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Another week of GW news - December 10, 2006
NASA reports phytoplankton are diminishing due to GW:
- 2006/12/07: SciDaily: Global Warming Is Reducing Ocean Life, Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Say Scientists
- 2006/12/07: CDreams: Independent(UK): Climate Change is Killing the Oceans' Microscopic 'Lungs'
- 2006/12/07: BostonGlobe: Warming threatens sea life - Drop in species' food source found
- 2006/12/07: ABC(US): Warmed-Up Oceans Reduce Key Food Link
- 2006/12/07: TruthOut: Tropical Seas Are Threatened by Famine as Warming Quickens
- 2006/12/06: NewScientist: Warming oceans produce less phytoplankton
- 2006/12/06: PhysOrg: Global warming will reduce ocean productivity, marine life
A 10-year, satellite-based analysis has shown for the first time that primary biological productivity in the oceans - the growth of phytoplankton that forms the basis for the rest of the marine food chain - is tightly linked to climate change, and would be reduced by global warming. - 2006/12/06: Eureka: Global warming is reducing ocean life, increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide, say scientists
- 2006/12/06: Eureka: NASA research reveals climate warming reduces ocean food supply
- 2006/12/06: Eureka: Global warming will reduce ocean productivity, marine life
Recent GHG statistics are not encouraging:
- 2006/12/07: CliProg: The Other Bush Legacy: Carbon Emissions Soar
- 2006/12/07: PhysOrg: Greenhouse gas emissions set to rise as new sources for transport fuel are used
- 2006/12/08: CDreams: Reuters: Carbon Emissions up One-Quarter Since 1990: Study
In the hurricane wars:
Click here to read more- 2006/12/10: Wunderground: Space Shuttle blazes into space; Utor [aka Seniang] pounds Philippines
- 2006/12/08: Wunderground: 2007 Hurricane Season Forecast
- 2006/12/07: TerraDaily: Bodies Wash Up On Philippine Shores A Week After Killer Typhoon
- 2006/12/08: AP: Forecaster Sees High Hurricane Activity
- 2006/12/07: WSWS: Hundreds killed as Typhoon Durian lashes the Philippines and Vietnam
- 2006/12/06: PlanetArk: Typhoon Kills 50 in Vietnam, Heads to Thailand
- 2006/12/06: BBC: Rescue workers in Vietnam are searching for some 50 people still missing after Tropical Storm Durian lashed the south coast, killing nearly 50 others
- 2006/12/05: Turkish Press: Tropical storm Durian kills at least 37 in Vietnam
- 2006/12/05: ABC(Au): Tropical storm Durian kills at least 12 in Vietnam
- 2006/12/05: PlanetArk: Heavy Rains from Typhoon to Hit Vietnam Coffee Belt
- 2006/12/05: PlanetArk: Philippines Fears 1,000 Killed in Typhoon's Wrath
- 2006/12/04: BBC: Thousands of people in Vietnam have been told to leave their homes ahead of the arrival of Tropical Storm Durian.
And the measured temperature keeps rising:
- 2006/12/04: NSU: Europe's warmest autumn in 500 years - Results hint that Europe may be in for a warm winter.
- 2006/12/06: Xinhuanet: China experiences warmest autumn for 55 years
- 2006/12/06: PlanetArk: Alps Warmest in 1,300 Years as 'Winter' Sets in
- 2006/12/05: PhysOrg: Alps Are Warmest in 1,300 Years
- 2006/12/05: IHT: Alps experiencing warmest period in 1,300 years, climatologist says
- 2006/12/04: DeSmogBlog: Change in Seasons Striking in European Regions
- 2006/12/05: PlanetArk: 2006 Unusually Warm, but not Hottest Year - Experts
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: Britain's Autumn Was Warmest on Record
The lack of Alpine snow for skiing seemed to catch on:
- 2006/12/09: Guardian(UK): Save the snow - The Alps are warmer than for 1,000 years, and mountains are starting to fall down.
