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Another week of GW news - January 7, 2007
(Courtesy of H.E.Taylor, here is this week's GW news roundup)
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Let's start with a chuckle, if not a laugh:
People are beginning to think something funny is going on:
Click here to read more- 2007/01/06: GristMill: Global warming: Too much to Bear
- 2007/01/07: CNN: Balmy weather breaks records, jolts Northeast
- 2007/01/07: WaPo: March in January! Or Is It Mayday? It's Nice Out There, But Global Warming Dampens the Fun
- 2007/01/07: CanWest: 10 C high has people acting like it's spring
- 2007/01/07: NYT: 72-Degree Day Breaks Record in New York
- 2007/01/06: SMH: Cold comfort in climate change
Much of Australia has again suffered an extremely hot and dry year thanks to climate change. But these conditions could turn around with savage speed... - 2007/01/06: ABC(US): Global Warming and Warm Weather: Connected? Scientists Say Current Patterns Fit Into Overall Predictions
- 2007/01/05: WFRV: Wacky Weather Brings Record Highs To N.Y.
- 2007/01/05: TP: Warm winter wreaks havoc.
- 2007/01/06: FDL: Pull Up A Chair: Talk About the Weather
- 2007/01/05: CBC: Ski hill feeling the blues from a lack of white
The unseasonably warm weather affecting much of Canada this winter has forced Ontario's largest ski hill to lay off 1,300 staff. Blue Mountain issued layoff notices Friday to its part-time and seasonal staff, including front-desk employees, marketing staff and lift operators. About 400 core workers will remain on the job maintaining the hotel and other services. - 2007/01/06: AFP: Bars bustling, furriers furious, as balmy weather hits US northeast
- 2007/01/06: WCBSTV: Record Warmth Blankets NYC - With Temperatures Above Normal For 28th Straight Day, Many Ski Resorts Remain Closed
- 2007/01/06: TStar: Warm weather forces first winter closure in history of Ontario's biggest ski resort - Blue Mountain lays off 1,300
- 2007/01/04: PhysOrg: Parts of U.S. Experience Warm Winter
- 2007/01/04: CNN: So ... you call this winter?
- 2007/01/02: PhysOrg: Vienna records warmest New Year's day for 155 years
- 2007/01/02: TerraDaily: Northern Europe Rings In New Year With An Ice-Free Baltic Sea
- 2007/01/03: CanWest: Weird weather strikes the Great White North
- 2007/01/03: CanWest: Winter meltdown resumes
- 2007/01/01: WaPo: Trees Abloom Amid Winter Warm Spell - Temperatures Might Stay Higher Than Normal
- 2007/01/01: ClimateArk: United States: Like It or Not, [NY] City's Lack of Snow Is a Rarity
Andrew Revkin of the NYT wrote an editorial that kicked off a blog-o-storm:
- 2007/01/06: ERabett: The far edge moves...
- 2007/01/05: GristMill: The scientific debate [Revkin]
- 2007/01/04: AFTIC: Andrew Revkin's latest
- 2007/01/05: ERabett: Why now?
- 2007/01/02: CCM: What Does "Non-Skeptic Heretic" Mean?
- 2007/01/02: CCM: Nonskeptical Heretics; Unfrozen Cavemen, etc.
