 3C warmer than now in 75 years' time, agreeing with other models. Full details will be revealed at the weekend in a BBC TV programme presented by Sir David Attenborough.
Meanwhile in Europe:
- 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: Cyprus Withdraws CO2 Emissions Plan - EU
- 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: EU Tells Dutch, Belgians to Cut Carbon Further
- 2007/01/15: PlanetArk: EU Eyes Climate, Energy, Trade in New China Talks
- 2007/01/16: PlanetArk: EU Says Cannot Meet Emissions Goal Without China
- 2007/01/12: EurActiv: EU defends leadership in 'world war' on climate change
Meanwhile in Australia, it's getting biblical with fire, flood, drought and snakes:
- 2007/01/20: CBC: Floods swamp homes, roads in South Australia
- 2007/01/16: GWW: Howard's vapourware or Al Gore's hard truth?
- 2007/01/17: IHT: Australia bushfires show no sign of letting up
- 2007/01/20: BBC: Australians face snake invasion
Australian wildlife officials warn that a serious drought is driving tens of thousands of snakes into urban areas. - 2007/01/21: ABC(Au): NSW town [Wallabaddah] runs out of water
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: Australia's Greenhouse Emissions Questioned
- 2007/01/16: BBC: Melbourne power cut by bush fire - Australia's Victoria state and Melbourne are crippled by serious power cuts after bush fires affect key supply lines.
And in Canada, minority neocon PM Harper is greenwashing for all he's worth:
- 2007/01/20: CanWest: Tories to revive [Liberal] energy-efficiency program
- 2007/01/19: CanWest: Harper pledges $1.5 billion for green energy [over 10 years]
- 2007/01/17: CanWest: Harper can atone for Kyoto with firm action on environment [polls]
- 2007/01/17: CanWest: Interest groups nervous about Tories' climate change confusion
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: Canadian Government Tries to Show Green Credentials
- 2007/01/17: CBC: Ottawa to spend $230M [over 4 years] on clean energy technology
And what are the Liberals up to?:
Apocalypso anyone?:
Here is something for your library:
- 2007/01/16: CliProg: Chapter Three Excerpt [Hell and High Water]: Planetary Purgatory
- 2007/01/15: GristMill: More on 'Hell and High Water'
- 2007/01/14: GristMill: Hell and High Water - Joseph Romm's Hell and High Water may be the most depressing book on global warming I've ever read
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2007/01/18: GristMill: Climate change: Cool enough for Sundance
- 2007/01/19: CSW: Premiering today at the Sundance Film Festival: "Everything's Cool"
Developing a new energy infrastructure is the fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2007/01/20: elUniversal: Pemex predicts production drop
The progressive decline in Mexico´s capacity to produce oil is rapidly becoming more worrisome than the slump in global crude prices - 2007/01/20: FuturePundit: Plasma Converts Wastes To Energy [Syngas]
- 2007/01/20: EnergyBulletin: GAO: U.S. energy R&D, policy are inadequate
- 2007/01/20: GristMill: Texas smackdown: Boxer and Bingaman take [coal burning] TXU to the mat
- 2007/01/19: GristMill: Dark day for [Seattle] City Light -- The Washington Supreme Court rules SCL can no longer use ratepayer money to buy emissions offsets
- 2007/01/16: PhysOrg: Survey shows strong support for offshore wind power [among Delawareans]
- 2007/01/17: NPR: American 'Coal Rush' Hits Some Hurdles
- 2007/01/17: DeSmogBlog: Look ma, no bills
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: Solar Power Eliminates Utility Bills in US Home
- 2007/01/16: UDel: Survey shows strong support for offshore wind power
- 2007/01/17: TheAge: Solar power eliminates bills in US home
- 2007/01/16: TruthOut: Banks Are Urged Not to Finance Coal Power - Global warming spurs campaign
- 2007/01/15: SciDaily: Marine Bacteria Can Create Environmentally Friendly Energy Source
- 2007/01/16: CDreams: IHT: Energy Time: It's Not about Something for Everyone
- 2007/01/16: ABC(Au): Govt must commit to domestic clean coal, says Labor
Automakers, lawyers and activists argue over the future of the car:
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2007/01/16: GristMill: The 3C Initiative
- 2007/01/17: JMakower: Can the World's Biggest Companies 'Combat Climate Change'?
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2007/01/21: Deltoid: On Line Denial
- 2007/01/18: Deltoid: Dog Bites Man [NRSP]
- 2007/01/18: Deltoid: ROTFLMAO!
