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Another Week of GW News, June 17, 2007
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- 2007/06/15: ClimateP: Cartoon of the Week [Wasserman]
The YesMen have struck with another fine business presentation:
- 2007/06/15: TreeHugger: Let's Make Oil From Corpses!
- 2007/06/15: OilChange: Exxon Proposes Burning Humanity For Fuel
- The Yes Men
Temperatures are projected to rise, around the Mediterranean:
- 2007/06/15: PhysOrg: Mediterranean faces dangerous heat - the number of dangerously hot days would increase by 200% to 500% in the Mediterranean
- 2007/06/14: SciBlog: France headed for the hot house
- 2007/06/14: MongaBay: France to see scorching summers due to global warming
Live Earth is picking up more publicity:
- Live Earth - 7/7/07
- 2007/06/14: GristMill: Live Earth: This just in...
- 2007/06/14: Stoat: Nunatak
- 2007/06/14: Antartica: Nunatak - Live Earth
The hurricane wars are warming up:
- 2007/06/16: MiamiHerald: Candid storm chief gets a lashing
Superiors in the National Weather Service chastised the new director of the National Hurricane Center for his comments about a failing satellite [QuikScat] and the NOAA's spending priorities. - 2007/06/16: Wunderground: June hurricane season outlook; Bahamas disturbance fizzles
- 2007/06/15: ThinkP: New Orleans turns to international aid
- 2007/06/15: Wunderground: June hurricane season outlook
- 2007/06/13: C411: Storm Hits Oman
- 2007/06/12: PlanetArk: Death Toll in Iran From Cyclone [Gonu] Climbs to 23
- 2007/06/11: Wunderground: Quiet tropics; aftermath of Gonu
- 2007/06/11: Maribo: The aftermath of Gonu
Meanwhile GHGs are still going up:
- 2007/06/12: TStar: U.S. getting less lonely at the top
As are the temperatures:
- 2007/06/14: ClimateP: 2007: Tied for Hottest Year on Record So Far
Glaciers are melting:
- 2007/06/13: SF Gate: Greenland ice melt speeds up - Warming: Trend is confirmed via satellite, flyovers
You can look forward to Kilimanjaro becoming a denier talking-point:
- 2007/06/14: DeSmogBlog: Mt. Kilimanjaro is a bad example of a point well taken
- 2007/06/13: ENN: Kilimanjaro's Shrinking Snow Not a Sign of Warming
- 2007/06/12: DailyIndia: Kilimanjaro ice loss studied
- 2007/06/10: SciBlog: Kilimanjaro as "poster child"
- 2007/06/11: Eureka: The woes of Kilimanjaro: Don't blame global warming
Sea levels are rising:
- 2007/06/12: GristMill: Tuvalu, we hardly knew you
- 2007/06/12: GWWatch: The Scary Side of Global Warming: Potential Sea Level Rise
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2007/06/12: Space: U.S. Hurricane Satellite Could Fail Anytime
- 2007/06/12: PhysOrg: Hurricane Satellite Could Fail Anytime
- 2007/06/12: ABC(US): Hurricane Satellite [QuikScat] Could Fail Anytime - Plans to Launch Replacement Delayed Until 2016
- 2007/06/12: SciDaily: Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Disintegrates, Threatening Polar Explorers
- 2007/06/12: ESA: ESA satellite guides polar explorers across disintegrating sea ice
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2007/06/17: ClimateP: A Sacred River Endangered by Global Warming
- 2007/06/17: GWWatch: Arctic plants can survive climate change
- 2007/06/16: ThinkP: Sacred Ganges river left in peril by global warming
- 2007/06/14: PhysOrg: Could Some Win With Global Warming?
- 2007/06/14: TreeHugger: Lake Inferior, Soon To Be?
- 2007/06/14: CanWest: Disease delights in global warming - Drug makers may profit from return of malaria, cholera and diphtheria
- 2007/06/13: Yahoo: Climate change brings toxic moth to England
- 2007/06/14: M&C: Death toll reaches 289 in sizzling Pakistan
- 2007/06/13: ABC(Au): Weather patterns affecting marine life, DPI [Department of Primary Industries] says
- 2007/06/13: TreeHugger: Caribbean Corals Heading Towards Extinction?
- 2007/06/10: BostonGlobe: As N.E. warms, tiny pests take root [woolly adelgid] Insect's assault on trees growing
- 2007/06/12: NewScientist: Global warming is speeding up ocean waves
- 2007/06/11: KSJT: Boston Globe: Wooly adelgids taking out hemlocks. Blame the warming climate
- 2007/06/11: CCM: The Upside of Climate Change?