- 2007/01/04: CliProg: The New Middle is Old and Should be Laid to Rest
- 2007/01/04: CliProg: A New Year's Resolution for the Media: Better Coverage of the Link Between Extreme Weather and Climate Change
- 2007/01/04: JEB: No, *I'm* in the middle
- 2007/01/04: Deltoid: Middle Muddle
- 2007/01/03: RealClimate: Consensus as the New Heresy
- 2007/01/03: GristMill: [Dessler] My problem with Revkin's article
- 2007/01/02: GristMill: High Broderism reaches the global warming debate
- 2007/01/02: FramingScience: Communicating Climate Change: Revkin Describes an "Invisible Middle" of Scientists Concerned Over 'Pandora's Box' Claims of Pending Catastrophe
- 2007/01/02: HuffPo: High Broderism Reaches the Global Warming Debate
- 2007/01/01: JFleck: Revkin on the nonskeptical heretics
- 2007/01/01: ClimateArk: Moderation emerges in debate over change in climate, as experts reject extremist views
- 2007/01/03: Deltoid: More on the Middle Ground
- 2007/01/02: Deltoid: Claiming the Middle Ground
There was more coverage of the Ayles ice shelf:
- 2007/01/06: CIS: The Calving of the Ayles Ice Shelf
- UOttawa: Ayles Ice Shelf - Dr. Luke Copland
- 2007/01/06: CBC:Q&Q: Ailing Ayles Ice Shelf - Dr. Luke Copland interview
And the polar bears:
While in the hurricane wars:
- 2007/01/06: GristMill: The IPCC and hurricanes
- 2007/01/04: Wunderground: 2006 in review: the global tropical cyclone season
- 2007/01/04: CCM: 21 Cat 4-5 Storms for 2006?
- 2007/01/03: Wunderground: The global hurricane season of 2006: was it unusual?
- 2007/01/03: PhysOrg: Western Australia braces ahead of 'perfect storm' [Tropical Cyclone Isobel]
- 2007/01/03: PlanetArk: Cyclone Isobel Nears Northwest Australia Coast
- 2007/01/03: LA Times: Hurricane center chief issues final warning - A departing Max Mayfield is convinced that the Southeast is inviting disaster.
The UK Met Office makes a prediction for 2007 temperatures:
- 2007/01/05: SciDaily: 2007 To Be Warmest Year Yet, Say UK Forecasters
- 2007/01/04: Guardian(UK): El Niño means 2007 likely to be hottest year on record
- 2007/01/04: PlanetArk: 2007 Set to be World's Warmest Year - UK Met Office
- 2007/01/04: BBC: The world is likely to experience the warmest year on record in 2007, the UK's Met Office has forecast
Glaciers are melting:
- 2007/01/06: Hindu: "Glaciers on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau melting away"
- 2007/01/06: ABC(Au): Global warming threatens Tibetan glaciers
- 2007/01/03: CSM: Himalaya's receding glaciers suffer neglect - Scientists monitor only a few of India's vital glaciers, which are receding by as much as 100 feet each year
A study of Permian [300 mya] climate shifts echoed widely:
- 2007/01/05: SciDaily: A Bumpy Shift From Ice House To [Permian] Greenhouse
- 2007/01/05: LA Times: Ancient global warming was jarring, not subtle, study finds
- 2007/01/04: PhysOrg: A bumpy shift from ice house to greenhouse [Permian]
- 2007/01/04: Eureka: A bumpy shift from ice house to greenhouse [in the mid-Permian, 300 mya]
And a report that climate change triggered the downfall of Chinese and Mayan cultures made some wonder:
- 2007/01/07: Times(UK): Climate change killed golden civilisations [Tang & Maya]
- 2007/01/04: NewScientist: Collapse of civilisations linked to monsoon changes
- 2007/01/04: TerraDaily: Climate Shift May Have Helped Destroy Tang Dynasty
- 2007/01/04: SciDevNet: Climate's history-changing impact revealed [decline of both China's Tang Dynasty and the Mayan civilisation in Mexico]
- 2007/01/03: NSU: Did worldwide drought wipe out ancient cultures? Monsoon records link demise of the Tang in China and Maya in Mexico.
- 2007/01/03: PhysOrg: Climate shift helped destroy China's Tang dynasty: scientists
The Tang dynasty, seen by many historians as a glittering peak in China's history, was brought to its knees by shifts in the monsoon cycle, according to a study.