- 2006/12/06: Guardian(UK): Austria's hills aren't alive with sound of skiing
- 2006/12/04: BBC: European ski resorts are hoping for sudden snowfalls to rescue the start to their season after an unusually warm autumn left slopes bereft of snow
Meanwhile on the el Niño front:
- 2006/12/07: NOAA: El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Discussion
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: FACTBOX - The El Nino Weather Phenomenon
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: UN Agency [WMO] Sees El Nino Stretching to Early 2007
Some Stern commentary:
- 2006/12/09: JQuiggin: The equity premium and the Stern Review
- 2006/12/09: Guardian(UK): Climate change - Beyond words [non-reaction to Stern]
- 2006/12/09: CrTimber: The equity premium and the Stern Review
- 2006/12/08: OilChange: Stern Quits Treasury After Brown Freezes Him Out
- 2006/11/30: BDL: Partha Dasgupta Makes a Mistake in His Critique of the Stern Review
- 2006/12/07: BDL: Applied Utilitarianism and Global Climate Change [Stern]
- 2006/12/05: JQuiggin: Close to zero? [discounting in the Stern Report]
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
Oh those startling Antarctica stories:
- 2006/12/08: ABC(Au): Australians to study giant Antarctic ice cracks
Hobart scientists are heading to Antarctica to study the cause of enormous cracks forming in the Amery Ice Shelf. The cracks began forming around a decade ago and are growing at three to five metres a day. The fractures threatened to break off a 900-square-kilometre piece of the Amery Ice Shelf, which is about the size of Tasmania. - 2006/12/04: BBC: Sediments extracted from the Antarctic seafloor show the world's largest [Ross] ice shelf has disintegrated and reappeared many times in the past
And another from the Arctic:
- 2006/12/05: TerraDaily: Arctic Ice Field Could Melt By 2080
- 2006/12/05: ABC(Au): Arctic ice field could melt by 2080: research
- 2006/12/05: PhysOrg: Arctic ice field could melt by 2080: European research
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2006/12/09: Stoat: Climate change hits poor people hardest
- 2006/12/08: CliProg: When it rains? [India's monsoons]
- 2006/12/07: Guardian(UK): Bangladesh is paying a cruel price for the west's excesses
The deadly effects of climate change are already being felt in the developing world. Fine words are not enough - 2006/12/05: PhysOrg: Great Barrier Reef sharks in collapse
- 2006/12/04: Eureka: Ongoing collapse of coral reef shark populations
And then there are the tropical rainforests:
- 2006/12/06: NSU: Conservation areas in Brazil set to grow - Amazon rainforest gets protective boost.
- 2006/12/05: GristMill: Biodiesel's tropical problem
- 2006/12/04: ConsInt: Brazil Makes Unprecedented Conservation Announcement
- 2006/12/04: PhysOrg: Brazil Protects Great Swath of Amazon
- 2006/12/05: PlanetArk: Brazil Creates Largest Tropical Rainforest Preserve
- 2006/12/04: BBC: Rainforest gets protected status
Vast tracts of rainforest in Brazil are to get a new protected status. The segments of land in the northern Para state together cover 15 million hectares (57,915 sq miles), an area of land that is bigger than England.