- 2007/06/11: SciDaily: Caribbean Corals In Danger Of Extinction: Climate Change, Warmer Waters Cited As Leading Cause
- 2007/06/11: SciDaily: North American Birds Moving North As A Result Of Climate Change
The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon, has noticed that besides race, oil & nationality, the climate has a claw in the Darfur tragedy:
- 2007/06/17: PhysOrg: Climate change behind Darfur killing: UN's Ban
- 2007/06/16: ClimateP: U.N. Secretary General Is Quite Confused
- 2007/06/16: WaPo: A Climate Culprit In Darfur by Ban Ki Moon
- 2007/06/16: JFleck: Climate and Darfur
And then there are the tropical rainforests:
- 2007/06/16: CDreams: NYT: Home On The Rainforest
- 2007/06/14: TruthOut: Chinese Demand Drives Global Deforestation Crisis
- 2007/06/13: ENN: Chinese Demand Drives Global Deforestation Crisis
- 2007/06/11: TruthOut: Industrial Logging Gobbling Up Africa's Tropical Forests
- 2007/06/11: TerraDaily: Woods Hole Research Center Scientists Study Impacts Of Industrial Logging In Central Africa
- 2007/06/11: ENN: Logging May Wreck Orangutan Forests in a Decade, UN Says
- 2007/06/11: Xinhuanet: Report: World Bank targets forest-preservation link to climate
The global effort to stem climate change could soon include paying countries in the tropical belt not to cut down their rain forests, beginning with a World Bank pilot project, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday. The World Bank is planning to start a 250-million-dollar investment fund to reward countries such as Indonesia, Brazil and Congo for "avoiding deforestation," according to the report. - 2007/06/16: BBC: A music festival in Venice where Pearl Jam were due to headline has been scrapped after 20 people were injured when a storm hit the site
- 2007/06/16: Times(UK): Nowhere to go and no way to get there as the June monsoon causes chaos [in Britain]
- 2007/06/15: TreeHugger: Floods, Monsoons, Heat Waves, Drought: Climate Change In Asia Now
- 2007/06/13: ABC(Au): Storm bill to reach $1b
- 2007/06/12: PlanetArk: Heatwave Cooks North India, Dozens [74] Killed
- 2007/06/12: PlanetArk: Evacuated Australians Return Home as Floodwaters Ease
- 2007/06/12: PlanetArk: Death Toll in Australian Storm Rises to Six
- 2007/06/12: ENN: Death Toll from Bangladesh Mudslides, Lightning Reaches 105
- 2007/06/12: People's Daily: Rainstorms death toll rises to 71 in S. China
- 2007/06/12: ArabNews: Landslides, Rains Kill 100 in Bangladesh
- 2007/06/11: PhysOrg: Twenty-seven injured as violent storms lash Germany
- 2007/06/11: BBC: At least 79 people have been killed in mudslides following heavy rain in the port city of Chittagong in Bangladesh...
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2007/06/12: CCurrents: The Wrath Of 2007: America's Great Drought
- 2007/06/15: PlanetArk: Heavy Rains Return to Batter Flooded South China
- 2007/06/13: JFleck: Alabama Drought
- 2007/06/13: TCE: Will Canada's Water Cure the US Drought?
- 2007/06/12: JFleck: This Drought Thing is Serious
- 2007/06/12: PlanetArk: Swiss Army Ready to Move in After 3 Die in Floods
- 2007/06/12: BBC: Colombia tackles flood emergency
Colombia is sending emergency funds to regions of the country hit by heavy flooding that has left at least 56 people dead in the past few weeks. President Alvaro Uribe, who visited some of the areas on Monday, described the floods as "a tragedy" and promised more efficient government action. Some 270,000 people have had their homes or businesses wrecked or damaged since the rainy season began in March. One town, Nechi in Antioquia province, has been almost completely flooded. - 2007/06/11: Independent(UK): The wrath of 2007: America's great drought
- 2007/06/11: Reuters: China predicts further downpours after 71 die
- 2007/06/10: BBC: Chinese floods leave dozens dead
Floods and landslides triggered by four days of rain in southern China have left 66 people dead and forced 600,000 to flee their homes, state media said. At least 48,000 homes were completely destroyed in the rains, which pounded China's southern provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Fujian and Jiangxi. - 2007/06/15: TruthOut: Biofuels Could Lead to Mass Hunger Deaths
- 2007/06/15: PlanetArk: Biofuels Could Lead to Mass Hunger Deaths - UN Envoy
Diverting sugar and maize for biofuels could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths from hunger worldwide, the United Nations' food envoy warned on Thursday. Jean Ziegler, UN special rapporteur on the right to food, accused the European Union (EU), Japan and the United States of "total hypocrisy" for promoting biofuels to cut their own dependency on imported oil - 2007/06/15: IPSNews: [China] Biofuels Eating Into Food Grain Stocks
- 2007/06/13: Scoop(NZ): Maize of Deception: How Corn-Based Ethanol Can Lead To Starvation and Environmental Disaster