Physics Today posted a good article on climate modeling:
- 2007/01/04: PhysicsToday: The physics of climate modeling
- 2007/01/03: RealClimate: The Physics of Climate Modelling
Meanwhile on the el Niño front:
- 2007/01/06: ENS: 2007 El Nino Pushing Superheated Globe to New Record
- 2007/01/02: DeSmogBlog: Global warming, El Nino set to make 2007 warmest year on record, experts say
The impacts of GW are becoming clearer:
- 2007/01/04: NSU: Hot waters make it hard for fish to breathe - Climate change causes eelpout population to crash from suffocation
- 2007/01/06: CanWest: Montreal won't escape the consequences of global warming
- 2007/01/06: Guardian(UK): Climate change brings malaria back to Italy
- 2007/01/05: NewScientist: Chilled out Baltic fish feel the heat
- 2007/01/05: TerraDaily: In Record Wildfire Season, NOAA Satellites Aid US Fire Managers
The 2006 wildfire season in the United States set an all-time record with more than 9.8 million acres burned in more than 96,000 wildfires. NOAA satellites were key in detecting and monitoring the movement of the blazes, providing invaluable information to firefighters on the ground. - 2007/01/05: PlanetArk: Global Warming May Put Dutch Skating Race on Ice
- 2007/01/05: DailyIndia: Study: Rising temps put sea life at risk
- 2007/01/03: Guardian(UK): Climate change could boost farmers, says [UK Environment Secretary, David] Miliband
- 2007/01/05: CBC: Warm winter could hurt hibernating animals: researcher
- 2007/01/04: USAToday: Warm winter wreaks havoc
- 2007/01/04: Eureka: How fish species suffer as a result of warmer waters
- 2007/01/04: BBC: The world-famous Bharatpur bird sanctuary in western India is facing a shortage of birds because of severe water scarcity, officials say.
- 2007/01/03: BBC: Climate 'benefits' for UK farming
A project that highlights the economic opportunities, as well as the environmental threats, from climate change has been launched for farmers. Farming is responsible for 7% of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions and needs to be part of the effort to tackle climate change, the organisers say.
An EU report on climate impacts there has raised an alarm:
- 2007/01/06: DailyIndia: Global warming would hurt south Europe
- 2007/01/05: FTimes: EU's grim climate change warning
- 2007/01/05: FTimes: Europe to suffer as the world warms up
Chilly northern Europe could reap big benefits from global warming, while the Mediterranean faces crippling shortages of both water and tourists by the middle of the century, according to the first comprehensive study of its effects on the continent.
While in the tropical rainforests:
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
Speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2007/01/05: AZStarNet: El Nino not bringing immediate help for Arizona's drought
- 2007/01/04: AFTIC: Severity of the Current Drought (Australia)
- 2007/01/04: JM: Severity of the Current Drought: A Note from Luke
- 2007/01/01: RCJ: Six dry years: Drought shows lasting influence
- 2007/01/03: ABC(Au): Tasmania has experienced its third driest year on record
- 2007/01/02: TerraDaily: Waning El Nino Offers Hope Of Break In Australian Drought
- 2007/01/03: TheAge: Drying up: Murray on the brink
- 2007/01/03: ABC(Au): Analyst [Dr. David Jones] says rainfall pattern due to global warming
- 2007/01/02: Hankyoreh: Voices weigh in on climate change - Impact of El Nino, droughts expected to be felt in 2007
- 2007/01/01: ABC(Au): 2006 was Hobart's driest year yet, forecaster says
The conflict between biofuel and food is not going away:
- 2007/01/05: NYT: Rise in Ethanol Raises Concerns About Corn as a Food
- 2007/01/05: TreeHugger: Food Fight: Is Corn Food or Fuel?