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2006/12/07: PhysOrg: Six injured as freak mini-tornado hits London street
- 2006/12/07: TIL: Tornado tears through London street
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2006/12/09: CBS: As World Warms, Africa's Waters Going Dry - Vast Lakes Dropping Fast, Affecting Water Supplies, Fishing And Power For Millions
- 2006/12/09: PhysOrg: Vast African Lake [Victoria] Levels Dropping Fast
- 2006/12/04: TomPaine: Africa Is Burning
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: Worst Floods For Years Devastate East Africa
The drought in Australia is rough:
- 2006/12/10: UPI: Fires rage in SE Australia
- 2006/12/10: BBC: Winds fan Australian bush fires
Flames fanned by strong winds and high temperatures are hampering thousands of firefighters tackling bush fires in south-eastern Australia. - 2006/12/10: Guardian(UK): Outback cracks under assault of the Big Dry
Five years of drought have left Australian land parched and towns on the verge of economic ruin - 2006/12/09: Reuters: Bushfire smoke blankets major Australian city [Melbourne]
- 2006/12/08: BBC: Australian state braced for fires
Firefighters in the Australian state of Victoria are trying to contain over a dozen fires which are threatening towns north-east of Melbourne. - 2006/12/06: PlanetArk: Australia Fears Super Fires as Temperatures Soar
- 2006/12/06: BBC: Australia has reported a slowdown in economic growth, as the country struggles with a severe drought
- 2006/12/05: ABC(Au): Drought worse than in 2002: climatologist
The troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2006/12/08: H&P: Crops & Global Warming
- 2006/12/05: TruthOut: Search for Crops That Can Survive Global Warming
- 2006/12/05: ENS: Climate Change Increases Food Security Concerns
- 2006/12/05: Mercury: Australia drought has impact on farmers
- 2006/12/04: Yahoo: Experts worry warmer Earth will slash farm yields
- 2006/12/05: TerraDaily: Developing World's Crops Under Increased Threat
- 2006/12/05: PhysOrg: Researchers say rise in California temperatures likely to affect crops
- 2006/12/04: Guardian(UK): Search for crops that can survive global warming
- 2006/12/05: PlanetArk: Experts Worry Warmer Earth Will Slash Farm Yields
- 2006/12/04: Eureka: Rise in California temperatures likely to affect crops
- 2006/12/04: Eureka: CGIAR climate change research - Breeding climate-resilient crops, managing greenhouse gases, improving resource-use efficiency
- 2006/12/04: Eureka: Intensified research effort yields climate-resilient agriculture to blunt impact of global warming
- 2006/12/03: BBC: New crops needed to avoid famines
The global network of agricultural research centres warns that famines lie ahead unless new crop strains adapted to a warmer future are developed. - 2006/12/04: TP: Climate Change Will Empty America's Breadbasket
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2006/12/05: Eureka: Southern Ocean could slow global warming [by absorbing significantly more heat and carbon dioxide than previously thought]
- 2006/12/06: TerraDaily: Southern Ocean Could Slow Global Warming
- 2006/12/05: PhysOrg: Southern Ocean Could Slow Global Warming
- 2006/12/05: SciDaily: Southern Ocean Could Slow Global Warming
And on the carbon sequestration front:
- 2006/12/07: PlanetArk: What is Carbon Capture and Storage?
- 2006/05/29: IPCC: Special Report on Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage
- 2006/12/04: ABC(Au): Researchers target carbon capture
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2006/12/07: CPD: Simulated northern hemispheric storm tracks of the Eemian interglacial and the last glacial inception by F. Kaspar et al.
- 2006/12/05: CPD: Orbital and freshwater forcing during the last interglacial: analysis of climate and vegetation response patterns by G. Lohmann
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2006/12/08: TerraDaily: Global Warming Of The Future Is Projected By Ancient Carbon Emissions
- 2006/12/08: Eureka: Graduate students study links between African and US weather systems
The parallel of the PETM [Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum] is slightly ominous:
- 2006/12/07: SciDaily: Ancient Climate Change May Portend Toasty Future
- 2006/12/07: Eureka: Global warming of the future is projected by ancient carbon emissions [PETM]
- 2006/12/07: Eureka: Ancient climate change may portend toasty future [PETM]
The travails of getting science published:
Another one of those everything is different stories:
While on the Kyoto front:
And on the emissions trading front:
- 2006/12/06: PlanetArk: NY Plans to Auction 100 Percent of CO2 Permits - Source
- 2006/12/06: PlanetArk: Germany Aims to Cap Airline's CO2 Emissions
- 2006/12/05: WorldChanging: Are Carbon Offsets More Than Hot Air?