- 2007/06/12: TEB: China May Switch to Non-Food Fuel Crops for Production of Ethanol
- 2007/06/12: PlanetArk: Ethanol to Take 30 Pct of US Corn Crop in 2012 - GAO
- 2007/06/12: WisconsinAgConnection: Ethanol to Take 30 Percent of U.S. Corn Crop by 2012
- 2007/06/11: AFP: With granaries close to bursting, EU ends maize price guarantee
Now this is cute:
- 2007/06/15: PlanetArk: Ethanol Group Blames Oil Prices for Costly US Food
And the troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2007/06/15: PlanetArk: Drought May Cut Ukraine '07 Grain Crop by 10 million tonnes
- 2007/06/11: Yahoo: Wheat Prices Hit 2007 Record Highs - Wheat Prices Hit Record High As Rain Menaces Midwestern Crop, Leaving East Corn Belt Dry
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2007/06/11: ClimateP: Denver Looks to Incentivize Climate Mitigation
- 2007/06/11: GristMill: 'The 5% Solution' vs. Sierra Club's '2% Solution'
- 2007/06/10: BBC: Taskforce to cut 'cyber warming'
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the production, operation and disposal of computers is to be the aim of a new government taskforce. - 2007/06/11: RMN: Denver targets global warming - Goal is equivalent of taking 500,000 vehicles off road
As for transportation & GHG production:
- 2007/06/14: WorldChanging: The Future of Carbon-Free Transport: Groningen, Netherlands
- 2007/06/14: TreeHugger: Building Green Airplanes: "This is Not Star Trek"
Building codes for the future:
- 2007/06/15: ClimateP: Green Buildings Make Cents
- 2007/06/12: TCE: UK Gets First Zero-Carbon Home
- 2007/06/11: TreeHugger: First Zero-Carbon House in UK Unveiled
- 2007/06/11: BBC: First zero-emission home unveiled
The UK has unveiled its first zero emission home that will set the environmental standard for all new homes in the future. The two-bedroom house is insulated to lose 60% less heat than a normal home. It also features solar panels, a biomass boiler and water efficiency devices such as rainwater harvesting. The design, unveiled at the Offsite 2007 exhibition in Watford, meets rules to be applied in 2016 that aim to make UK homes more energy-efficient. - 2007/06/14: ABC(Au): Greens critical of carbon storage proposal
- 2007/06/13: SciBlog: Researchers examine carbon capture and storage to combat global warming
- 2007/06/12: SciDaily: Carbon Capture And Storage To Combat Global Warming Examined [Sleipner A project off the Norwegian coast]
- 2007/06/12: TerraDaily: Researchers Examine Carbon Capture And Storage To Combat Global Warming
- 2007/06/11: PhysOrg: Researchers examine carbon capture and storage to combat global warming
- 2007/06/11: Eureka: Researchers examine carbon capture and storage to combat global warming
It seems nitrogen pollution has been inadvertently enhancing carbon sequestration:
- 2007/06/15: TerraDaily: Human Activities Increasing Carbon Sequestration In Forests
- 2007/06/13: NewScientist: Nitrogen pollution drives trees to soak up more CO2
- 2007/06/13: Eureka: Human activities [indirect nitrogen deposition] increasing carbon sequestration in forests
While on the adaptation front:
- 2007/06/14: PlanetArk: Polluted, Drought-Stricken China Eyes Sea Water
China, where hundreds of millions lack regular access to drinking water due to drought and pollution, plans to build a huge sea water desalination plant south of Shanghai, state media said on Wednesday. - 2007/06/11: C411: Geo-engineering, Soot and Deforestation [links to sci articles]
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2007/06/15: CliPast: Thermal log analysis for recognition of ground surface temperature change and water movements by M. Verdoya et al.
- 2007/05/: UKCIP: (45k - pdf) Climate Digest - May 2007
- 2007/06/: REEP: The Clean Development Mechanism: History, Status, and Prospects by Franck Lecocq & Philippe Ambrosi
- 2007/06/: REEP: Decentralization in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and Lessons for Global Policy by Joseph Kruger, Wallace E. Oates & William A. Pizer
- 2007/06/: REEP: Market and Price Developments in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme by Frank J. Convery & Luke Redmond
- 2007/06/: REEP: The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme: Origins, Allocation, and Early Results by A. Denny Ellerman & Barbara K. Buchner
- 2007/06/: REEP: To Tax or Not to Tax: Alternative Approaches to Slowing Global Warming by William D. Nordhaus
- 2007/06/08: NASA:GISS: Climate change and trace gases by J. Hansen et al.
- 2007/06/12: PNAS: Global and regional drivers of accelerating CO2 emissions by Michael R. Raupach et al.
- 2007/06/12: PNAS: Transient climate - carbon simulations of planetary geoengineering by H. Damon Matthews & Ken Caldeira
- 2007/06/12: PNAS: Madden-Julian Oscillation analog and intraseasonal variability in a multicloud model above the equator by Andrew J. Majda et al.
