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Another Week of GW News - March 25, 2007
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Click here to read more Live and direct from the laugh, it's funny, damnit department: 2007/03/24: uComics: (cartoon - Wiley) Ok Ok So Maybe... 2007/03/23: HuffPo: (cartoon - Tyrell) Gore's Visit to the Hill 2007/03/23: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) Congress finally settles on a response to GW 2007/03/23: uComics: (cartoon - Danziger) Our Next Witness to Speak Against GW 2007/03/23: SeattlePI: (cartoon - Horsey) Inhofe presents his own GW slideshow The big story of the week has to be the in the US congressional committees hearings. First up Barbara Boxer: 2007/03/23: PoliCortex: Al Gore's Plan Goes Far Beyond What Congress Envisions 2007/03/22: Guardian(UK): Message in hand, Gore returns in triumph to Congress 2007/03/23: Grist: The Goracle - Gore gets a warm welcome on Capitol Hill, and a few heated exchanges 2007/03/22: GristMill: Final final thought on Gore's testimony 2007/03/22: GristMill: GOP attack on Gore makes no sense at all 2007/03/21: ClimateP: GOP Attack on Gore Makes No Sense At All 2007/03/21: TruthOut: Gore Implores Congress to Save Planet 2007/03/23: LA Times: Returning as the 'Goracle' 2007/03/23: HuffPo: On Hurricanes (And Much Else), Gore Did Better Than His Congressional Critics 2007/03/21: SpaceRef: Congressional Testimony on Climate Change by Al Gore 2007/03/22: NewScientist: Al Gore rallies US Congress over climate 2007/03/21: CCM: Two Americas on Gore and Global Warming? 2007/03/21: CCM: Getting Ready for Double Testimony from Gore 2007/03/21: TerraDaily: Al Gore Issues Lawmakers Dire Warning On Climate Change 2007/03/22: OilChange: Reinvented Gore Returns to Capitol Hill 2007/03/22: CPunch: Another Oscar Performance from Al Gore 2007/03/22: TomPaine: Gore Or More Of The Same? 2007/03/22: NYT: Gore Warns Congress of ‘Planetary Emergency’ 2007/03/22: WaPo: Gore Challenges Congress on ClimateCommittees Implored to Combat Warming With Unprecedented Controls 2007/03/22: Guardian(UK): Message in hand, Gore returns in triumph to Congress - Oscar-winner back on Capitol Hill with well-honed warning on climate change 2007/03/21: ClimateP: Gore Heats Up the House 2007/03/21: GristMill: Final thought on Gore's day in Congress 2007/03/21: GristMill: Gore Senate testimony: final thoughts 2007/03/21: GristMill: Al Gore's testimony to the Senate 2007/03/21: GristMill: Gore errata 2007/03/21: GristMill: Gore's legislative recommendations to the House 2007/03/21: ENS: Gore Urges Immediate U.S. Freeze on Warming Emissions 2007/03/21: ClimateArk: Star in New Role, Gore Revisits Old Stage 2007/03/21: MSNBC: Gore takes warming warning to Congress 2007/03/21: OurFuture: Blog Reaction to Gore House Testimony 2007/03/20: MediaMatters: The New York Times continues its War on Gore 2007/03/21: GristMill: Al Gore's testimony to the House 2007/03/21: HuffPo: Al Gore: Now's The Time To Jump In The Race 2007/03/21: HuffPo: On Gore, Tipping Points, The Law of the One, and Google's New Climate Maven 2007/03/21: HuffPo: Al Gore's Legislative Recommendations to the House 2007/03/21: HuffPo: Triumphant Return To Hill For Gore 2007/03/21: ThinkP: Boxer Slams Down Inhofe's Global Warming Filibuster: "You Don't Make The Rules Anymore" 2007/03/21: BBC: Al Gore makes global warming plea - Former US Vice-President Al Gore made an emotional return to the US Congress to testify about global warming. 