- 2006/12/05: OilChange: China's Booming Carbon Market
- 2006/12/04: GristMill: Carbon trading: a carbon tax, blindfolded and handcuffed, with its shoelaces tied together
- 2006/12/04: GreenLeft: Carbon trading: an essential tool in the greenhouse struggle
- 2006/12/04: ClimateArk: Permit glut forces carbon values down [ETS]
The US and EU are still at loggerheads over CO2 and aviation:
- 2006/12/05: BWeek: U.S., EU Square Off on Airline Pollution
If the EC includes aviation in pollution control regulations, Washington may put up a legal fight against what it calls trade rules violation
Cities are doing what national governments won't:
- 2006/12/10: BaltimoreSun: Towns across U.S. join fight against global warming
- 2006/12/04: ITN: Tokyo joins cities group [LCCLG: Large Cities Climate Leadership Group] to tackle climate change
And on the American political front:
- 2006/12/07: PhysOrg: [North American] Indians meet to discuss global warming
- 2006/12/08: PhysOrg: Rising Sea Level Big Concern Along S.C. [South Carolina]
- 2006/12/08: PhysOrg: Critics fault closure of federal libraries
- 2006/12/08: Grist: Native Shun - Representatives of more than 50 U.S. tribes gather for climate conference
- 2006/12/08: DeSmogBlog: US Publishers finding [George Monbiot's] "Heat" Too Hot
- 2006/12/08: SCO: States vow cap on CO2 emissions [RGGI]
- 2006/12/06: CSM: Americans try to shift into 'carbon neutral' - To combat global warming, many try to remove as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they add to it.
- 2006/12/05: CSW: Concerns raised about NOAA deputy administrator nominee [Jane Luxton] stall confirmation process
- 2006/12/06: DeSmogBlog: Poll: Democratic Win Reflects National "Awakening" to Climate Crisis
- 2006/12/06: TerraDaily: More Than 50 Tribes Convene on Global Warming Impacts [Tribal Lands Climate Conference]
- 2006/12/05: TruthOut: Boxer Says No More Environment Rollbacks
Environmental rollbacks from the Bush administration "in the dead of the night" are history, the incoming head of the Senate environment committee declared Tuesday. - 2006/12/04: TruthOut: Dingell and other Democrats plan oversight hearings on environmental issues
- 2006/12/05: PhysOrg: Drought Relief Nowhere in Site for [US] Farms
- 2006/12/04: CSW: Upcoming confirmation vote a threat to the integrity of the Climate Change Science Program [Jane Luxton at NOAA]
- 2006/12/05: JFleck: A New Mexican Insurgency
- 2006/12/05: CCTimes: Boxer says no more environment rollbacks
- 2006/12/04: CliProg: Kudos to Senator Boxer
- 2006/12/04: DeSmogBlog: Shell CEO: debate is over, get on with action!
- 2006/12/04: PhiladelphiaInquirer: Give the EPA a clear mission
- 2006/12/04: SacBee: Meeting greenhouse gas limit might be tricky - The state must reduce emissions to a 1990 level that's uncertain.
The SCOTUS Mass vs. EPA case came in for more commentary:
- 2006/12/07: GristMill: Standing in the face of global warming [Mass. vs EPA]
- 2006/12/07: RealClimate: Further comment on the Supreme Court briefs
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2006/12/10: BostonGlobe: Gore plans to initiate a grass-roots 'carbon freeze' movement
- 2006/12/09: TheWest(Au): Gore in bid to 'freeze' carbon emissions - says he will start a grassroots political movement
- 2006/12/08: ClimateArk: Gore's climate ally answers call [Cathy Zoi, an American who has lived in Australia for the past 12 years]
- 2006/12/05: CDreams: Scotsman: Firm Offers to Pay for Pupils to See Gore Film
While on the UK political front:
- 2006/12/06: Times(UK): Brown turns to tax and spend in 'final' budget
Gordon Brown ended the freeze on petrol duty, doubled air passenger duty and announced a raft of initiatives to combat climate change today as he laid out what is expected to be his final Pre-Budget Report as Chancellor. - 2006/12/06: Scotsman: [UK] Airlines slam plans to double passenger tax
- 2006/12/06: TIL: 'We're living on borrowed time', claims [Prince] Charles
- 2006/12/05: Telegraph(UK): Prince [Charles] recruits Gore for 'green' campaign
- 2006/12/04: Guardian(UK): Government 'lacks urgency' over cutting CO2 emissions