- 2007/06/12: PNAS: Evaluating a technological fix for climate by Peter G. Brewer
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2007/06/16: JEB: IPCC enters the 21st century
- 2007/06/15: BBC: Arctic plants are able to migrate the distances needed to survive changes to the climate, scientists have suggested
- 2007/06/15: PhysOrg: Reduced greenhouse gas emissions required to avoid dangerous increases in heat stress
- 2007/06/15: TerraDaily: Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions Required To Avoid Dangerous Increases In Heat Stress
- 2007/06/14: Purdue: Reduced greenhouse gas emissions required to avoid dangerous increases in heat stress, researchers say
- 2007/06/13: TerraDaily: New Oak Ridge Theory Aims To Explain Recent Temperature And Climate Extremes
- 2007/06/12: PhysOrg: First buoy to monitor ocean acidification launched
- 2007/06/12: Eureka: First buoy to monitor ocean acidification launched - Scientists will measure air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen gas in Gulf of Alaska
- 2007/06/12: ORNL: New ORNL theory aims to explain recent temperature, climate extremes
- 2007/06/11: NewScientist: Forest management may lead to worse wildfires
- 2007/06/11: TerraDaily: Understanding What Causes Rain
Meanwhile on the Kyoto-2 front:
- 2007/06/15: PlanetArk: UN Bali Meeting Should Map Out New Climate Treaty
- 2007/06/14: CDreams: IPS: Nobel Laureate [Mario Molina] Calls for Post-Kyoto Treaty
- 2007/06/13: DailyStar: Needed: a fairer scheme to stabilize greenhouse gases
And on the emissions trading front:
- 2007/06/16: TreeHugger: Offsetting As A Sop To The Conscience
- 2007/06/16: Guardian(UK): The inconvenient truth about the carbon offset industry - greenhouse gas credits do little or nothing to combat global warming
- 2007/06/16: Xinhuanet: IPCC chairman [Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri]: Efficient CO2 pricing could lead to significant emission cuts
- 2007/06/16: DVoice: The Climate Change Market
The WWF has released a report critical of the EU ETS:
- 2007/06/13: EUO: EU firms involved in CO2-cutback fiddles, WWF says
- 2007/06/14: NewScientist: Carbon trading is 'emission impossible', says WWF
Carbon trading is becoming "emission impossible", according to the pun-tastic environment group WWF. It says European companies are planning to meet their commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions by investing in dubious projects in the developing world, rather than schemes that will genuinely help reduce carbon emissions. - 2007/06/13: Telegraph(UK): Companies will 'buy' their way out of polluting
Big European companies will be able to buy their way out of cutting greenhouse gas emissions, an environmental watchdog claims today. The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) should be one of the most important weapons in tackling climate change. But WWF says that what was a sound principle is being undermined - for a second time - by weak political planning which will provide a loophole for some of the worst polluters. - 2007/06/13: BBC: EU's carbon trade 'set to fail'
The EU's carbon trading scheme - deemed a key to tackling climate change - is set to "fail" yet again, says the WWF. The European Trading Scheme (ETS) was launched in 2005 to cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but its success was limited, partly due to lax limits. "While the mechanism of carbon trading is sound in principle, the first phase of the EU scheme (2005 to 2007) has been seriously undermined by weak political decisions," said the WWF. - 2007/06/12: NEN: Quebec To Try Carbon Tax
- 2007/06/11: CTB: Carbon Taxes...Sorry, I Meant, "Fees"
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
- 2007/06/10: Guardian(UK): Is carbon offsetting the solution? (Or part of the problem?)
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2007/06/12: Telegraph(UK): India snubs West on climate change
India will not curb its greenhouse gas emissions as long as the West continues to treat it as a 'second class global citizen' with less right to pollute than the developed world, a senior Indian environment official has said. - 2007/06/12: ENN: Environment Leaders Meet in Sweden for Informal Talks on Climate Change
And on the American political front:
- 2007/06/15: CSM: Global warming's Keystone Kops
Congress may not yet reflect the political will to tackle climate change. It's hung up on old-style politics. - 2007/06/16: DeSmogBlog: Global-warming is the "900-pound gorilla" of policy decisions
- 2007/06/16: CDreams: Bush Warming to Global Warming
- 2007/06/12: EnvEcon: Some new evidence on willingness to pay for reducing carbon
- 2007/06/13: CSW: Senate committee advances whistleblower protection bill but leaves out protection for scientists
- 2007/06/13: GristMill: When push comes to guv
- 2007/06/14: TomPaine: Dems Who Lost Their Minds - Industry-friendly Democrats are trying to undo clean air regulations -- and the party's lead
- 2007/06/13: ClimateP: Will the Democrats Go Astray on Liquid Coal?
- 2007/06/13: MTobis: Mayor of Austin "Feels My Pain"
- 2007/06/13: CCM: Global Cooling with Jerry Lewis [US pol]
- 2007/06/12: ClimateP: EPA Chief Vows to Do Nothing for a Year!
- 2007/06/11: CSW: Griffin's NASA vision: Colonize outer space with American cultural values
- 2007/06/12: C411: What is Congress up to?