2007/03/21: BBerg: Gore Asks Congress to Address `Planetary Emergency' 2007/03/21: AP: Gore Implores Congress to Save Planet Earlier, Henry Waxman looked into Bush administration manipulation of science: 2007/03/24: FreeP: When politics edits out science - Hard to believe, but they're at it again 2007/03/22: WSWS: Congressional hearings detail political tampering in US climate research 2007/03/21: GWWatch: Hansen to Congress: Big Brother censoring climate science for big oil 2007/03/20: PRWatch: More Global Warming Edits See Light of Day 2007/03/20: ENS: House Panel Investigates Bush's Climate Science Manipulations 2007/03/20: Guardian(UK): Bush appointees 'watered down greenhouse science' 2007/03/20: TruthOut: Material Shows Weakening of Climate Reports 2007/03/20: NewScientist: US fudging of climate science - details revealed 2007/03/20: DeSmogBlog: Former White House official doctored global-warming reports to undercut scientific findings 2007/03/20: Yahoo: Official [P. Cooney] defends editing climate papers 2007/03/20: OilChange: Hansen Attacks "Gagging" by White House 2007/03/20: LA Times: Congressional hearing heats up over changes to climate reports 2007/03/20: ThinkP: Ex-Bush Official [Philip Cooney]: I Fixed The Facts Around The Policy 2007/03/20: HuffPo: NASA, Political Interference, and the Vindication of James Hansen 2007/03/19: Guardian(UK): Climate change expert slates US 'interference' in research 2007/03/20: Guardian(UK): Bush appointees 'watered down greenhouse science' 2007/03/19: LA Times: Scientist accuses White House of 'Nazi' tactics 2007/03/19: GristMill: Final reflections on this morning's Waxman hearing 2007/03/19: GristMill: Wednesday must-see TV Gore and Inhofe, mano-a-mano. Or, more accurately, mano-a-wacko. 2007/03/19: GristMill: Spencer's testimony at Waxman committee 2007/03/19: GristMill: The Waxman hearing ... 2007/03/19: GristMill: Today's Waxman hearing: Philip Cooney speaks! 2007/03/19: CCM: The Waxman Hearing: Information Overload!! The WWF released a major study on the world's rivers: 2007/03/20: WWF: [with link to pdf] Going nowhere fast: Top rivers face mounting threats 2007/03/25: DaijiWorld: Ganga and Indus Rivers Drying up: WWF-India 2007/03/21: SciDaily: Going Nowhere Fast: Top Rivers Face Mounting Threats 2007/03/21: Guardian(UK): Dams, farms, shipping and climate threaten to dry up world's greatest rivers 2007/03/20: BBC: Rivers run towards 'crisis point' Some of the world's major rivers are reaching crisis point because of dams, shipping, pollution and climate change, according to the environment group WWF. And the FAO is not much more cheerful: 2007/03/23: ABC(Au): Two-thirds of world population could face water shortage by 2025: FAO There is a report the Antarctic is melting faster: 2007/03/23: TruthOut: Antarctic Melting May Be Speeding Up - Scientists 2007/03/24: TheWest: Climate doomsday approaching: report [Antarctic warming] 2007/03/24: SMH: Antarctic melting 'may be speeding up' 2007/03/23: CDreams: Reuters: Antarctic Melting May be Speeding Up And the circumpolar current may be slowing: 2007/03/23: PlanetArk: Southern Ocean Current Faces Slowdown Threat 2007/03/22: Yahoo: Southern Ocean current faces slowdown threat Some late commentary on the IPCC SPM: 2007/03/23: DeSmogBlog: IPCC Pulls Its Punches: Scientific American 2007/03/20: SCitizen: Lack of Errors in the IPCC Statement for Policymakers 2007/03/22: USAToday: Census shows Katrina's effects on populations 2007/03/22: ABC(Au): Larry was a category four cyclone: BoM 2007/03/21: Reuters: Forecaster [Tropical Storm Risk] sees active Atlantic hurricane season 2007/03/20: PhysOrg: Scientists uncover prehistoric hurricane activity 2007/03/20: PhysOrg: 'Cyclone science' shows rainforest impacts and recovery 2007/03/20: Eureka: LSU professor uncovers prehistoric hurricane activity - Chances of Category 4 or 5 hurricanes hitting Gulf location are .03 percent annually 2007/03/18: CCM: An Eyewitness Account of Cyclone George Meanwhile on the GHG front: 2007/03/21: NewScientist: Movies map global greenhouse gas [CH4 & CO2] movement 2007/03/21: NOAA: Powerful New Tool [CarbonTracker] to Track Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide by Source 2007/03/20: ESA: First greenhouse gas animations produced using Envisat SCIAMACHY data While on the el Niño front: 2007/03/24: IPSNews: El Niño Has Bigger Bite with Climate Change [Bolivia] Meanwhile in near earth orbit: 2007/03/19: Wunderground: NHC director Proenza calls for new satellite 2007/03/20: ESA: IceSAR [Synthetic Aperture Radar] campaign provides glimpse of future Sentinel-1 images over ice 2007/03/23: BSD: Global warming and the Santa Clara Valley Water District 2007/03/23: ClimateP: The Horrific Impact of Climate Change this Century 2007/03/22: Eureka: Changing ocean conditions led to decline in Alaska's sea lion population 2007/03/22: Eureka: Fisheries group calls for science-based approach to address climate impacts 2007/03/23: Yahoo: Warmer world puts squeeze on U.S. maple syrup 2007/03/22: AbqJournal: N.M. Rivers Gush as Snowpack Melts Off Early 2007/03/20: JFleck: No Palms - Australia's drought means no palms for Palm Sunday in New South Wales 2007/03/21: DeSmogBlog: Long Range Forecast Not Encouraging 2007/03/21: JFleck: Desalination 2007/03/20: TCulture: A Host of Plastic Daffodils? An Odd Manifestation of Climate Change Denial 2007/03/20: AgriNews: Spring forecast includes southern drought, Midwest floods 2007/03/20: RealClimate: Has Pacific Northwest snowpack declined? Yes. 2007/03/19: ClimateP: Megafires are a Megaworry 2007/03/19: PhysOrg: [Alaskan] Sea lion decline linked to climate change 2007/03/19: PlanetArk: Global Warming Boosts Arctic Shipping, Oil - [US Arctic Research Commission] Report 2007/03/19: Guardian(UK): Plague of beetles raises climate change fears for American beauty 2007/03/20: PlanetArk: Global Warming Action Could Curb Nightmare Impacts 2007/03/20: PlanetArk: Rising Sea Levels Threaten Indian Islands 2007/03/17: BBC: Climate change shifts sheep shape - Climate change could have an impact on animal evolution and ecology, scientists believe. This site presents a visual record of impacts: WVoGW: World View of Global Warming - Glaciers and Glacial Warming, Receding Glaciers Meanwhile in the "Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology" equation: 2007/03/20: TruthOut: Feeding Nine Billion Earthlings [in 2050] And then there are the tropical rainforests: 2007/03/24: MObjectivist: Deforestation [Brazil] 2007/03/22: TruthOut: Biofuels Boom Spurring Deforestation 2007/03/23: PhysOrg: Save forests to fight global warming: Stern 2007/03/23: Reuters: World must pay poorer nations to keep forests: Stern 2007/03/22: CDreams: IPS: Biofuels Boom Spurring Deforestation Yes we have no wacky weather, except: 2007/03/24: IRNA: 11 people killed in powerful storm in Bangladesh And speaking of floods & droughts: 2007/03/24: BBC: Millions face drought in SW China More than 5.5 million people are short of drinking water because of an acute drought in south-western China, state media reports. Low rainfall in the province of Sichuan has forced officials to deliver clean water to the worst-hit areas. 2007/03/22: TerraDaily: Yangtze Drought Triggers Debate Over China's Three Gorges Dam 2007/03/21: MWR(Cn): Drought leaves 121,000 short of drinking water in Hainan The conflict between biofuel and food persists: 2007/03/22: FSF: Carbon Footprint of a Bag of Potato Chips 2007/03/23: NWN: "Ethanol Binge" Hikes Corn Prices 2007/03/23: OilChange: Biofuels Increase Food Prices 2007/03/22: P&P: Ethanol drives up world food prices And the troubling matter of falling food production is not going away: 2007/03/19: CDreams: Independent(UK): World's Most Important Crops Hit by Global Warming Effects 2007/03/20: C411: The Carbon Footprint of -- Everything [eco-labels] 2007/03/19: TruthOut: Sustainable Living: Scientists Have Plan to Fight Warming [Princeton Wedge] And on the carbon sequestration front: 2007/03/24: NEN: Company to Capture Carbon 2007/03/24: SciDaily: Using