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: UK Government Failing on Global Warming - Tories
Meanwhile in Europe:
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: Italy Cuts Free CO2 Emissions Limit Under New NAP [2008-2012 national allocation plan]
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: Germany to Defy EU Rejection of its CO2 Plan
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: Greens Says Germany Deserved EU Rebuke on Emissions
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: Report Slams EU Travelling Circus [sitting in both Brussels and Strasbourg] for CO2 Emissions
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2006/12/07: ABC(Au): NFF [National Farmers Federation] backs calls for climate change action
- 2006/12/07: ABC(Au): Govts urged to boost carbon trading incentives to farmers [by AgForce]
- 2006/12/09: ABC(Au): Brisbane's greenhouse emissions down 7pc since 90s
- 2006/12/08: Australian: Fair carbon trade 'way off in future'
A fair and workable carbon trading system that spread the costs of addressing climate change was "some way off", federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell said yesterday. - 2006/12/05: ABC(Au): Religious groups unite to fight global warming
The campaign to combat global warming has united 16 different religious denominations across Australia. Anglicans, Catholics, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and Muslims are a few of the different faiths who have formed a new group to campaign on climate change. - 2006/12/06: ABC(Au): Opposition parties issue warning on climate change inaction
Aussie PM Howard is still running with the Big Dry hot behind:
- 2006/12/10: TreeHugger: Ex-Rocker Peter Garrett Gets Climate Change Portfolio
- 2006/12/11: ClimateArk: Australia: Industry dominates emissions taskforce
- 2006/12/10: ABC(Au): [Former (rockband) Midnight Oil frontman, Peter] Garrett vows to roll sleeves up on climate change
- 2006/12/10: PerthNow: PM to probe carbon scheme
- 2006/12/10: ABC(Au): Task force to report on emissions trading
- 2006/12/10: ABC(Au): PM's carbon trading task force stacked, says Brown.
While in Canada:
- 2006/12/09: IPSNews: Kyoto Gets a Slap in the Face from Canada
- 2006/12/04: PlanetArk: Canada Liberal Leader [Stephane Dion] Says Won't Kill Oil Industry
- 2006/12/03: IHT: Canada's new Liberal leader says he'll honor Canada's Kyoto commitment if elected
- 2006/12/04: CTV: Dion says he'll honour Kyoto if he unseats Harper
- 2006/12/04: CanWest: Global warming threatens fisheries - Authorities mull boat restrictions, shorter seasons as temperatures lure salmon into danger
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
Apocalypso anyone?:
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
Here is something for your library:
Developing a new energy infrastructure is the fundamental challenge of the current generation:
- 2006/12/10: SOSD: State [California] to embark on its biggest-ever photovoltaic project
- 2006/12/10: Scotsman: UK must look beyond wind power
- 2006/12/10: TEB: How Long will the PV Silicon Shortage Last?
- 2006/12/10: REA: Solar Cell Breaks the 40% Efficiency Barrier
- 2006/12/08: Grist: Biofuel Skeptic Extraordinaire - An interview with David Pimentel
- 2006/12/09: Telegraph(UK): Wind farms 'are failing to generate the predicted amount of electricity'
- 2006/12/08: PlanetArk: "Clean" Coal Seen in 5-10 Years, but Costs High
- 2006/12/05: CosmosMag: Australia's energy future more costly
Australia can help in the global effort to fight climate change without ruining its economy, according to the final report of the Energy Futures Forum. - 2006/12/01: EarthTimes: Companies convert CO2 to auto fuel
The US EIA released their Annual Energy Outlook which features a business as usual projection of CO2 emissions:
- EIA: Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030
- EIA: Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions
A paper on biofuel sources drew some interest:
- 2006/12/07: NSU: Prairies could fuel the future - Plant mixtures may yield more energy and greenhouse gas savings than other biofuels.
