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Another week of GW news - January 28, 2007
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It's always nice to start with a larf:
- 2007/01/28: uComics: (cartoon - Toles) That legacy thing
- 2007/01/22: Slate: (cartoon - Sack) I'm open...
- 2007/01/25: SeattlePI: (cartoon - Horsey) Finally it begins to dawn on him...
- 2007/01/24: Guardian(UK): (cartoon - Bell) State of the Jolly Green Dwarf
Speculation and leaks are still the order of the day with the upcoming [Feb 2nd] release of the 2007 IPCC report looming large:
Click here to read more
- 2007/01/28: PhysOrg: Climate change: UN scientists set to serve up bad news
- 2007/01/27: ERabett: Thumb sucking...[AR4]
- 2007/01/28: Guardian(UK): Experts split over climate danger to Antarctica - Scientists challenge 'cautious' UN report
- 2007/01/27: TheAge: We're ruining Earth, scientists warn
- 2007/01/27: Guardian(UK): IPCC 2007 - How the world is reacting - All marching, but not to the beat of the same drum
- 2007/01/27: Guardian(UK): UN's vast report will end the scientific argument. Now will the world act?
Key dates- February 2 Release of IPCC report into science of climate change. The world's scientists will confirm the debate on the causes of global warming is over and try to predict the future
- March 8-9 EU spring summit, Brussels. Crucial chance for the continent to pick up momentum on the isssue it has championed
- April 6 IPCC report into climate change impact, adaptation and vulnerability. More from the science community, including just how bad things could get for people and wildlife
- May 4 IPCC report on mitigating climate change. The last of the three big UN reports, which will look at how we could tackle global warming
- June 5-7 G8 summit, Heilgendamm, Germany. Potential showdown with the US over its continuing resistance to even serious talks about action
- December 3-14 UN climate talks, Indonesia. The big chance for world governments to show that they understand the urgency of the problem. Progress on a new agreement is critical
- 2007/01/26: MSNBC: Climate report: Expect 1,000-year sea-level rise [in IPCC 2007]
- 2007/01/25: Yahoo: U.N. climate report will shock the world - [IPCC] chairman [R.K. Pachauri]
- 2007/01/23: TerraDaily: The IPCC The Most Powerful Acronym No One Has Heard Of
- 2007/01/24: PlanetArk: UN Climate Change Panel to Issue Report Feb. 2
- 2007/01/23: Stoat: Yet another AR4 leak in the paper
- 2007/01/23: PeakEnergy: Global Warming - The Final Verdict
- 2007/01/23: ZMag: Global warming: the final verdict
A study by the world's leading experts says global warming will happen faster and be more devastating than previously thought - 2007/01/23: CDreams: Reuters: UN Climate Panel to Project Wrenching Change
- 2007/01/23: MSNBC: Smoking gun' for human-caused warming - Draft of upcoming U.N. climate report raises the bar to 'very likely'
- 2007/01/23: Yahoo: Report has 'smoking gun' on climate
- 2007/01/23: CNN: 'Smoking gun' report [AR4] to say global warming here
- 2007/01/23: Reuters: U.N. climate panel to project wrenching change
A U.N. climate panel will project wrenching disruptions to nature by 2100 in a report next week blaming human use of fossil fuels more clearly than ever for global warming, scientific sources said. A draft report based on work by 2,500 scientists and due for release on February 2 in Paris, draws on research showing greenhouse gases at their highest levels for 650,000 years, fuelling a warming likely to bring more droughts, floods and rising seas. - 2007/01/23: CBS: Report Has 'Smoking Gun' on Climate - 'Smoking gun' said to be in international climate report next week; global warming here now
- 2007/01/22: ABC(US): [AR4] Draft of Landmark U.N. Climate Study - Report Is Expected to Confirm Increasing Evidence of Role People Play in Global Warming
It will be interesting to see if this work is replicated:
- 2007/01/24: NewScientist: The sun may have a dimmer switch [Ehrlich]
- 2007/01/24: DailyIndia: Scientist studies sun's brightness cycles
A U.S. physicist has determined the sun's brightness rises and falls about every 100,000 years -- the same period as between Earth's ice ages. Robert Ehrlich of George Mason University devised a computer model that reflects the effect of temperature fluctuations in the sun's interior.
The Stern Review is still getting kicked around:
- 2007/01/25: JEB: "The investigation" on Stern
- 2007/01/26: BBC: Running the rule over Stern's numbers
When the Stern Review into the Economics of Climate Change came out last year, it was showered with praise. UK Prime Minister Tony Blair called it, "the most important report on the future ever published by this government". But expert critics of the review now claim that it overestimates the risk of severe global warming, and underestimates the cost of acting to stop it. - 2007/01/26: Stoat: Running the rule over Stern's numbers
- 2007/01/23: TreeHugger: Combating Climate Change Cheaper Than Originally Thought
- 2007/01/22: UN: Baseless fear of economic hardship hampers efforts to curb climate change - UN official
In the hurricane wars:
- 2007/01/22: Wunderground: Good news for the 2007 hurricane season
- 2007/01/24: EconPapers: The Economics of Hurricanes in the United States by William D. Nordhaus
- 2007/01/23: ERabett: Thomas Knutson is a very dangerous guy...