- 2007/06/12: TerraDaily: Tennessee Residents Favor Expanded Wind Energy [by a 12-to-1 margin, contrary to efforts by U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)]
- 2007/06/11: ClimateP: [Senate Majority Leader, Harry] Reid (D-NV) Promises Fast Change to Fuel Economy Rules
- 2007/06/11: TruthOut: The Democrats Lag on Warming
- 2007/06/11: ENN: Lawmakers Pledge To Make Capitol Complex Carbon Neutral in Battle Against Climate Change
- 2007/06/10: CDreams: NYT: The Democrats Lag on Warming
A group of US colleges have made a make green commitment:
- 2007/06/12: Yahoo: Colleges make green commitment
- 2007/06/12: WaPo: Colleges Pledge to Back Climate Initiative
Nearly 300 college presidents have agreed to raise awareness about global warming and limit their institutions' emissions in moving toward "climate neutrality." Modeled after the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment has a goal of driving environmental change through research, education and reduced emissions. So far, 280 schools -- including the University of Maryland, James Madison University and Howard Community College -- have signed the pledge. - 2007/06/16: E&C: A Most Profitable Farce
I hope you're watching the debate right now over the sprawling S.1419/H.R.6,12 ball of energy legislation in Congress, because if you aren't, you're missing some real comedy. You can almost figure out which state a Congressman is from just by reading what he or she is saying. Bashing wind power? Clearly from a coal state. Probably Illinois or West Virginia. Bashing coal? Clearly from a solar state. Probably California or Nevada. And so on. Those bills are already encumbered by some 20 amendments, and the debate only started Tuesday. It's real-life comedy in earnest. - 2007/06/14: EnvFin: US Senate kills 'clean' standard including coal, nuclear
- 2007/06/15: PhysOrg: MIT model compares environmental, economic effects of emissions bills
- 2007/06/15: CNN: Renewable fuels provision stalls energy bill
Senate Democrats, eager for a vote on energy legislation, ran into staunch Republican resistance Thursday to requiring that utilities use more wind, solar and other renewable sources to produce electricity - 2007/06/15: NEN: Republicans Hang Renewables Up
- 2007/06/14: GristMill: The fight in the Senate by John Kerry
- 2007/06/14: ENN: Senate Debates Requirement for Utilities To Use More Renewable Fuels
- 2007/06/12: GristMill: Lobbyists belly up to the energy trough
- 2007/06/12: TruthOut: Congress Turns to Energy, and Lobbyists Arrive
Remember that tussle between California & the EPA over regulating GHGs?
- 2007/06/15: DeSmogBlog: Bush Backstabs California's Cleaner Car Standards
- 2007/06/13: TruthOut: Transportation Department Acknowledges Intervention in California Emissions Waiver Request
- 2007/06/13: ThinkP: Transportation Dept. caught lobbying Congress [against California's GHG reduction laws]
- 2007/06/12: WarmingLaw: EPA Wordplay: What Does "Endanger" Mean?
- 2007/06/12: WarmingLaw: California Steamin'
- 2007/06/11: E&C: The Supreme Court Doesn't Matter
The 2008 campaign is picking up:
- 2007/06/15: GristMill: Fancy yourself persuasive? [convince the presidential candidates to take global warming seriously]
- 2007/06/13: ClimateP: Obama Walks Away From Liquid Coal
- 2007/06/13: PlanetArk: Barack Obama Endorses US Low Carbon Fuel Standard
- 2007/06/13: PlanetArk: John Edwards Wants US to Back G8 on Climate Change
- 2007/06/13: GristMill: Obama, CTL, and opportunity costs
- 2007/06/12: Yahoo: John Edwards wants U.S. to back G8 on climate change
Here's a bombshell for the outsourcing debate:
- 2007/06/14: PhysOrg: Carnegie Mellon researchers call for reducing carbon emissions
Carnegie Mellon University engineering researchers Christopher L. Weber and Scott H. Matthews argue that rising U.S. trade with countries like China has major consequences for the future of global climate policy. In a June 2007 research paper published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, the Carnegie Mellon researchers describe how the U.S. has reduced its increasing carbon emissions by importing more carbon-intensive goods from other countries. - 2007/06/14: TreeHugger: Outsourcing Global Warming
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2007/06/15: ENN: Gore Calls G8 Agreement on Climate Change a Disgrace
- 2007/06/14: Yahoo: G8 agreement on climate change a "disgrace": Al Gore
- 2007/06/12: CanWest: Man of Action - Al Gore can sometimes be preachy and annoying. But give the man his due: He's changed the world
- 2007/06/11: TCE: Al Gore to Unveil Model Green Home
While in the UK:
- 2007/06/11: FergusB: Idiots; the polite (official?) version [UK energy policy]
- 2007/06/11: TreeHugger: London Mayor [Ken Livingstone] Supports [opposition Tories proposed] New Flight Tax
And in Europe:
- 2007/06/14: People's Daily: Greece urges "Titanic" battle against climate change
Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis stressed on Wednesday the need to enlist world's young people in "the titanic battle to save the planet." - 2007/06/14: EUO: Brussels calls on EU states to hurry up with CO2 goals
- 2007/06/12: Newropeans: The EU's agrofuel folly: policy capture by corporate interests
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2007/06/15: ABC(Au): Green groups steps up climate change campaign [Aus pol]
- 2007/06/12: ABC(Au): [Head of the nuclear energy task force, Dr Ziggy] Switkowski heckled at climate change lecture
- 2007/06/06: Stuff(NZ): What will Australia be like two decades on?