- 2006/12/07: FuturePundit: Monocultures Not Best Choices For Biomass Energy
- 2006/12/08: SeedQuest: Mixed prairie grasses are a better source of biofuel than corn ethanol and soybean biodiesel
- 2006/12/08: NewScientist: Humble grasses may be the best source of biofuel
- 2006/12/08: GristMill: Carbon-negative biofuels
- 2006/12/07: ScienceNow: A Better Biofuel?
- 2006/12/07: Eureka: Mixed prairie grasses are better biofuel source, U of M study says - Fuels made from prairie biomass reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
- 2006/12/04: GristMill: Sometimes 'needs more study' really is the right answer [greenness of hydro]
- 2006/12/04: ClimateArk: Greener, cleaner ... and competitive? Renewables could supply one-quarter of US energy by 2025, with no harm to economy, a study says
And then there is the matter of efficiency:
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
Insurance and re-insurance companies are feeling the heat:
- 2006/12/06: GristMill: 'Getting religion' on global warming: Now it's the U.S. insurance industry
- 2006/12/02: WaPo: A Dream Blown Away - Climate Change Already Has a Chilling Effect on Where Americans Can Build Their Homes
- 2006/12/06: CliProg: The Market Won't Clear -- Neither Will The Weather
The bottom line: The insurance industry is not so much preparing as it is running from the problem, given its financial interests. Even so, at least they are aware of the problem and taking precautions -- a lesson that delayers, deniers and policymakers need to learn.
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2006/12/10: ERabett: It is NOT BAU this month - From Singer, to Chilinger to Monckton to Inhofe, the drums are beating in the jungle of denial.[in preparation for AR4]
- 2006/12/09: ERabett: But he started this mom...[pomes for denialists]
- 2006/12/08: Senate:EPW: Senator Inhofe announces public release of "Skeptic's guide to debunking global warming"
- 2006/12/08: TruthOut: Exxon Spends Millions to Cast Doubt on Warming
- 2006/12/07: DeSmogBlog: Globe and Mail Soils Itself Online
- 2006/12/08: HuffPo: Crooked Curriculum: Oil Company Money Scandal at Nat'l Science Teachers Association Deepens
- 2006/12/07: OilChange: Exxon Still Funding the Sceptics
- 2006/12/07: CDreams: Independent(UK): Exxon Spends Millions to Cast Doubt on Warming
- 2006/12/05: ERabett: Shine on shine on Monckton's moon...
- 2006/12/06: DeSmogBlog: National Post Deniers Feature: Picking Favourite Facts
- 2006/12/06: DeSmogBlog: Rep. Barton, a longtime ally of Sen. James Inhofe, Vows to Block Congressional Carbon Caps
- 2006/12/05: DeSmogBlog: Avery's oil friendly and "intelligently designed" skeptic message
- 2006/12/06: Deltoid: Paper claims human CO2 emissions are negligible
- 2006/12/05: DeSmogBlog: Lonely NRSP "experts" Shouting into the Wind
- 2006/12/05: DeSmogBlog: Tim Ball's better, warmer world at odds with new famine forecast
- 2006/12/05: TP: "Smokey" Joe Barton Calls Global Warming Science "Absolute Nonsense," Vows To Fight CO2 Caps
- 2006/12/04: GristMill: Snowe and Rockefeller on the 'uncertainty' agenda [letter to Exxon]
- 2006/12/04: SlashDot: BBC Wants Evidence of Climate Science Bias
- 2006/12/04: BSD: The solution to a collective action problem is to stop people from doing anything about it...
Senator Inhofe held a final forum that elicited much comment:
- 2006/12/10: WaPo: Mr. Inhofe's Last Hearing - Thank goodness.