- 2007/01/04: EarthPolicyInst: Distillery Demand For Grain To Fuel Cars Vastly Understated - World May Be Facing Highest Grain Prices in History
- 2007/01/05: OilChange: To Drive or Eat, That is the Question
- 2007/01/05: CDreams: BostonGlobe: Ethanol's Success Story May Have Downside - As more corn is needed, food costs may rise
- 2007/01/03: EnergyBulletin: Fuelling a Food Crisis: The impact of peak oil on food security
And neither is the troubling matter of falling food production:
- 2007/01/04: DailyIndia: Climate report says food security at risk
- 2007/01/04: CCTV: Rising temperatures threatens China food supplies
- 2007/01/03: Xinhuanet: Rising temperatures threaten China's food output
- 2007/01/03: ChinaPost: China report warns of agriculture problems from climate change
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2007/01/05: PlanetArk: UK Hospitals Get Cash to Fight Global Warming
- 2007/01/03: PlanetArk: Norway, UK Try to Tackle Planes' Greenhouse Gases
- 2007/01/01: TEB: The Liquid Chimney Battles CO2
- 2007/01/02: BBC: Norway has announced plans to offset the greenhouse gases produced by public employees when they fly abroad by buying emissions credits.
Running Dog blog did a world wide wrapup of GW solutions:
- 2006/12/20: RDB: World Solutions -- environmentally
- 2006/12/19: RDB: World Solutions -- environmentally
- 2006/12/18: RDB: World Solutions -- environmentally
- 2006/12/17: RDB: World Solutions -- environmentally
- 2006/12/16: RDB: World Solutions -- environmentally
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2007/01/04: GRL: On the decadal rates of sea level change during the twentieth century by S. J. Holgate
- 2007/01/02: PNAS: Divergence of reproductive phenology under climate warming by Rebecca A. Sherry et al.
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2007/01/06: SciDaily: Chemistry Of Volcanic Fallout Reveals Secrets Of Past Eruptions
- 2007/01/05: NewScientist: Antarctic snow reveals volcanic links to climate
- 2007/01/05: ScienceAGoGo: Fossil Records Show Yo-Yo Effect Of Changing Climate
- 2007/01/05: SF Gate: Scientists research stretches of global warming, cooling - Fossil studies helped determine sea levels at various times
The Pielkes fan club is in fine fettle:
Meanwhile on the Kyoto-2 front, India has signalled serious horse trading:
- 2007/01/04: Hindu: Manmohan: Third World cannot accept a freeze on global inequity
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday reiterated that developed countries must bear more responsibility in meeting the challenges of climate change and promoting sustainable development by altering their consumption patterns.
The "developing world cannot accept a freeze on global inequity." The measures the global community took to protect the environment and deal with climate change should be equitable in their impact on the development prospect of the developing countries.
Meanwhile on the emissions trading front:
- 2007/01/04: TruthOut: Carbon-Offsetting: All Credit to Them
- 2007/01/04: EconTimes: Carbon trading: It's all about commoditising dirty air
- 2007/01/03: TheAge: [EU ETS] Emission permits fall to record low
- 2007/01/02: NewsObserver: Warming to a market in carbon
And on the American political front:
- 2007/01/07: GristMill: Opportunity costs redux
- 2007/01/06: ClimateArk: The [US] Senate's Task on Warming
- 2007/01/05: VermontGuardian: Buried in the sand of climate change
- 2007/01/03: Mcall: EPA, Clean Air Act under a microscope in court cases with far-reaching impact
- 2007/01/03: FramingScience: [Democratic presidential hopeful] John Edwards on Science and the Environment: Says He's Not Yet Willing to Go to a Carbon Tax to Fight Global Warming; Insists that Enviro Protections Need to Be Part of Free Trade Agreements
- 2007/01/03: TP: [US] Senate may have filibuster-proof margin for climate bill
- 2006/12/28: EnergyBulletin: It’s the energy and the economy, stupid -- An open letter to US policymakers
On the UK political front, a kafuffle between Ryanair head Michael O'Leary and the Environment Minister, Ian Pearson, over the issue of airline GHGs gave cause for amusement if not illumination:
- 2007/01/06: Telegraph(UK): Dogfight between pollution minister and Ryanair
- 2007/01/06: Guardian(UK): Minister [of Environment, Ian Pearson] grounded over emissions row
- 2007/01/06: ClimateArk: United Kingdom: Green groups tell airline boss and minister to stop bickering...