Glaciers are melting:
- 2007/01/27: JFleck: Increasing Greenland Melt
- 2007/01/23: NatGeo: Alps Glaciers Gone by 2050, Expert [Roland Psenner, University of Innsbruck] Says
- 2007/01/23: TruthOut: Experts: Alps Glaciers Will Melt by 2050
- 2007/01/23: GristMill: Climate change in the Swiss Alps
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2007/01/25: IPS: Endless Summer Not As Nice As It Sounds
- 2007/01/24: ABC(US): More Alaskan Polar Bears Giving Birth on Land; Global Warming May Be to Blame
- 2007/01/23: BBC: Climate 'to affect nuclear sites'
A study seen highlights how climate change will impact the UK's future nuclear power stations. Rising sea-levels, increased wave height and increased storm surge height must all be considered... - 2007/01/23: TruthOut: Waterbirds Pay Price of Global Warming
- 2007/01/21: JFleck: Drought in the Southwest
- 2007/01/22: Discovery: Frozen Ground Thawing in Himalayas
- 2007/01/22: PlanetArk: Climate Change Seen Harsh in Latam, Africa, Canada
Central and South America, central Africa and northern Canada are likely to be hardest hit by climate change in the period from 2071 to 2100, an index compiled by scientists at Swiss university ETH showed. - 2007/01/21: VOA: Study Links Global Warming, Severe Droughts in Indonesia
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2007/01/27: JFleck: Corn, Subsidies and Food
- 2007/01/27: WaPo: A Culinary and Cultural Staple in Crisis - Mexico Grapples With Soaring Prices for Corn -- and Tortillas
- 2007/01/24: UPI: Eat To Live: Food or fuel in future?
And the troubling matter of falling food production:
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
Large scale geo-engineering keeps popping up:
- 2007/01/27: TreeHugger: The Guardian Reports Bush Administration Lobbying For Planetary Engineering: The Smoke & Mirrors Option First
- 2007/01/27: CDreams: Guardian(UK): US Answer to Global Warming: Smoke and Giant Space Mirrors
- 2007/01/27: Guardian(UK): [link to pdf] US answer to global warming: smoke and giant space mirrors
- 2007/01/26: DeSmogBlog: Is Geo-engineering the Answer?
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2007/01/26: CP: Atmospheric multidecadal variations in the North Atlantic realm: proxy data, observations, and atmospheric circulation model studies by K. Grosfeld et al.
- 2007/01/26: CP: Numerical reconstructions of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets through the last glacial-interglacial cycle by S. Charbit et al.
- 2007/01/26: CPD: Modelling the Early Weichselian Eurasian Ice Sheets: role of ice shelves and influence of ice-dammed lakes by V. Peyaud et al.
- 2007/01/22: CPD: How cold was Europe at the Last Glacial Maximum? A synthesis of the progress achieved since the first PMIP model-data comparison by G. Ramstein et al.
- 2007/01/22: CPD: Spatial structure of the 8200 cal yr BP event in Northern Europe by H. Seppä et al.
- 2007/01/27: GRL: (abs $$$) Snowmelt detection over the Greenland ice sheet from SSM/I brightness temperature daily variations by Marco Tedesco
[I don't have a link, but the February Scientific American has a good article by Keppler & Rockmann on the matter of plants producing methane.]
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2007/01/26: ASM: Microfossil Data Show Yucatan Impact Did Not Wipe out Dinosaurs [Deccan Traps triggered CO2 & GW]
- 2007/01/26: PhysOrg: Fruit flies and global warming -- Some like it hot
- 2007/01/26: TerraDaily: Airborne Dust Causes Ripple Effect on Climate Far Away
- 2007/01/26: Eureka: Fruit flies and global warming -- Some like it hot
- 2007/01/24: SciDaily: Winds Of Change: North America's Wind Patterns Have Shifted Significantly In The Past 30,000 Years
- 2007/01/22: UCI: Scientists map air pollution using corn grown in U.S. fields - New method uses plants to monitor carbon dioxide levels from fossil fuels
- 2007/01/19: Stanford: Aerosol pollution slows down winds and reduces rainfall
- 2007/01/21: NewsVine: Temperature and snowmelt data in Minnesota and Wisconsin show recent warming amplification in North Central U.S.
2007/01/23: PhysOrg: Survey: Waterbird Species Are in Decline
[mostly due to rapid economic development and
the effects of climate change]
- 2007/01/23: PhysOrg: North America's wind patterns shifted significantly in the past 30,000 years
- 2007/01/25: TerraDaily: Arctic Region As Global Warming Barometer
- 2007/01/26: TruthOut: Under Water by 2100? Risk of the Rising Sea
- 2007/01/22: RealClimate: When the mites go up? [stalagmite proxy]
Meanwhile on the Kyoto-2 front:
- 2007/01/26: ArabNews: West Should Bear Climate Costs, Indian Business Leaders Contend
- 2007/01/25: PlanetArk: Tokyo Climate Change Meeting Eyes Post-Kyoto Rules
- 2007/01/24: Yahoo: Tokyo climate change meeting eyes post-Kyoto rules
The 20 countries taking part in the "informal" two-day conference, including the United States, China and India, account for about 70 percent of total global greenhouse gas emissions, Japanese Foreign Ministry officials said. The conference is being chaired by Japan and Brazil.