The last hearing on global climate change chaired by Sen. James M. Inhofe provided an excellent and public tutorial on why Americans should be grateful that it was, in fact, his last. - 2006/12/09: HuffPo: OUR Tax Dollars At Work
- 2006/12/07: TruthOut: Global Warming Debate Heats Up Senate Committee Hearing
- 2006/12/07: GristMill: Clown show denouement [Inhofe]
- 2006/12/08: Deltoid: Goodbye to Inhofe
- 2006/12/07: RealClimate: Inhofe's last stand
- 2006/12/07: TP: Inhofe Hearing Accuses Media of "Hyping Scientifically Unfounded Climate Alarmism"
- 2006/12/07: SF Gate: Senator gives global warming alarm a final cold shoulder
GOP's Inhofe, chairing his last committee hearing, says media has been alarmist - 2006/12/07: BoomanTrib: Global Warming: Mass Delusion or Hoax? [Inhofe]
- 2006/12/07: WTimes: Global warming 'over-hyped'? [Inhofe]
- 2006/12/06: USNewsWire: Media Shows Irrational Hysteria on Global Warming - "The Public Has Been Vastly Misinformed," NCPA's Deming Tells Senate Committee
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2006/12/08: VDM: Viridian Note 00481: The Counterpurge
- 2006/12/08: GristMill: Say NOAA to bad science
- 2006/12/08: CSW: ExxonMobil CEO says global warming poses significant potential risks, emissions reductions needed
- 2006/12/09: ClimateArk: United Kingdom: Your carbon footprint revealed
[Carbon Trust] Climate change report finds we each produce 11 tons of carbon a year - and breaks down how we do it - 2006/12/08: GristMill: Risk perception and global warming
- 2006/12/07: DeSmogBlog: Sierra Club Drowns in Own Climate Catastrope
- 2006/12/10: Telegraph(UK): UN downgrades man's impact on the climate [AR4 leak]
- 2006/12/05: FTimes: Penalties of acting alone stall collective effort on climate change
- 2006/12/06: DeSmogBlog: Earth 911 launches global warming resource webcentre
- 2006/12/06: TreeHugger: The One Ton CO2 Project
- 2006/12/03: JFleck: That Badass Paleo Record
- 2006/12/04: GristMill: The climate change insurgency [Dessler]
- 2006/12/04: ERabett: More on boring holes...
- 2006/12/08: ERabett: Where HAS all the CO2 gone...
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- ACP: The Alliance for Climate Protection
- New Scientist Environment
- CEOS: Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
- Earth911 - Global Warming
- Science at Stake
- Mark Lynas (blog)
- Stop Global Warming
- NASA: CloudSat
- CICERO: Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo
- EU Carbon Trading - Kyoto Protocol - Community Transaction Log
- Dr. James E. Hansen homepage
- The Yale Project on Climate Change
- GCC: Green Car Congress
- GDTE: Get Down To Earth
- Climate Crisis
- ITTO: International Tropical Timber Organization
- TGW: Target Global Warming
- SOLA: Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere
- IODP Proceedings - Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX)
- Yahoo: Science - Environment & Nature
- The Great Warming [three-hour television series]
- Quark Soup
- LDEO: Global Standardized Precipitation Index Analyses
- Oikos: Greenomics
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
"The climate system has enormous momentum, as does the economic system that emits so much carbon dioxide. Like a supertanker, which has to turn off its engines 25 km before it comes to a stop, we have to start turning off greenhouse gas emissions now in order to avoid catastrophe in decades to come."
-Dr. Frank Ackerman
Global Warming:
GW News:
GW News Archive:
H.E. Taylor
Labels: news
At December 15, 2006 12:00 PM,
Kari Herring said…
can i link your site to mine? i'm trying to spread the word about environmental issues. my blog is just things in my every day life, but people need to know about this stuff so it would be cool to have a link up.
At December 15, 2006 12:11 PM,
coby said…
Sure Kari, be my guest!
At January 04, 2007 1:48 AM,
Ely said…
Have you made any posts about choices that people can make individually that can reduce green house gases?
At January 05, 2007 9:25 AM,
coby said…
Hi Max,
No I haven't and I think I should do so. I have been focused pretty much exclusively on getting us past the "scientific" debate.
I think the An Inconvenient Truth's website has those resources. You can also check some of the links here, there are many others but this section seems most likely to have the kind of things you are looking for.
Thanks for the visit!
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