- 2007/01/05: OilChange: Ryanair: The Irresponsible Face of Capitalism
- 2007/01/05: Guardian(UK): Labour targets airlines over carbon emissions - [Environment] Minister [Ian Pearson] warns companies he says are not taking climate change seriously
- 2007/01/05: Guardian(UK): Airline chief hits back at 'foolish' minister
Ryanair today hit back at government criticism by branding the environment minister Ian Pearson "foolish and ill-informed".
Michael O'Leary, the budget airline's flamboyant chief, said the minister "hasn't a clue what he's talking about" after Mr Pearson branded the no-frills Irish carrier "the irresponsible face of capitalism". - 2007/01/05: BBC: Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary has hit back at criticism from the climate change minister, saying his airline was "the greenest in Europe".
Also in the UK:
- 2007/01/05: Guardian(UK): Society must change to tackle global warming, says [UK Environment Secretary, David] Miliband
- 2007/01/03: Guardian(UK): Councils ignore threat of climate change - Survey reveals few local authorities plan action
Meanwhile in Europe:
- 2007/01/05: PlanetArk: France's Chirac Says Wants EU Carbon Tax Post-2012
President Jacques Chirac unveiled on Thursday plans for an international conference next month to promote a French proposal to tax imports from countries that refuse to join the successor to the UN Kyoto environment pact.
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2007/01/04: PlanetArk: Climate Change Faster in Australia, Say Scientists
- 2007/01/03: FTimes: Australia warming faster than world
- 2007/01/01: ABC(Au): Reduce household greenhouse emissions in 2007: Energy Australia
While in Asia:
- 2007/01/05: Hankyoreh: Korea does not hear sound of global warming alarm
- 2007/01/03: CPunch: Money Versus the Monsoon - Under the Brown Cloud
- 2007/01/04: Scotsman: China and India facing up to the economic chill of global warming
- 2007/01/04: OilChange: China Worries About Climate Change
And in Canada, Harper turfed Ambrose and installed John (the snarler) Baird:
- 2007/01/05: Grist: When the Can Comes Around - Canada replaces environment minister, pledges to get greener
- 2007/01/04: Tyee: Ambrose Out - Harper makes big changes in what says is not a pre-election shuffle.
- 2007/01/05: CBC: Yes, things are heating up, new environment minister says
Canada's new environment minister, John Baird, isn't saying what he'll try to do about global warming, but he suggested in a CBC interview on Friday that weird weather has eliminated any doubts that temperatures are rising.
Elsewhere in Canada:
- 2007/01/06: Globe&Mail: Tougher greenhouse gas limits hit polluters, [Tory Native Affairs Minister, Jim] Prentice says
- 2007/01/04: CBC: Harper to blame for environment failures: Dion
- 2007/01/01: Globe&Mail: Provinces signing climate deals with states - Premiers, governors joining forces in agreements to reduce greenhouse gases
- 2007/01/01: Globe&Mail: Ottawa leaves the burning green question unanswered - Firms lag in carbon credits development
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2007/01/03: TTimes: Special taxes could help save the planet from global warming
- 2007/01/02: BlueOregon: Is it time for a carbon tax?
And movement toward ecologically based economics is glacial:
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2007/01/04: JEB: Hot year hype
- 2007/01/03: DeSmogBlog: Misquoted scientists cry foul over polar bear editorial
- 2007/01/02: Stoat: World faces hottest year ever, as El Nino combines with global warming!?!