While in China:
- 2007/06/15: People's Daily: China invests 7.1 billion yuan on sci-tech to cope with climate change
- 2007/06/15: PlanetArk: China Considers Spelling Out Own Greenhouse Gas Goals
- 2007/06/11: ClimateP: China to Restrict Coal-to-Oil AND Corn Ethanol
- 2007/06/11: OilChange: China Considers Scrapping Coal to Oil Projects
In Canada, things are looking down for minority neocon PM Harper:
- 2007/06/13: CanWest: Tories' green policy takes a hit - Think-tank [C.D. Howe Institute] says 2020 emissions target to miss 'by 200 megatonnes'
- 2007/06/12: TStar: Harper is Bush's new `poodle'
MP Bob Mills did his bit to cement the Conservative reputation:
- 2007/06/15: CanWest: Environment chairman quits
Public hearings on one of the hottest political issues on Parliament Hill ground to a halt yesterday over allegations that Prime Minister Stephen Harper was deliberately trying to muzzle explosive testimony that criticized his government's new green plan. Conservative MP Bob Mills, chairman of the Commons environment committee, denied the allegations and resigned, leaving its members in limbo. - 2007/06/14: Tyee: BC's Emissions Go Down: Why? Economy jumps. Greenhouse gas levels dip. Weird.
- 2007/06/15: Globe&Mail: The Greens are right: Use economic clubs to battle climate change
- 2007/06/12: CanWest: Kyoto could open Canada to lawsuits, bureaucrats warn
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2007/06/16: Deltoid: The Australian's war on reality
- 2007/06/14: JQuiggin: The Oz loses it
- 2007/06/12: ClimateP: The Atlantic Monthly Blows the China Story
Here is something for your library:
- 2007/06/13: Wunderground: F5: a book review
- 2007/06/15: Stoat: (link to online book) Sustainable Energy --- without the hot air?
- 2007/06/12: ClimateP: Review of Review of My Review of Monbiot
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2007/06/13: CSW: Upcoming screenings of "Everything's Cool" global warming film in New York City and elsewhere
Meanwhile in the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2007/06/14: WarmingLaw: Another global warming lawsuit "inevitable"
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2007/06/16: FuturePundit: Metamorphic Materials Increase Solar Photovoltaic Efficienciy
- 2007/06/14: EnvFin: Renewables top list of utilities' concerns - PwC
- 2007/06/13: FPB: The biggest energy story of the year? [Mackenzie Valley pipeline]
- 2007/06/13: TreeHugger: 1.2 MegaWatts: World's Largest Tidal Turbine To Be Installed [off the coast of Northern Ireland in August]
- 2007/06/13: FinFacts: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007: World has enough oil for forty years; Growth in emissions from fossil fuels tripled to annual average of 3.4% in 2001-06
- 2007/06/12: ClimateP: Pushing Back on Fuel Economy Disinformation
- 2007/06/12: PhysOrg: Toyota develops [5-10%] more fuel-efficient engine system
- 2007/06/12: PhysOrg: Cutting greenhouse gases: wood chips in, alcohol out
- 2007/06/11: GristMill: Beyond storage, demand, and grid management
- 2007/06/11: GristMill: Modular pumped storage: The least expensive and ecologically soundest means of electricity storage
- 2007/06/11: GristMill: CTL stupid compared to plug-in hybrids, say experts, people who can read
- 2007/06/11: TerraDaily: Hawaii Geothermal Energy Is Clean, Stable And Always Available
The arithmetic of coal carbon is striking home:
- 2007/06/14: TreeHugger: One Graph Is Worth A Thousand Back Room Deals: Which Coal-Driven Transportaton Option Is Best For Both Climate And Security?
