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Another week of GW news - October 29
I suspect we are going to hear a lot about the Stern Report in the near future:
Click here to read the rest of the news for the week
- 2006/10/29: BBC: Report's stark warning on climate
The Stern Review says that climate change represents the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen. And on the basis of this intellectually rigorous and thorough report, it is hard to disagree. - 2006/10/29: Guardian(UK): £3.68 trillion: The price of failing to act on climate change - Landmark [Stern] report reveals apocalyptic cost of global warming
- 2006/10/28: Reuters: Key points in UK climate change report
* On current trends, average global temperatures will rise by 2-3 degrees centigrade within the next 50 years or so.
* If emissions continue to grow, the earth could warm by several more degrees, with severe consequences that would hit poor countries most.
* Stabilising greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will cost about 1 percent of annual global output by 2050. If no action is taken, climate change will reduce global consumption per head by between five and 20 percent.
* The global power sector will have to be at least 60 percent, and perhaps as much as 75 percent, decarbonised by 2050 to stabilise greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
* Markets for low-carbon energy products are likely to be worth at least $500 billion per year by 2050, and perhaps more.
* Worldwide incentives to encourage the use of new low-carbon technologies should be raised by two to five times from the current level of some $34 billion a year.
* Emissions from deforestation are estimated to represent more than 18 percent of global emissions, a share greater than is produced by the global transport sector.
* The poorest developing countries will be hit earliest and hardest by climate change. The international community has an obligation to support them in adapting to climate change. - 2006/10/29: BBC: Climate change 'brings huge cost'
Climate change could end up costing the global economy up to £3.68 trillion ($6.98 trillion) unless drastic action is taken, a key [Stern] report is set to warn. - 2006/10/29: BBC: Climate change 'hitting Africa'
Climate change is already affecting people across Africa and will wipe out efforts to tackle poverty there unless urgent action is taken, a report says. - 2006/10/26: TruthOut: Tackle Climate Change or Face Deep Recession, World's Leaders Warned
- 2006/10/26: PhysOrg: Climate change may trigger global recession, [Stern] report to warn
- 2006/10/26: TerraDaily: Climate Change May Trigger Global Recession
- 2006/10/28: ABC(Au): (transcript) Reports predict global warming deluge
The Netherlands, Bangladesh and several Pacific Islands could be underwater within 50 years, if a groundbreaking British report on global warming is accurate. Commissioned by the Blair Government, the former World Bank economist, Sir Nicholas Stern, has concluded urgent action must be taken to stem the effects of climate change. - 2006/10/26: Guardian(UK): Tackle climate change or face deep recession, world's leaders warned
Economic review turns cost argument on head - Technologies investment 'could stimulate growth' - 2006/10/27: Independent(UK): Climate change: US economist's grim warning to Blair's Cabinet
The stark findings of Nicholas Stern's report yesterday increased the pressure on the PM to act - 2006/10/26: Stoat: Stern review (pre-post)
- 2006/10/26: CDreams: Guardian(UK): Tackle Climate Change or Face Deep Recession, World's Leaders Warned
Economic review turns cost argument on head - Technologies investment 'could stimulate growth'
Seems like all of the GHG levels are up, up, up:
- 2006/10/24: PlanetArk: Rare Russian CO2 Data Shows 11 Pct Rise Since 1999
- 2006/10/23: 24Dash: UK carbon dioxide emissions 'on the rise'
- 2006/10/23: ClimateArk: [UK] CO2 levels 'are highest since 1997'
In the hurricane wars:
- 2006/10/26: RMN: Tempest erupts over hurricanes - Global warming debate at conference spawns name calling [William Gray & Kevin Trenberth dust-up]
- 2006/10/26: TerraDaily: NASA Looks At Sea Level Rise, Hurricane Risks To New York City
- 2006/10/26: CSM: Why coastal Florida may have northern Africa to thank
This year's hurricane season has been much milder than forecast. Tons of dust from the Sahara Desert could help explain it. - 2006/10/25: GristMill: Lessons from Katrina about global warming
- 2006/10/24: Wunderground: Paul ripped in half by shear; World Series rainout for Wednesday?