Microalgae To Try To Eliminate Carbon Dioxide Emissions 2007/03/22: JFleck: Carbon Capture 2007/03/22: PlanetArk: UK Plans Contest to Build Big Carbon Capture Plant Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up: 2007/03/18: CNN: Scientists: Trying to change earth's climate is tricky 2007/03/19: CBC: Scientists eye odd climate fixes 2007/03/22: CP: Simulating sub-Milankovitch climate variations associated with vegetation dynamics by E. Tuenter et al. 2007/03/19: CP: Change in ice rheology during climate variations - implications for ice flow modelling and dating of the EPICA Dome C core by G. Durand et al. 2007/03/23: CPD: The LGM surface climate and atmospheric circulation over East Asia and the North Pacific in the PMIP2 coupled model simulations by W. Yanase & A. Abe-Ouchi 2007/03/20: CPD: Repeated temperature logs from the sites of the Czech, Slovenian and Portuguese borehole climate stations by J. 'afanda et al. 2007/03/20: PNAS: Altered soil microbial community at elevated CO2 leads to loss of soil carbon by Karen M. Carney et al. 2007/03/20: PNAS: Tradeoffs between income, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification by Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter et al. 2007/03/20: PNAS: Sustainable fuel for the transportation sector by Rakesh Agrawal et al. 2007/03/20: PNAS: Large seasonal swings in leaf area of Amazon rainforests by Ranga B. Myneni et al. 2007/03/20: PNAS: The importance of the Montreal Protocol in protecting climate by Guus J. M. Velders et al. Before we get into politics, there was some science done: 2007/03/24: Stoat: The borehole mystery 2007/03/23: NewScientist: Serendipitous sensors reveal secrets of storm surge 2007/03/23: PhysOrg: Microfossils unravel climate history of tropical Africa 2007/03/20: FuturePundit: Sun 200 And 88 Year Cycles? 2007/03/23: SciDaily: Global Warming Could Be Reversing A Trend That Led To Bigger Human Brains 2007/03/23: NWO: Microfossils unravel climate history of tropical Africa 2007/03/23: Eureka: New evidence puts 'Snowball Earth' theory out in the cold 2007/03/22: PhysOrg: Storm-force winds exert less pull on ocean than expected: study 2007/03/22: UPI: Study: Oceans acidify from CO2 buildup 2007/03/22: CSM: New efforts to predict when polar ice will melt 2007/03/20: TerraDaily: NASA Finds Sun-Climate Connection In Old Nile Records Here is a different solar theory: 2007/03/20: PlanetArk: Solar Pulses Suggest Heavy Australia Rain - Scientist Meanwhile on the emissions trading front: 2007/03/21: GWWatch: More about the Chicago Climate Exchange 2007/03/20: GWWatch: AGL joins the Chicago Climate Exchange 2007/03/20: EnvEcon: Prediction: A binding carbon market in 7 years 2007/03/19: ABC(Au): AGL signs onto global climate exchange effort The energy company AGL has become the first Australian utilities company to sign up with the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCE). The controversy over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs is unresolved: 2007/03/23: SF Gate: Global Warming Response - Markets or Taxes? Time for a carbon tax? And on the American political front: 2007/03/25: WaPo: Free to Speak Truth to Power 2007/03/24: CDreams: BostonGlobe: Science Starts To Fight Back 2007/03/22: 27B/6: Waxman Introduces Aggressive Climate Change Bill [The Safe Climate Act of 2007] 2007/03/21: WaPo: Activists Feel Warming on Climate Change - Hundreds Attend Capitol Rally to Demand Action on Cutting Greenhouse Gases 2007/03/23: FramingScience: Americans Now View the Environment as a Bigger Priority Than Energy Supplies 2007/03/23: PlanetArk: California Climate Action Registry a Big Draw 2007/03/21: FramingScience: The Two Americas of Global Warming Perceptions: Concern Among Dems Rises While Republicans Remain Unmoved 2007/03/22: SF Gate: Global warming activists try to stir Americans to change - Urging different lifestyles on people seen as difficult 2007/03/20: UCSUSA: Safe Climate Act Best Chance to Avert Dangerous Climate Change, Scientists Say 2007/03/20: PhysOrg: Utility Chiefs Wary of Emission Limits Top executives of some of the country's largest electric utilities gave guarded support Tuesday - or at least said they were not opposed - to mandatory carbon emission limits to deal with global warming. 