- 2007/06/14: MTobis: The Coal Thing
- 2007/06/12: GristMill: The power of the coal lobby
- 2007/06/13: BBC: Role for coal 'continues to soar'
World energy use is becoming more carbon intensive - as the popularity of coal power in developing nations continues to soar, a BP report says. While coal consumption in China and India rocketed last year, it was also up in the UK, though down in the US. Overall energy consumption growth slowed last year to 2.4% - but was still above average for the past decade, the figures suggested. This was against a 3.4% growth seen in 2005, the global trends survey said. Overall coal usage climbed by 4.5%, driven largely by China's 8.7% rise. - 2007/06/11: MTobis: Coal is not the enemy of the human race
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2007/06/17: GristMill: Give ethanol a chance: The case for corn-based fuel
- 2007/06/15: WaPo: The Rising Tide of Corn - Ethanol-Driven Demand Felt Across the Market
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2007/06/16: NZHerald: Nuclear doesn't have power to halt global warming
- 2007/06/12: EUO: Nuclear sector hopes CO2 will lift Chernobyl curse
- 2007/06/12: ABC(Au): Thousands protest against Indonesian nuclear plant
- 2007/06/12: CPunch: Confessions of a Anti-Nuke Jerk Or Why It Feels Good to be Smeared by Patrick Moore
- 2007/06/11: GristMill: Threat of customer revolt is what is hurting plans for nukes
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2007/06/16: NEN: Chinese Serious about Efficiency
Maybe somebody should declare a War on Inefficency. Then the president could appoint an Inefficiency Czar. Lots of candidates in the current administration. - 2007/06/15: ClimateP: Even Denyers Go Energy Efficient
- 2007/06/13: PlanetArk: Google, Intel Launch Energy Efficiency Program
- 2007/06/12: EnergyBulletin: Irrational incandescence
- 2007/06/13: BBC: Google backs green computer plan
Search engine giant Google and US semiconductor firm Intel have thrown their weight behind a massive scheme to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The ambitious plan sets out an industry-wide target to cut the amount of energy computers consume by 2010. - 2007/06/11: TreeHugger: Electric Car Revolution Only Three Years Away (Maybe)
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2007/06/14: EnvFin: Investor rhetoric on climate 'not matched by action'
There is a "massive gap" between the rhetoric from institutional investors about climate change and the actions they are taking to address the issue, according to the head of a leading investment analysis firm. - 2007/06/13: FergusB: Mitigation: anti-development? No. Sustainable? Yes.
- 2007/06/12: Guardian(UK): Businesses accused of green hypocrisy
- 2007/06/10: Guardian(UK): Forget hedging: go green instead
- 2007/06/12: TreeHugger: Wall Street Journal: Small Firms See Big Potential In Going Green
- 2007/06/11: ArsTechnica: Microsoft seeks answer to question "Would global warming make for a good game?"
- 2007/06/09: ObsidianWings: I Can Has More Risk? [US coastal insurance]
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2007/06/16: Deltoid: Another dodgy graph from E-G Beck
- 2007/06/15: DeSmogBlog: AccuWeather - the "unbias" source for all your skeptic news
- 2007/06/15: ERabett: Tim Ball Folds
- 2007/06/15: Deltoid: Ball abandons lawsuit
- 2007/06/15: OilChange: Exxon: We Never Doubted Climate Change
- 2007/06/13: FTimes: Freedom, not climate, is at risk [Vaclav Klaus]
- 2007/06/15: Guardian(UK): Exxon attacks Greenpeace but says it wants to save the planet
- 2007/06/13: BSD: Richard Lindzen edging off the denialist bandwagon?
- 2007/06/11: Stoat: Little report on: Climate change prediction:a robust or flawed process?
- 2007/06/14: ERabett: Max Weber and Climate Science [how to handle the various flavors of popular denial]
- 2007/06/14: Stoat: What does [Vaclav] Klaus think? Freedom, not climate, is at risk?
- 2007/06/14: RealClimate: Curve manipulation -- lesson 2
- 2007/06/12: N3xus6: What? It really, really is 2007?
- 2007/06/14: DeSmogBlog: Ball Bails on Johnson Lawsuit
- 2007/06/13: ClimateP: PGDW#10 - #31: Corn Ethanol
- 2007/06/12: OilChange: Shell Accused of "Cynical" Greenwashing
- 2007/06/11: GristMill: [Dessler] Another reason not to trust skeptics
- 2007/06/11: DeSmogBlog: Faked Climate Graph Used in German Schools
It looks like Cockburn is going to get the publicity he deserves:
- 2007/06/13: DeSmogBlog: Cockburn's Obsession Has A Long History
- 2007/06/13: AFTIC: Monbiot's Final Response to Alexander Cockburn
- 2007/06/12: ZMag: The Conspiracy Widens [AC]
R. McKitrick has proposed a convoluted carbon tax:
- 2007/06/16: BCLSB: Research From Prominent Climate Change Denier [McKitrick]: A Liberal Vote = Less Air Pollution
- 2007/06/15: JEB: A taxing proposal
- 2007/06/15: BCLSB: More On McKitrick's [proposed] T3 Tax
- 2007/06/14: BCLSB: AGW Denier Suggests A Warming Tax
Southern Baptists passed an unfortunate resolution:
- 2007/06/14: ENN: Southern Baptists Question Human Role in Global Warming; Say Regulations Hurt Poor
- 2007/06/14: Yahoo: Baptists approve global warming [denial] measure
Southern Baptists approved a resolution on global warming Wednesday that questions the prevailing scientific belief that humans are largely to blame for the phenomenon and also warns that increased regulation of greenhouse gases will hurt the poor. - 2007/06/14: ClimateP: Southern Baptists Vote to Become Denyers
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2007/06/16: ClimateP: Where the Market Goes?