- 2006/10/24: CBC: Paul downgraded to tropical storm
- 2006/10/24: BBC: Hurricane [Paul] heads for Mexico coast
- 2006/10/23: Wunderground: Paul continues to strengthen [in Eastern Pacific near Baja]
The "THC shutdown, Europe cooling" scenario is back:
- 2006/10/27: Stoat: THC, again
- 2006/10/27: Guardian(UK): Sea change: why global warming could leave Britain feeling the cold
- 2006/10/26: BBC: Ocean array acts as climate alert
Measurements from a network of monitors stretching across the Atlantic Ocean could offer an early warning of "sudden climate change", scientists have said. Underwater instruments measuring the temperature and salinity of seawater will detect any change to currents that regulate Europe's climate, they said. A UK-led team of researchers said the data offered the most detailed picture of the ocean's circulation patterns.
CERN is investigating the cosmic ray hypothesis:
- 2006/10/19: CERN: New Experiment to Investigate the Effect of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Clouds and Climate
- 2006/10/24: SciDaily: New Experiment To Investigate Effect Of Galactic Cosmic Rays On Clouds And Climate
Meanwhile in near earth orbit:
- 2006/10/26: TerraDaily: UCLA And JPL Partner On Regional Climate Change And Support Future Space Missions
- 2006/10/26: Eureka: NASA satellite [TRMM] finds the world's most intense thunderstorms
James Hansen has written a couple of article for YaleGlobal:
- 2006/10/24: YaleGlobal: The Planet in Peril - Part II
- 2006/10/19: YaleGlobal: The Planet in Peril - Part I
The impacts of GW are becoming clearer:
- 2006/10/25: OilChange: Climate Change Threatens Pacific Islands
- 2006/10/25: Yahoo: Tiny island states seek help from rising Pacific
- 2006/10/25: PhysOrg: Deadly frog disease is linked to climate change in Europe, say researchers
- 2006/10/24: TerraDaily: Global Warming And Your Health
- 2006/10/24: PlanetArk: Climate Change to Hit Australian Wine Industry
- 2006/10/23: ABC(Au): Global warming to boost Tasmanian wine industry
- 2006/10/23: Guardian(UK): The future's a no-snow zone - As Scotland's snowfall is predicted to drop by up to 90 per cent, wildlife and tourism chiefs are preparing for a change of scene
- 2006/10/23: Eureka: Global warming and your health
- 2006/10/21: Yahoo: Climate change forces farming innovation
A conference on coral reefs heard some dire predictions:
- 2006/10/25: TruthOut: Time Bomb Ticking for Coral Reefs? Experts gather, hear prediction of 60 percent die-off by 2030.
- 2006/10/28: PhysOrg: Damage to Coral Reefs Threatens Tourism
- 2006/10/25: PhysOrg: Scientists: World's Coral Reefs in Danger
And then there are the tropical rainforests:
- 2006/10/27: MongaBay: Amazon deforestation rate plunges 41 percent
- 2006/10/23: BBC: Carbon trading can be used to protect endangered rainforests by compensating nations that avoid deforestation, the World Bank has said.
- 2006/10/24: PlanetArk: Carbon Market Might Help Rainforests - World Bank
- 2006/10/23: MongaBay: Amazon conservation efforts must come soon to save world's largest rainforest says leading scientist
Sea levels are rising:
- 2006/10/25: NASA: NASA Looks at Sea Level Rise, Hurricane Risks to New York City
- 2006/10/25: Independent(UK): Rising tide of global warming threatens Pacific island states
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2006/10/29: ClimateArk: African apocalypse: The continent burning into a desert
- 2006/10/26: Edie: Desertification threatens 30% of earth's surface
- 2006/10/26: 24Dash: Met Office claims global drought risk intensifies
- 2006/10/24: TruthOut: More Than Half Australia's Farmland Drought-Stricken, Government Says
- 2006/10/23: TerraDaily: More Temperature Extremes And Dramatic Precipitation May Define Climatic Future
The troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2006/10/28: EnergyBulletin: How Long Can the World Feed Itself?