2007/03/20: FPB: He hit me, and it felt like a kiss [US pol & biz] 2007/03/20: SwissInfo: Bush, Edwards, activists focus on global warming 2007/03/19: GristMill: 'Creation care' embraces climate change 2007/03/19: Reuters: Ex-CIA chief says U.S. must act on climate The United States must act to cap its emissions of greenhouse gases and join the fight against climate change or risk losing global leadership, a former CIA director said in a report released on Monday. "The United States must adopt a carbon emission control policy," John Deutch, head of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1995-96, said in a report to the Trilateral Commission, a grouping of business and opinion leaders from Europe, the United States and Asia. Some financial big guns visited the hill this week: 2007/03/19: PRInside: Investors Managing $4 Trillion Call on Congress to Tackle Global Climate Change 2007/03/18: GristMill: CERES wrangles some big financial guns behind carbon limits 2007/03/20: PlanetArk: Investors Urge US Congress for Rules Slashing CO2 Institutional investors joined a corporate chorus seeking to sink money into clean energy markets and called Monday for US Congress to pass rules slashing output of gases linked to global warming. The investors, including Merrill Lynch and Calpers, the largest US public pension fund -- which together manage nearly US$4 trillion in assets -- called on Congress to pass legislation aimed to cut emissions of heat-trapping gases 60 to 90 percent under 1990 levels by 2050. 2007/03/19: TruthOut: Investors to Press US Congress on Global Warming The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along: 2007/03/23: GristMill: Post-Gore: Still two Americas 2007/03/23: DeSmogBlog: Take the swiftboating as a compliment [Olberman on Gore] 2007/03/23: OpEdNews: I'm Not Buying What Al Gore's Selling 2007/03/23: DeSmogBlog: Gore says Quebec is Canada's climate-change conscience 2007/03/23: CCM: On HuffPost: My Take on Gore, Hurricanes, and Scientific Accuracy 2007/03/23: CanWest: Al Gore praises young people for awareness of global warming Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore and Canadian scientist David Suzuki filled Montreal's Palais des congres yesterday with 5,000 mostly young Montrealers eager to hear their calls for massive global action to avoid the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming. 2007/03/22: Consortium: U.S. News Media's 'War on Gore' 2007/03/21: ERabett: The War on Gore 2007/03/20: ClimateP: Answers to Questions the Drudge Report poses to Al Gore, including one from Climate Progress (!) 2007/03/20: TruthOut: Gore's Global-Warming Testimony Expected to Draw Big Crowds The McKibben campaign continues: 2007/03/21: GristMill: Rethinking the bottom line 2007/03/21: CDreams: LA Times: Global Warming Can't Buy Happiness by Bill McKibben While in the UK: 2007/03/23: Scotsman: Cost of carbon targets - 57,500 fewer cars and 12,300 new wind turbines 2007/03/22: Guardian(UK): A one-day summit [Climate Change Summit 2007] examining how your organisation needs to prepare for, and combat climate change [Monday June 11 2007] 2007/03/21: BBC: Cars bear brunt of green taxation - Drivers of the biggest and most polluting vehicles are to see car tax almost double to £400 by April 2008, Chancellor Gordon Brown has said. 2007/03/20: GristMill: Brit's Eye View: U.K. climate politics heating up 2007/03/19: BBC: Budget report 