- 2007/01/01: Independent(UK): World faces hottest year ever, as El Niño combines with global warming
Here is something for your library:
- 2007/01/03: CliProg: An Introduction to "Hell and High Water"
- 2007/01/02: CliProg: "Hell and High Water" is Here
- 2007/01/02: DeSmogBlog: Romm's hell and high water slams "denyers and delayers"
An Inconvenient Truth has been popping up on various torrent sites:
- 2007/01/03: JQuiggin: Inconvenient Truth *Not* on YouTube
- 2007/01/02: WtW: Movie Review: "An Inconvenient Truth"
Developing a new energy infrastructure is the fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2007/01/04: TechRev: Part I: China's Coal Future
To prevent massive pollution and slow its growing contribution to global warming, China will need to make advanced coal technology work on an unprecedented scale. - 2007/01/05: CSM: New prospect for US: glut of ethanol plants
- 2007/01/05: TruthOut: EU to Urge "New Industrial Revolution" in Energy
- 2007/01/05: Guardian(UK): Nimbys can't be allowed to put a block on wind farms
This is crunch time. If Britain is to have any chance of meeting its target to generate 10% of its energy from renewable sources by 2010, then a great leap forward is needed right now. So far only 4.2% of energy is from renewables and three years is not long to more than double it. - 2007/01/05: PlanetArk: German Renewable Energy Usage at [7.7%] Record High in 2006
- 2007/01/04: WorldChanging: Interview with Paul Gipe, Wind Energy Pioneer
- 2007/01/04: AlterNet: Intelligent Growth: A Vision for a New Low-Energy Economy
- 2007/01/04: ZDNet: Wal-Mart readies large-scale move into solar power
- 2007/01/03: CBC: British Columbians oppose coal power: survey
- 2007/01/03: ABC(Au): Queensland Government to release land for geothermal exploration
Automakers, lawyers and activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2007/01/03: HuffPo: GM's Car Czar Must Think Company Initials Stand for "General Malaise"
What does it take for a man and his company to wake up? How about a snowless ski season? Drowning polar bears? Or a nation addicted to imported oil coming mostly from dangerous parts of the world? Bob Lutz and General Motors are still asleep at the switch, apparently incapable of responding to the climate crisis or the need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2007/01/07: TreeHugger: Heritage Foundation Stakes Out The "Anti-Gore" Position
- 2007/01/05: TreeHugger: Climate Skeptics In Siberian Self-Exile: The Tunguska Event Stikes Again!
- 2007/01/05: HuffPo: CNN Anchor [Glenn Beck]: "It Might Not Be Bad" If I Hurricane Were To "Clean The Streets Out" In NYC...
- 2007/01/04: DeSmogBlog: This Climate is For the Birds -- NOT!
- 2007/01/03: DeSmogBlog: Truthiness: Tim Ball's Last Hope
- 2007/01/03: FramingScience: Fox News Talking Heads Claim Denver Blizzard Shows There is an East Coast Bias on Global Warming
- 2007/01/01: ERabett: Benny or the Bunny...
- 2007/01/02: TP: Fox News Segment Falsely Claims That Denver Blizzard Casts Doubt On Global Warming
- 2007/01/01: ERabett: Have a hot new year...
- 2007/01/01: Deltoid: Monckton in Nexus
The Union of Concerned Scientists report on Exonn FUD drew widespread comment:
- 2007/01/06: WtW: An Inconvenient Truth #2: Guess Who's In Denial?
- 2007/01/04: MSNBC: 'Greenwashing' Oil - A report says the world's largest corporation funded studies that cast doubts on the link between fossil fuels and climate change.
- 2007/01/06: TEB: UCS Asserts That ExxonMobil is Clouding Understanding of Climate Change to Delay Action on the Issue
- 2007/01/05: EJB: Scientists: Exxon Mobil Spread Climate Change Disinformation
- 2007/01/05: BobPark: 1) The Junkman: Exxon Uses Milloy To Downplay Global Warming.
- 2007/01/03: CSW: New report from Union of Concerned Scientists documents ExxonMobil's disinformation campaign
- 2007/01/05: TerraDaily: ExxonMobil Disinformation Campaign On Global Warming Science
- 2007/01/04: EnergyBulletin: Scientists' report on ExxonMobil’s climate disinformation campaign
- 2007/01/04: ABC(US): Report: Big Money Confusing Public on Global Warming - ExxonMobil Tactics Similar to Tobacco Industry, Group Found
- 2007/01/03: DeSmogBlog: And Exxon's response?