- 2006/10/25: TruthOut: Global Warming Worries Iowa Farmers
- 2006/10/27: JFleck: Going Hungry
- 2006/10/24: UPI: Analysis: Ethanol demand spurs corn prices
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
- 2006/10/23: PembinaInstitute: Carbon Neutral by 2020: A Leadership Opportunity in Canada's Oil Sands (Fact Sheet)
- 2006/10/26: THP: Shed CO2 Pounds -- Five Thousand of Them: Check out the Green Challenge on Slate!
- 2006/10/26: DeSmogBlog: Study says Oil-sands firms could eliminate greenhouse gases for a mere pittance
- 2006/10/25: BBC: Most car brands 'failing on CO2'
Three-quarters of Europe's car brands are failing to improve fuel efficiency fast enough to meet a key European emissions target, a study has claimed.
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2006/10/26: CP: Past temperature reconstructions from deep ice cores: relevance for future climate change by V. Masson-Delmotte et al.
- 2006/10/26: CP: Inter-hemispheric linkages in climate change: paleo-perspectives for future climate change by J. Shulmeister et al.
- 2006/10/26: CPD: Millennial temperature reconstruction intercomparison and evaluation by M. N. Juckes et al.
- 2006/10/23: CPD: Predicting Pleistocene climate from vegetation by C. Loehle
- 2006/10/24: PNAS: Powering the planet: Chemical challenges in solar energy utilization by Nathan S. Lewis & Daniel G. Nocera
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2006/10/27: Eureka: Bacterial 'switch gene' regulates how oceans emit sulfur into atmosphere
- 2006/10/26: Eureka: UGA scientists discover bacterial 'switch gene' that regulates oceans' sulfur emissions into the air - Discovery could have link to global warming
- 2006/10/27: JFleck: Global Dimming and Soil Moisture
- 2006/10/25: TerraDaily: Soot From Wood Stoves Impacts Global Warming More Than Expected
- 2006/10/25: OSU: Appalachian Mountains, Carbon Dioxide Caused Long-Ago Global Cooling [450 mya]
- 2006/10/24: Eureka: Soot from wood stoves in developing world impacts global warming more than expected
- 2006/10/23: PhysOrg: Geologists Make Better Estimates of Rock Ages, Study Global Climate Change
- 2006/10/23: OSU: Geologists Make Better Estimates Of Rock Ages, Study Global Climat Change
Meanwhile on the Kyoto-2 front:
- 2006/10/29: ClimateArk: Climate negotiators counting down to 2008 U.S. elections
- 2006/10/20: GreenLeft: Global warming: looking beyond Kyoto
- 2006/10/24: PlanetArk: Time to Get Serious on 'Bold' Kyoto Successor - WWF
- 2006/10/24: PlanetArk: US, EU Hold Climate Talks Despite Kyoto Rift
And back at Kyoto-1:
- 2006/10/26: TerraDaily: Kyoto Protocol Countries Launch New Move On Greenhouse Gases [Joint Implementation (JI) initiatives]
- 2006/10/23: PhysOrg: Some [US] Cities Embrace Kyoto Protocol
- 2006/10/27: PlanetArk: Kyoto Carbon Capture Projects Possible Before 2012
Meanwhile on the emissions trading front:
- 2006/10/28: ClimateArk: Britain to admit Kyoto refuseniks into carbon trading market
- 2006/10/27: PlanetArk: M.Stanley Gives US$3 Billion Confidence Vote in Kyoto
- 2006/10/27: PlanetArk: Jan-Sept World Carbon Market Leaps to US$21.5 Billion
- 2006/10/27: PlanetArk: World Carbon Market Leaps in '06, China Share Down
- 2006/10/26: PlanetArk: New Kyoto Emissions Trade Begins Minus Main Player [Russia]
- 2006/10/26: PlanetArk: Japanese Firms Win OK For $24 Million Carbon Projects
- 2006/10/26: PlanetArk: China Carbon Price Limit Protects Market - Official
- 2006/10/24: PlanetArk: Brussels Wants Deeper CO2 Cuts from EU Countries
- 2006/10/24: ClimateArk: EU says governments asking to cap CO2 emissions above actual levels [of last year]
- 2006/10/23: DeSmogBlog: Carbon Trading: "Bad for the South, Bad for the North, Bad for the Climate"
- 2006/10/04: DHF: Carbon Trading: A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatisation and Power
- 2006/10/23: PlanetArk: Denmark Seeks EU Renewable Energy Trading Scheme
And on the American political front:
- 2006/10/29: RutlandHerald: [US Senator Patrick] Leahy (D-Vt): President censored warming research
- 2006/10/27: ABC(US): Senators to Exxon: Stop the Denial - Democrats and Republicans Say Stop Funding Global Warming Doubters
- 2006/10/27: GristMill: Global warming: A life-preserver for right-wingers fleeing sinking Republican Party?