'not green enough' The chancellor's pre-Budget report fell far short of measures needed to tackle global warming seriously, an influential committee of MPs has said. Environmental Audit Committee chairman Tim Yeo said the report was "grossly inadequate" and that "steep cuts" in emissions were needed. And in Europe: 2007/03/23: PlanetArk: EU Takes [legal] Action Over Climate, Landfill Failures 2007/03/24: PeakEnergy: Delayed Reaction [Howard, GW, Kyoto & al.] 2007/03/24: DeSmogBlog: Down-Under CEO Wants No Part Of Putting CO2 Down Under 2007/03/21: ABC(Au): PM's task group told carbon trading's not enough 2007/03/22: ABC(Au): [Brisbane City] Council to plant 1 million trees [within two years to help restore south-east Queensland's creeks and waterways] 2007/03/23: ABC(Au): Carbon scheme to pay farmers 2007/03/23: ABC(Au): New central Qld power station to cut greenhouse gas 2007/03/21: EnergyBulletin: Brisbane City Council report on Climate Change and Energy 2007/03/20: GWWatch: Garrett: Put economy first by addressing climate change 2007/03/20: ABC(Au): Govt 'in denial' over water, climate change link 2007/03/20: ABC(Au): Big businesses sign carbon reduction scheme Origin Energy says some of Australia's biggest businesses have signed up to its new carbon reduction scheme to cut their greenhouse gas emissions. Origin says it is a voluntary system where companies can buy offsets such as carbon sinks or renewable energy from accredited providers. While in India: 2007/03/22: FinEx: [India] 550 projects for carbon credit get govt nod 2007/03/20: EconomicTimes: India not keen on binding global pact on emissions And in China: 2007/03/23: ClimateArk: China seen topping US carbon emissions in 2007 2007/03/23: EcoEcon: Willem Buiter's Doubts on Continuing China/India's Meteoric Rise Canada is largely on hold while the Quebec election plays out: 2007/03/19: StraightGoods: An embarrassing week for Albertans - Premier Stelmach's proposals on climate change will actually legislate an increase in emissions 2007/03/23: DeSmogBlog: Canadian Idle 2007/03/23: TCE: Belated Budget Breakdown 2007/03/20: Tyee: Campbell's Green-Speak Double Talk - Oil and gas subsidies belie throne speech talk, enviros say. 2007/03/22: BCLSB: Get Set For Harper Flip-Flop On Kyoto 2007/03/22: Globe&Mail: Four in five Canadians believe global warming is real: survey 2007/03/22: PlanetArk: Canada Auto Emissions Incentives Seen Ineffective 2007/03/18: WaPo: British Columbia Aligns With California to Create a Green Bloc Along Pacific Toronto has outlined a climate plan: 2007/03/24: TreeHugger: Toronto Unveils Blueprint for a Green City 2007/03/23: DeSmogBlog: Toronto girds for climate-change battle 2007/03/23: Globe&Mail: City to reveal tough climate change proposals - Includes dramatic emissions cuts, rules for energy-efficient buildings 2007/03/23: OilChange: EU Inspires Toronto to Act on Climate And the tricky question of the oil sands looms: 2007/03/20: RigZone: Canada Moves to Phase Out Tax Break for Tar Sands Producers 2007/03/24: PostChronicle: Catastrophic Hypothesis: Could Global Warming Melt All Ice On Earth? 2007/03/22: EnergyBulletin: Not the end of the world Much of what is required to prevent [disaster] is simply coming to terms with the notion that a radical change in your way of life is not the same thing as the end of the world. As for how the media handles the science of climatology: 2007/03/22: BDL: Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Press Corps? [Broad] 2007/03/20: TruthOut: When Climate Message Is Strong, Attack the Messenger! [Broad] 2007/03/20: PNT: The news that didn't fit - into the Broadly misleading NYT article Here is something for your library: 2007/03/19: C411: A Climate Change Reading List And for your film & video enjoyment: 2007/03/20: CCM: Go See Hurricane on the Bayou Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated: 