- 2007/01/04: PlanetArk: Exxonmobil Cultivates Global Warming Doubt - Report
- 2007/01/04: ClimateArk: Exxon Accused of Trying to Mislead Public
- 2007/01/04: OilChange: UCS Attacks Exxon For Misleading Public Over Climate
- 2007/01/03: Reuters: ExxonMobil cultivates global warming doubt-report
- 2007/01/03: UCSUSA:Scientists' Report Documents ExxonMobil's Tobacco-like Disinformation Campaign on Global Warming Science
Oil Company Spent Nearly $16 Million to Fund Skeptic Groups, Create Confusion - 2007/01/03: Yahoo: ExxonMobil cultivates global warming doubt: report
Energy giant ExxonMobil borrowed tactics from the tobacco industry to raise doubt about climate change, spending $16 million on groups that question global warming, a science watchdog group [Union of Concerned Scientists] said on Wednesday. - 2007/01/03: Reuters: ExxonMobil cultivates global warming doubt -report
- 2007/01/03: MSNBC: Science activists blast ExxonMobil on warming - Group claims company is following tobacco industry tactics
- 2007/01/03: PhysOrg: Group: ExxonMobil Paid to Mislead Public
ExxonMobil Corp. gave $16 million to 43 ideological groups between 1998 and 2005 in a coordinated effort to mislead the public by discrediting the science behind global warming, the Union of Concerned Scientists asserted Wednesday. - 2007/01/03: DeSmogBlog: Union of Concerned Scientists Slams Exxon-Tobacco Link
Eli is soliciting nominations:
There are a couple of older stories still reverberating through the media echo chamber:
- 2007/01/03: TerraDaily: Researchers Identify A Heartbeat In Earth Climate
- 2007/01/02: TerraDaily: Forests Can Also Raise Temperature Of Earth
- 2007/01/03: TerraDaily: Western Wildfires Linked To Atlantic Ocean Surface Temperatures
And then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2007/01/04: VDM: Viridian Note 00484: Climate Optimism
- 2007/01/04: PNT: At the interface of science and policy, part 1
- 2007/01/06: JFleck: The Inconvenience of the IPCC
- 2007/01/05: Grist: Tongue Wrestling - In India, U.K., and U.S., climate change is cause for conflict
- 2007/01/04: JFleck: I thought sea level rise was accelerating
- 2007/01/03: DeSmogBlog: One Path To Climate Peace
- 2007/01/04: RICS: Met Office director general [Sir John Houghton] warns that climate change is 'here to stay'
- 2007/01/02: AlterNet: Global Warming is Here. Now What?
- 2007/01/02: TheAge: Whither our weather? [Tim Flannery]
- 2007/01/02: ABC(Au): Weather bureau [Bureau of Meteorology's (BOM)] says 2006 9th warmest year on record
- 2007/01/07: ERabett: Eli's final word on the Stern Report...
- 2007/01/03: Stoat: Costs of Stabilisation
- 2006/12/31: GristMill: Overestimating the cost of emissions reductions
- 2007/01/03: ANI: NASA scientist warns global warming will be irreversible after 10 years
- 2007/01/01: Independent(UK): 'If we fail to act, we will end up with a different planet' [says Dr. James Hansen]
Here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- RDB: RunningDog Blog
- UOttawa: Ayles Ice Shelf - Dr. Luke Copland
- EJB: Eco-Justice Blog
- E2: Eye on Earth
- UNL: Drought Monitor
- BOM: The South Pacific Sea Level & Climate Monitoring Project
- Climate Progress
- Logical Science - Defending the scientific consensus from vested interests
- Climate Choices - Global Warming and Climate Change in California
- LE: Lomborg Errors
- CDP: Carbon Disclosure Project
- CPC: Climate Protection Campaign
- NASA:SORCE: Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment
- Steve Sherwood's Global Warming FAQ
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
"You can lie to me and you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to mother nature."
Global Warming:
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H.E. Taylor
Labels: news
At January 13, 2007 1:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to say I love the blog!
At January 13, 2007 2:00 PM,
coby said…
Thanks very much for the visits and the feedback!
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