- 2006/10/26: CSW: National Coalition Against Censorship free speech defender honor for Climate Science Watch
- 2006/10/25: DeSmogBlog: Climatic Battle of The Titans: The Terminator Vs. The Decider
- 2006/10/24: CSW: Global warming civil disobedience protest at NOAA headquarters
- 2006/10/24: PhysOrg: 2 Arrested at Protest at NOAA Office
- 2006/10/20: StarTrib: [Senator Norman] Coleman (R-Minn) is knee-deep in global-warming fray
...Coleman is suggesting that Congress strip California and all other states, along with the federal Environmental Protection Agency, of much of their authority to control carbon dioxide emissions. Under a draft proposal that has been circulated by the Minnesota Republican, carbon dioxide would not be considered a pollutant under the Clean Air Act. - 2006/10/23: BBC: Small climate of concern as US polls loom
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2006/10/26: Space: Al Gore: Earth is in 'Full-Scale Planetary Emergency'
- 2006/10/25: STimes: Gore scoffs at Reichert's stance on global warming
While on the UK political front:
- 2006/10/27: BBC: A Labour MP has launched a bid to force car makers to display more information on carbon emissions in their adverts.
- 2006/10/26: Guardian(UK): [UK] Ministers bow to pressure for climate bill - Green campaigners say emissions targets are not tough enough
- 2006/10/24: TerraDaily: Climate Change Could Lead To More Failed States Warns British FM [Margaret Beckett]
- 2006/10/24: TIL: Foreign Secretary [Margaret Beckett] calls for 'global warming' tax on holidaymakers
And in Europe:
- 2006/10/28: PhysOrg: Seven EU members to overshoot Kyoto emissions targets [Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain]
- 2006/10/28: Guardian(UK): Figures reveal Europe falling far short of climate targets - Seven countries set to break emission limits, says environment commissioner
- 2006/10/27: PlanetArk: Slovenia Adopts 9 Percent CO2 Quota Cut in 2008-12
- 2006/10/23: TerraDaily: EU Emissions Scheme Risks Becoming 'Pointless'
In Australia, the Howard government has been spooked
- 2006/10/28: EnergyBulletin: Climate's last chance [Tim Flannery on the Australian Government]
- 2006/10/26: TheAge: Warming to the idea - John Howard is repositioning his Government to the front line of the global warming battle
- 2006/10/27: ClimateArk: Australia: U-turn on solar cuts after heat from voters
- 2006/10/26: ABC(Au): Doubt cast over [New South Wales] carbon plan
- 2006/10/27: ABC(Au): Climate change policy shouldn't compromise trade: minerals chamber
- 2006/10/27: ABC(Au): Vic Govt approves biggest wind farm yet [329 megawatts]
- 2006/10/28: ABC(Au): [Australian] Greens to focus on climate change in election lead-up
- 2006/10/23: TheAge: Trying to avoid the reality of climate change
- 2006/10/24: TruthOut: We Fiddle as the Continent Turns to Dust
- 2006/10/25: ABC(Au): Adelaide academic [Christopher Findlay] pushes for carbon trading scheme
- 2006/10/25: ABC(Au): Govt still not serious about climate change: Labor -- Kim Beazley: you are not doing anything if you do not sign up to Kyoto
- 2006/10/25: Australian: PM turns up heat on solar power
A proposed $400 million solar plant that could deliver 154 megawatts of power will be the cornerstone of the Howard Government's fight against climate change. - 2006/10/23: TerraDaily: Australia Unveils 500-Million-Dollar Climate Change Drive
- 2006/10/23: ABC(Au): [Climate Institute of Australia] Ad campaign urges Govt to address climate change
- 2006/10/23: ABC(Au): CSIRO backs [Tasmanian] Govt climate change plan
- 2006/10/23: ABC(Au): PM flags funding for clean energy projects.