2007/03/25: GWWatch: Spanish wind power blows nuclear away 2007/03/24: NewsObserver: Clean coal would cost billions - Energy department puts $4 billion annual price tag on cleansing process 2007/03/24: REA: CSI: Examining California's Ambitious Solar Program 2007/03/21: GWWatch: Uni NSW research harnesses sea, sun for hydrogen fuel 2007/03/19: NEN: Clouds over "Million Solar Roofs" Bickering over biofuel: 2007/03/25: WaPo: Corn Can't Solve Our Problem 2007/03/23: EnergyBulletin: Ethanol and biofuels: Agriculture, infrastructure, and market constraints related to expanded production [Congressional Research Service] 2007/03/23: PlanetArk: EU Biodiesel Slumps Despite Global Warming Fear 2007/03/19: BWeek: Ethanol's Growing List of Enemies As demand for the alternative fuel drives corn prices up, an unlikely assortment of groups are uniting with the hopes of cutting government support The arithmetic of coal carbon is striking home: 2007/03/22: FuturePundit: Coal Cheaper Without Tougher Emissions Restrictions [Duh!] 2007/03/21: DeutscheWelle: Despite Climate Concerns, Germany Plans Coal Power Plants 2007/03/21: SciDaily: Lower Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Coal-fueled Power Plants Possible With Technology Development 2007/03/22: CSM: Global boom in coal power -- and emissions 2007/03/19: Globe&Mail: Can dirty old king coal manage to clean up its act? Global warming has fuelled changes, but the industry remains Public Enemy No. 1 Are you ready for peak uranium? 2007/03/23: ABC(Au): Nuclear power essential to reducing CO2 emissions: physicist [Professor Aiden Byrne] 2007/03/23: ABC(Au): Global demand will outstrip supply of uranium: resources executive 2007/03/21: OilDrum: Uranium Depletion and Nuclear Power: Are We at Peak Uranium? 2007/03/21: Eureka: MIT: Lack of fuel may limit US nuclear power expansion 2007/03/17: People's Daily: Russia to build 3 nuclear plants each year from 2016 As for transportation & GHG production: 2007/03/25: SundayHerald: Time is ripe to push for free public transport 2007/03/21: ABC(Au): Jetsetters can chip in [voluntarily] for greenhouse offset 2007/03/22: TerraDaily: Global Shipping Must Curb 'Unchecked' Pollution The automakers are in court: 2007/03/24: BostonGlobe: Judge in emissions suit rejects companies' push for secrecy 2007/03/23: ClimateArk: United States: Automakers challenging states' emission laws They say Vermont rules are invalid because only the federal government can set standards. The trial is a preview of a bigger case in California. A swarm of lawyers hired by the world's automakers is descending on a federal courthouse in the picturesque New England town of Burlington, Vt., to wage a proxy fight against a California law to curb global warming. The 2002 law, which set stringent tailpipe standards for carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases, has been adopted by 10 other states including Vermont. None of those emissions standards are in effect yet, but a federal lawsuit by automakers against the Vermont law is being closely watched as a test of states' power to regulate carbon emissions. Meanwhile in the "every problem is an opportunity in disguise" crowd: 2007/03/18: FuturePundit: Venture Capitalists Place Big Energy Bets 2007/03/25: LA Times: Why the right goes nuclear over global warming - Most of the heat is generated by a small number of hard-core ideologues 2007/03/23: GristMill: "Supporting global warming initiatives is tantamount to endorsing communism and the one world order" 2007/03/22: DeSmogBlog: Deniers evolution from ozone to global warming 2007/03/23: N3xus6: Ray Evans' 'Nine facts about climate change' debunked. Pt. 5. 2007/03/19: BSD: Pat Michaels, former denialist? 2007/03/22: N3xus6: Ray Evans' 'Nine facts about climate change' debunked. Pt. 4. 