- 2007/01/20: WaPo: Climate Denial That Wilts -- global-warming skeptic material that doesn't stand up to scrutiny
- 2007/01/19: OilChange: The Last Dance of the Dinosaurs [Singer & Avery]
- 2007/01/17: DeSmogBlog: NRSP Controlled by Energy Lobbyists
- 2007/01/17: DeSmogBlog: National Post Heralds Another Denier
- 2007/01/17: Deltoid: Khilyuk and Chilingar: the gift that keeps giving
- 2007/01/16: HuffPo: For the Last, Stubborn Holdouts on Global Warming
- 2007/01/16: TreeHugger: Ronald Bailey: "No one paid me to be wrong about global warming"
- 2007/01/15: TreeHugger: Firewall Philanthropy: Blind-Eye Denialism In A Changing Climate
Exxon comes in for extra scrutiny:
- 2007/01/21: ClimateArk: Exxon Mobil softens its climate-change stance
- 2007/01/18: EnvEcon: Speaking with the Enemy--Part III [Exxon]
- 2007/01/18: EnvEcon: Speaking with the Enemy--Part II [Exxon]
- 2007/01/18: EnvEcon: Speaking with the Enemy--Part I [Exxon]
- 2007/01/17: PRWatch: Exxon's Decides It Has An 'Image' Problem
- 2007/01/15: GristMill: Heavens to Betsy! Is Exxon lightening up on climate denial?
- 2007/01/16: HuffPo: Is Al Gore Just as Wrong as ExxonMobil?
- 2007/01/15: SameFacts: Is Al Gore just as wrong as ExxonMobil? No.
- 2007/01/13: DeSmogBlog: Exxon's Conversion: A Sober Second Look
- 2007/01/14: CrTimber: Exxon joins the real world
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2007/01/14: Wunderground: Global cooling [in the stratosphere, because of CFCs]
- 2007/01/20: GWA: Statements on Climate Change [by various professional and scientific organizations]
- 2007/01/19: GristMill: [Ronald] Bailey's mea culpa
- 2007/01/20: TreeHugger: How to Cope With Climate Change, Austrian Style
- 2007/01/19: ABC(US): Students Use Civil Rights Tactics to Combat Global Warming
- 2007/01/18: ZMag: Taking the "Monbiot challenge": The global emergency of climate change
- 2007/01/16: PRWatch: Carbon Neutral: A New Frontier for Spin?
- 2007/01/17: GristMill: Bright lining [picking a goal rather than supporting specific legislation]
- 2007/01/16: DeSmogBlog: Clear-Cutting Conventional Climate Wisdom
- 2007/01/18: PlanetArk: 2007 is Crunch Year on Climate - Environmentalist [Friends of the Earth chief, Tony Juniper]
- 2007/01/17: PlanetArk: Environment Ministers Lack Clout on Global Warming
- 2007/01/16: GristMill: Dirty hippie bashing: A case study in six chapters
- 2007/01/15: ERabett: Our elders tell us that our earth is getting old and needs to be replaced by a new one
- 2007/01/16: CDreams: NYT: When Being Green Raises the Heat
- 2007/01/14: Yahoo: Nigerian president calls for international action [assistance to help Africa] on climate change
- 2007/01/11: OpenMind: The Latest from GISS
- 2007/01/12: OpenMind: Red White & Blue (noise, that is)
- 2007/01/15: IPSNews: Charging Towards the Big Melt
- 2007/01/18: NASA: The 2006 Hurricane Season Was Near Normal
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- TWCB: The Weather Channel Blog
- CCC: 3C - Combat Climate Change - A Business Leaders' Initiative
- CA-CP: Clean Air-Cool Planet
- 2007/01/10: BOM: ENSO Wrap-Up
- THP on GW
- CAN: Nairobi ECOs
- CAN: Climate Action Network-COP 12 Nairobi
- CCPI: Climate Change Performance Index
- Wiki: Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency
- PAGES: Past Global Changes
- ACP: The Alliance for Climate Protection
- New Scientist Environment
- CEOS: Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
- Earth911 - Global Warming
- COSMIC: Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere & Climate
- UCSUSA: The A to Z Guide to Political Interference in Science
- GWWatch: Global Warming Watch
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
"Climate is an ill-tempered beast, and we are poking it with sticks."
-W.S. Broecker
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H.E. Taylor
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At January 24, 2007 2:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Check out and then click one of the links to e-learning
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