- 2006/10/23: ClimateArk: Australia: We fiddle as the continent turns to dust - All attempts to turn Australia into a new Europe have failed miserably
- 2006/10/23: BBC: Australia launches climate plans
The Australian government is launching a major new initiative aimed at preventing global warming. Prime Minister John Howard announced an investment of A$500m (US$379m) in clean technology, much of which will look at reducing carbon emissions from coal.
by the severity of the drought:
In Canada, the minority Conservatives 'Clean Air Act' is being widely panned:
- 2006/10/28: VueWeekly: [Canada] Tory Climate Change Legislation Full of Hot Air
- 2006/10/28: TStar: Clearing the air on Clean Air Act - All emissions are not the same
The introduction of the federal government's Clean Air Act last week, rather than clarifying public understanding about air pollutants and other emissions, seems to have exacerbated the confusion. - 2006/10/26: CBC: 2050 too late for climate change action: former U.S. adviser [Paul O'Neil]
- 2006/10/19: NowTO: Harper’s eco plan creates the illusion of motion but ignores simple, no-fail solutions to global warming
- 2006/10/23: ClimateProgress: Oh, Canada! - Tragically, governing conservatives in Canada have put off serious action on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for decades.
- 2006/10/23: TStar: Insane to ignore climate change - Shameful delays in Clean Air Act
Meanwhile a coalition of political, business, and environment groups
- 2006/10/27: TStar: Coalition calls for action on Kyoto - Quebec group wants funding restored - Conservatives risk losing support, it warns
The federal Conservatives will lose all their support in Quebec unless they back the Kyoto Protocol and revive $328 million in funding for measures to combat climate change, a coalition of 27 Quebec political, business, and environment groups said yesterday. - 2006/10/27: CBC: Quebec coalition wants Ottawa to 'revive' Kyoto
is pressing for action on Kyoto:
Also in Canada, environmental activist David Suzuki is retiring:
- 2006/10/27: Yahoo: Environmentalist Suzuki to quit spotlight for simple life
"Nobody any longer knows what a sustainable future is," the bearded, bespectacled environmentalist told Reuters in a recent interview in Australia to promote his book, "David Suzuki: The Autobiography." "I feel like we are in a giant car heading for a brick wall at 100 miles an hour and everyone in the car is arguing where they want to sit. For God's sake, someone has to say put the brakes on and turn the wheel."
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
The movement toward ecologically based economics is glacial:
- 2006/10/27: EcoEcon: Ecological Economics as Post-Normal Science
- 2006/10/29: SundayHerald: The free market got us into this mess, but is it equipped to get us out?
- 2006/10/25: CDreams: When It Comes to Global Warming, Market Rule Poses a Mortal Danger
- 2006/10/25: Guardian(UK): When it comes to global warming, market rule poses a mortal danger
Gentle regulation will simply not suffice for a problem this big. Governments must act - swiftly and substantially
Yes Virginia, humans are in a state of ecological overshoot:
- 2006/10/24: WWF: (links to pdfs) Living Planet Report
- 2006/10/25: ZMag: Eating the Planet -- Swallowing The Context Of "Earth's Ecological Debt Crisis"
- 2006/10/24: CBC: Canadians leave heavy ecological footprint: WWF
Apocalypso anyone?:
- 2006/10/29: Guardian(UK): Focus: Climate change - Ten years to save the planet from mankind
- 2006/10/29: SundayHerald: Africa "faces catastrophe" unless West acts on climate change
- 2006/10/28: AlterNet: The End of the World As We Know It? [Lovelock]
- 2006/10/23: TruthOut: How Close to Catastrophe?