2007/03/22: PlanetArk: Czech Leader [Vaclav] Klaus Fights Global Warming "Religion" 2007/03/21: ClimateP: Who is Amy Ridenour and Why is she so Confused about Climate Change? 2007/03/21: WVU: How to dismiss global warming in 30 seconds 2007/03/20: DeSmogBlog: The Self-Serving Environmentalist [BL] 2007/03/18: GristMill: Another op-ed on climate change [H2O forcing] The E,A&M fanclub made a short reprise: 2007/03/19: ERabett: Once more dear Prof. Keller 2007/03/18: ERabett: The bunny still has pen in paw 2007/03/18: ERabett: Auditing the odd Senator Inhofe is dubiously honoured: 2007/03/22: Grinzo: The Inhofe Scale 2007/03/25: GWWatch: Thank god I don't live in that country...[Gore, Inhofe] 2007/03/22: HuffPo: Senator James Inhofe: Supreme "Bullshitter" 2007/03/21: GristMill: Inhofe makes the grown-ups laugh 2007/03/25: JEB: Crisis? What crisis? [NY debate] 2007/03/24: PhysOrg: Resource Race Heats Up in Melting Arctic 2007/03/23: CDreams: A Convenient Windfall: Global Warming's Big Cash Dividend 2007/03/22: TruthOut: Global Warming Can't Buy Happiness 2007/03/22: TruthOut: Utility and Sierra Club Deal Aims to Cut Carbon Dioxide 2007/03/22: JFleck: An Interesting Response to Scientization 2007/03/20: WorldChanging: The Politics and Science of Global Warming - Winnipeg Lecture 2007/03/22: DeSmogBlog: Climate Change: A Real Expert's View 2007/03/23: C411: Too-Warm Winter Haiku 2007/03/23: SciDaily: Lake Superior Summer Temperatures Rising Faster Than Regional Air Temperatures 2007/03/21: FramingScience: AGU Conference Buzz Alerted NPR's Richard Harris To Whether or Not Gore Got the Science Right 2007/03/20: ERabett: Dear John...Some of you might remember the great pink helicopter dust up 2007/03/21: DeSmogBlog: Put the science where your mouth is 2007/03/21: C411: Part 3 of 4: U.S. Emissions Target 2007/03/22: TreeHugger: Two Views on the Effects of Global Warming [Easterbrook & Hunter] 2007/03/22: PlanetArk: Meteorologists Say Sure Humans Cause Climate Change 2007/03/21: GristMill: Addressing climate change won't be easy 2007/03/20: TruthOut: Are Big Enviro Groups "Holding Back" Anti-Warming Movement? 2007/03/19: GristMill: The latest debate on 'overselling' climate science 2007/03/20: JFleck: A Problem With "Average Temperature" 2007/03/18: ClimateP: Feedback Frenzy 2007/03/18: Globe&Mail: Climate-change cures may be worse than the disease 2007/03/18: Yahoo: U.S. decries key points at climate talks 2007/03/22: EnvEcon: The demand for insurance 2007/03/19: TerraDaily: Statistical Analysis Debunks Climate Change Naysayers 2007/03/19: HuffPo: Up on the roof And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful: FSF: Food System Factoids Grinzo: The Cost of Energy ScienceBlog Cap and Share Carbon Equity Project Australia EPA: Global Warming EPA: Global Warming CACC: Campaign against Climate Change ClimateCrisis ARCSS: Arctic System Science Program UA:ISPE: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth UA:DGESL: Environmental Studies Laboratory - Publications ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework Kerry Emanuel's Homepage Integrated Project CarboEurope-IP - Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance Announcing the book launch of my forthcoming novel _Water_. Time: 20:00 Date: Thursday, May 17th Place: McNally Robinson, Grant Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba You can find a short introduction to _Water_ here. PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
Labels: news
At March 28, 2007 3:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
In the funny department this Colbert show is great too:
At March 28, 2007 3:31 AM,
Big Gav said…
Great news roundup Toby...
At March 31, 2007 4:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was passing by and your site caught my eye :O)
Nice blog !
See you,
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