- 2007/06/15: Yahoo: Doubt over climate change forecasts [THC]
- 2007/06/16: CanWest: Climate change cost impossible to predict
- 2007/06/16: CanWest: The earth will be fine. We may not be
- 2007/06/12: EUO: How to cut your own CO2 emissions without changing your life
- 2007/06/15: TreeHugger: MTV Tackles Climate Change in a Big Way!
- 2007/06/14: ClimateP: More James Hansen on "Tipping Points"
- 2007/06/14: C411: Part 1 of 5: A 175-year-old Puzzle
- 2007/06/13: DeSmogBlog: Microsoft's Global Warming Challenge to Gamers
- 2007/06/14: DenverPost: Scientist [Richard Alley] not all doom and gloom about climate response
- 2007/06/13: ClimateP: Hansen's 'Best Job' Making the 'Tipping Point' Case
- 2007/06/12: Reasic: Anecdotal Evidence As Temperature Proxies
- 2007/06/12: PlanetArk: Britons Happy to Pay for Carbon Cuts - Ofgem Survey
- 2007/06/12: OilChange: Coping with Climate Change in the Niger Delta
- 2007/06/11: BSD: The idea of increasing albedo never really went away
- 2007/06/11: GWWatch: World Bank money now grows on trees
- 2007/06/11: GWWatch: Six Rules of Critical Thinking
FiLCHeRS: Falsifiability, Logic, Comprehensiveness, Honesty, Replicability, and Sufficiency - 2007/06/11: TerraDaily: Dirty Snow May Warm Arctic As Much As Greenhouse Gases
- 2007/06/11: TerraDaily: Push-Button Climate Modeling Now Available [CCSM on web]
- 2007/06/11: CDreams: Independent(UK): What Makes Us Think We Can Entrust The Future of The Human Race to These People?
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- QuarkSoup
- MetaEfficient: The Latest Green Technologies and Products
- REEP: Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
- Live Earth - 7/7/07
- The Yes Men
- Science Blog
- Global warming (blog)
- NASA: CloudSat
- CICERO: Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo
- EU Carbon Trading - Kyoto Protocol - Community Transaction Log
- Dr. James E. Hansen homepage
- The Yale Project on Climate Change
- GCC: Green Car Congress
It's always nice to start with a chuckle:
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
On the carbon sequestration front:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
Congress is debating several energy &/ climate bills:
Otherwise not much happened:
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published May, 2007. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
"I give a lot of talks on the subject [of GW], cause that is part of my job here to try to educate, and inevitably there will be somebody stand up and say, 'Well you know,this is a problem for the future. Why should we worry about this now?' Generally a grey hair like me. And it used to really bother me. Now I just ask them two questions. 'Do you have any children?' Most of the time they will say yes, and I ask, 'Do you have any grandchildren?' Yes, we do have grandchildren. Then I say, 'You are, we are creating for them the world that they will have to live in. And you know what? If they don't like it, there's not a goddamned thing they can do about it. We've done it. So if you don't care about your kids, or you really don't care about your grandkids, then I think you ought to ignore this problem.' Boy the room gets real quiet." -Dr. Tim Barnett, in the film _The Force of Destiny: The Science and Politics of Climate Change_
Labels: news
At June 18, 2007 9:33 PM,
James M. Jensen II said…
I wonder if you've seen the yahoos at:
They claim that for $5, they'll KILL a tree for you. They're intent, of course, is to
"take away the pathetic excuse of Carbon Credits from those liberals who hide their shame filled lives behind money-bought lunacy."
They're description of such liberals farther down would be a kneeslapper:
"Far Left Liberals are lunatics that operate solely on shame of themselves, their success, their country, and their wealth."
In other worse, buy carbon credits and insist on carbon taxes or other actions against GW, and you hate America!
At June 19, 2007 10:49 AM,
coby said…
Hi James,
Thanks for sharing that (I think??!). "It takes all kinds" seems somehow a blase response to such colourful lunacy...
At June 20, 2007 4:34 AM,
CEW said…
For the current situation in the Great Lakes Basin check out:
Great Lakes--Lower Levels Raising Concern
At June 23, 2007 4:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is a fucking disgrace:
"Even while rejecting the authority of the most comprehensive and reviewed scientific document on any subject, namely the IPCC report, one of the most common climate delusionist tactics is the argument from authority. Whether it is Alexander Cockburn responding to George Monbiot or some anonymous person on some blog, everyone has some personal "scientist" friend who assures them the rest of the world has gone mad.
When an argument from authority is invoked it is perfectly legitimate to then examine said authority's, um ... authority, to see if there is really a good reason we should take their word over the word of ... well, just about everybody who would know."
Why don't you just stop talking around the subject and come up with some evidence.
This blog is an evidence-free zone.
You are no scientist.
You are just a stupid leftist cunt and dishonest on top of that.
If thats not too much too ask.
I don't think thats too much too ask.......
(You stupid CUNT).
Graeme Bird says fuck you idiot.
At June 25, 2007 6:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Every ones wrong but its still getting warmer
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