- 2006/10/22: EnergyBulletin: Gaia's physician
As for how the media handles the science:
DeSmogBlog covered a conference of Environmental Journalists:
- 2006/10/29: GristMill: SEJ panel with Morano, Blakemore, Fagin, and Revkin
- 2006/10/28: DeSmogBlog: (link to mpeg audio) Inhofe's Mini-Me Morano burned by climate change reality
- 2006/10/27: DeSmogBlog: Inhofe Aide vs. SEJ: "It's Not About Science"
- 2006/10/26: DeSmogBlog: Cornering Ford at SEJ2006
- 2006/10/26: DeSmogBlog: Morano vs Revkin -- Ready to Face Off!
Here is something for your library:
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2006/10/26: CSW: "The Denial Machine" -- Canadian TV [The Fifth Estate] to air investigative documentary on global warming denialists
- 2006/10/23: CSW: "Out of Balance: ExxonMobil's Impact on Climate Change" documentary released
- 2006/10/21: IMC: New Expose of ExxonMobil, "Out of Balance" Released
Meanwhile in the 'Sue the Bastards!' contingent:
- 2006/10/25: DeSmogBlog: Rising Temperatures Bring the Lawyers out of the Woodwork [16 suits]
- 2006/10/24: Grist: Here So Suin'? Courts see "boomlet" of climate-change-related lawsuits
- 2006/10/23: BizWeek: Global Warming: Here Come The Lawyers
It's the next wave of litigation -- after tobacco, guns, and junk food. Why Detroit, Big Oil, and utilities should worry
The betting meme is back:
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2006/10/27: ZDNet: Solar start-up snags $35 million as CIGS ignites
- 2006/10/27: TruthOut: Dishing Out Power With a Solar [Stirling] Engine
- 2006/10/28: PhysOrg: [US] Gov't Gives $450M to Coal Research
- 2006/10/28: Oregonian: When an oil executive is worried...
With crisis a constant worry, Shell's chief says, Americans can no longer feel entitled to use energy - 2006/10/28: OilDrum: Outsourcing Solar Roofs
- 2006/10/27: TreeHugger: Lighting Up The $1 Trillion Power Market
- 2006/10/27: PlanetArk: Italy Photovoltaic Capacity Seen up 50 Percent in 2006
- 2006/10/27: PlanetArk: Germany Considering Revival of Atomic Power
- 2006/10/27: OilDrum: How Smart is Ontario's Smart Metering Plan? Part I
- 2006/10/27: PeakEnergy: Silicon Valley's War On Big Oil
- 2006/10/26: ChinaDaily: Massive capital [US$187.5 billion] for renewable power
- 2006/10/26: OilDrum: Cellulosic Ethanol vs. Biomass Gasification
- 2006/10/25: ABC(Au): Public asked to consider hot rock [geothermal] energy industry
- 2006/10/25: TreeHugger: Infinia Plans Small-Scale [3-kw] Solar Stirling Dishes
- 2006/10/25: BBC: Australia is to build one of the world's biggest solar power plants as part of a major new strategy by the government to combat climate change.
- 2006/10/24: TreeHugger: Home Depot Selling Solar to Mainstream America
- 2006/10/24: PlanetArk: Canada Doubles Wind Energy Projects From 2005
- 2006/10/24: THP: Fraud, Fraud, and Damned Fraud [US energy policy]
- 2006/10/23: PhysOrg: Plutonium or greenhouse gases? Weighing the energy options
- 2006/10/23: TreeHugger: One Man's Case for Residential Solar
- 2006/10/23: Eureka: Plutonium or greenhouse gases? Weighing the energy options
- 2006/10/22: TEB: British [Ceres Power] Fuel Cell Said to Slash Electric Bills
- 2006/10/22: OilDrum: More Coal Equals More CO2
- 2006/10/22: EnergyBulletin: New hippies are fighting to replace oil
Increasing efficiencies will be necessary:
- 2006/10/24: CSM: A more efficient US? Energy agency prods only a bit - After a six-year delay, the DOE proposes standards so moderate that even some firms complain
- 2006/10/25: ClimateProgress: PricewaterhouseCoopers: Energy Efficiency is Key
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2006/10/29: TheAge: Warming could throw cold water on returns [says investors]
- 2006/10/28: RMN: Adapting to global warming - American business will thrive by finding 'green' opportunities
- 2006/10/26: FTimes: Climate change also brings opportunities
- 2006/10/27: FTimes: Global push to cut greenhouse emissions
The drive to tackle climate change gathered pace on Thursday as Morgan Stanley, the investment bank, announced a $3bn plan to invest in the carbon trading market amid mounting evidence that some US states are growing more sympathetic to international action - 2006/10/26: TerraDaily: Swiss Bank Targets Top Companies' Impact On Climate Change
- 2006/10/25: CSM: Never mind altruism: 'Saving the earth' can mean big bucks - Some $1 trillion in 'green' business opportunities await creative entrepreneurs, a report finds.
- 2006/10/23: DeSmogBlog: Climate Advice From
- 2006/10/23: TerraDaily: Carbon Footprint Gaining Business Attention
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2006/10/27: RealClimate: Global cooling, again
- 2006/10/26: Stoat: Return of the undead: Newsweek 1975
- 2006/10/24: MSNBC: Remember Global Cooling?
- 2006/10/26: YubaNet: Bush Administration Appointment of Exxon's Lee Raymond Draws Public Protest
- 2006/10/26: DeSmogBlog: Bush Taps Former Exxon CEO to Chart U.S. Energy Future
- 2006/10/26: DeSmogBlog: NRSP's Tom Harris Sucker Punches a Rookie
- 2006/10/25: DeSmogBlog: The Climate Dissemblers Win Another Battle
- 2006/10/25: DeSmogBlog: Inhofe: Newsweek Blows Hot and Cold on Warming
- 2006/10/25: DeSmogBlog: Echo Chamber: It Doesn't Have to be True to Start Sounding Familiar [Inhofe]
- 2006/10/23: DeSmogBlog: A Skeptical NAM: All Czech and No Balance
- 2006/10/23: DeSmogBlog: NRSP Team Finally Earns Publishing Credit
- 2006/10/23: DeSmogBlog: Skeptic [John] Christy Extols "Benefits" of Coming Weather Extremes
Coby Beck is posting his his excellent "How to Talk to a Global Warming Sceptic" series on GristMill:
- GristMill: How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic
- 2006/10/25: GristMill: There is no evidence
- 2006/10/26: GristMill: Mauna Loa is a volcano
- 2006/10/28: GristMill: Warming is due to the Urban Heat Island Effect
- 2006/10/23: AFTIC: New Guides by Category Coming
The original is still on his own blog:
Btw, Andrew Dessler is also moving to GristMill:
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2006/10/28: VDM: Viridian Note 00478 Mark Twain, Climate Visionary
- 2006/10/28: GristMill: The other type of climate change ideologue
- 2006/10/28: GristMill: Planning for the long term
- 2006/10/29: Reuters: U.N. [IPPC head, Rajendra Pachauri] sees 'far more robust' global warming evidence
- 2006/10/29: ClimateArk: British government says scientific debate on global warming 'now closed,' action needed
- 2006/10/29: PeakEnergy: Email From The Future
- 2006/10/27: ERabett: RTFWR or... No more Mr. Nice Bunny
- 2006/10/28: Independent(UK): Swans deliver a climate change warning
- 2006/10/27: BBC: Global warming 'threat to growth'
- 2006/10/27: DeSmogBlog: Is Wal-Mart Really Saving the World?
- 2006/10/26: DeSmogBlog: Oh, Thank Goodness, It's Snowing
- 2006/10/25: CanWest: Baffin Island a global warming hot spot
- 2006/10/23: TomPaine: War Climates
- 2006/10/24: Grist: It's Bout Time - Humanity faces the fight of a lifetime against heavyweight climate change
- 2006/10/23: ERabett: All climate is global...
- 2006/10/24: RealClimate: New Google search function [restricted to domains and pages that have passed some kind of quality control]
- 2006/10/23: WorldChanging: Bill McKibben in the NY Review of Books
- 2006/10/24: CBC: Yukon ice breakup betting could help climate researchers
- 2006/10/23: Grist: Blazing Addles - What climate scientists have learned from Western wildfires
- 2006/10/23: GristMill: Letter to the Boston Globe re: Nuremberg
- 2006/10/22: JFleck: Population Growth v. Climate Change
- 2006/10/23: THP: Letter to the Boston Globe re: Nuremberg
- 2006/10/22: GristMill: Bill McKibben: How close to catastrophe?
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- GristMill: How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic
- 2006/02/19: AFTIC: How to Talk to a Global Warming Sceptic
- Temp[erature] Clock
- MongaBay
- T&E: European Federation for Transport and Environment
- EPA: Global Warming
- EPA: Global Warming
- CACC: Campaign against Climate Change
- Kyoto and Beyond [Petition]
- ClimateCrisis
- ARCSS: Arctic System Science Program
- UA:ISPE: Institute for the Study of Planet Earth
- UA:DGESL: Environmental Studies Laboratory - Publications
- ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework
- Kerry Emanuel's Homepage
- Integrated Project CarboEurope-IP - Assessment of the European Terrestrial Carbon Balance
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you find that money can not be eaten.
-Cree prophecy
Global Warming:
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H.E. Taylor
Labels: news
At October 29, 2006 7:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Coby, I don't get the idea behind the massive data dumps you are foisting on visitors to your site recently.
Your site is becoming almost unnavigable (and unreadable) with these overweight postings.
What is your reasoning behind them?
- Paul G.
At October 29, 2006 9:20 PM,
coby said…
It's simply a one-stop overview of what came out in the week concerning climate science and politics. I used to find it very useful in sci.environment and was not alone in that judging by the gratitude people expressed to HETaylor. I like to glance through and see if there were any issues or developments that I missed. I find that in general HET presents links to quality sites. It shouldn't be too hard to ignore if you're not interested. Would it help if there were a "jump to bottom" link at the top?
I intend it as a weekly feature.
At October 29, 2006 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, a "jump to bottom" link would be helpful.
But I disagree that it is simply an "overview". It is a GW onslaught that overwhelms and paralyzes critical thought of any type.
As you are all to aware, most Canadians simply "tune out" the alarmist GW news with the result that nothing of substance is done.
- Paul G.
At October 30, 2006 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Re: "Coby, I don't get the idea behind the massive data dumps you are foisting on visitors to your site recently."
"But I disagree that it is simply an "overview". It is a GW onslaught that overwhelms and paralyzes critical thought of any type.
As you are all to aware, most Canadians simply "tune out" the alarmist GW news with the result that nothing of substance is done."
Paul G., I believe the idea behind the "data dumps" is to show how conclusive the science of climate change is in favour of the anthropogenic argument. Is it that you don't like these "dumps" because you disagree with the premise of them?
As for being "a GW onslaught that overwhelms and paralyzes critical thought of any type", I completely disagree. It provides much contemplative material which can be used by policymakers and scholars to make progress and to connect the dots, so to speak.
Paul G., I think you complain simply because Coby's postings add significant clout to the mountain of evidence that global warming is occurring and that it is largely the result of human activities.
-Stephen Berg
At October 30, 2006 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
====Acteon said... ===
If it is all too much for you please feel free to watch some television. It is an excellent resource tool. There is no obligation to read everything...
You must be kidding, watch the boob tube? Reading information, and the internet is far more interesting, and it is also interactive.
Going online has been a far more informative source of information, both good and bad, about AGW.
- Paul G.
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