"There is a growing recognition that we need a global response to climate change, and we need to further engage large developing countries like China, India and Brazil," said Yvo de Boer, head of the U.N. Climate Secretariat.
A lot of noise has been generated by the Davos WEF:
- 2007/01/28: BBerg: Terrorism Drops Off Davos Agenda as Focus Turns to Climate
- 2007/01/27: HuffPo: Nestle CEO Pooh-Poohs Global Warming Fears
- 2007/01/24: HuffPo: Davos Notes: Considering the Real Costs of Our Energy Economy
- 2007/01/26: SwissInfo: Market forces could help climate says Brabeck [Nestlé boss Peter Brabeck-Letmathe at Davos]
- 2007/01/25: Guardian(UK): Call for higher taxes to pay for damage to planet
- 2007/01/25: OilChange: Davos: Merkel Calls for Binding Carbon Cuts
- 2007/01/25: HuffPo: Davos Day 2: The Future Depends on Increasing Our Energy Efficiency
- 2007/01/25: Guardian(UK): Call for higher taxes to pay for damage to planet
Sir Nicholas calls on world governments to act - Climate change dominates first day of [Davos] summit - 2007/01/22: Yahoo: Global warming bubbles to the surface in Davos
There is another conference coming up in Washington this time:
- 2007/01/24: ENN: G8 Summit Won't Yield New Climate Deal
- 2007/01/24: CDreams: IPS: White House Left Out in the Cold on Warming
- 2007/01/23: MSN:FTimes: Senators to host climate change talks
John McCain and five other US senators are to host a group of more than 80 global legislators in Washington next month to discuss climate change, as expectations mount for a shift in US policy. Sir Nicholas Stern, author of the recent UK government review of the economics of climate change, will address the meeting, along with Paul Wolfowitz, the managing director of the World Bank, the senators and other senior global figures. Organisers of the "G8 plus five" dialogue hope it will reinforce an increasingly favourable US political dynamic on global warming and help narrow the gap between the US and other nations that ratified the Kyoto protocol.
Meanwhile on the emissions trading front:
- 2007/01/26: BizEdge: Global warming concerns will drive emissions policies: report
Global warming concerns are about to force North American governments to declare war on carbon emissions, according to a CIBC World Markets report. The report predicts all jurisdictions in Canada and the U.S. will have carbon dioxide (CO2) regulations in place by the end of the decade. The report says every province and state will follow the lead of California and implement not only a CO2 emissions cap but also an emissions trading system that will allow larger polluters to buy emissions credits from other firms whose emissions are less than what is allowed under the cap. - 2007/01/22: PlanetArk: US Carbon Market Takes Step Closer to Reality
- 2006/12/15: PM: The impressive Warwick McKibbin
It takes me back to when we first met, in Tokyo when I was working as the ABC's correspondent. Warwick McKibbin phoned, said he was visiting and suggested that we have a bite to eat. Back then experts were either supporters or opponents of the Kyoto Protocol. I don't remember the detail what he said over soba noodles but I do remember the way in which he said it.
It was obvious that both sides were wrong. Globally agreed targets to cut carbon emissions would never work, and nor should they. Why adopt a target when no-one knew what it was necessary to achieve? What you needed was a mechanism that would set up a framework for action and get people on board. He had come with a framework that would work and in time people would see that his was the right one.
And on the American political front:
- 2007/01/28: PhysOrg: Washington Wakes Up to Global Warming
- 2007/01/28: Bradenton: Growing list of counties, cities and states join end run to Kyoto
- 2007/01/28: Courant: Setting CO2's Market Value [RGGI, Calif, US pol]
- 2007/01/26: Asia Times: Eye On America - Getting sensible about global warming
- 2007/01/27: Guardian(UK): Bush is left isolated as America turns green
- 2007/01/25: GristMill: The failed presidency of George W. Bush
- 2007/01/25: GristMill: Why are taxpayers funding a fringe right-wing blog? [Morano]
- 2007/01/26: CSW: Senate Commerce Committee to hold hearing on Climate Change Research and Scientific Integrity
- 2007/01/25: CSW: New House Science Oversight Subcommittee
- 2007/01/24: CSW: House Oversight Hearing Will Question Political Influence on Government Climate Scientists
- 2007/01/25: DeSmogBlog: Taking the Microphone Away From Deniers
- 2007/01/23: TruthOut: Internal Rifts Cloud Democrats' Opportunity on Warming
- 2007/01/23: TruthOut: US Chief Executives Urge Bush to Tackle Global Warming
- 2007/01/23: Grist: Tip Tip Hurray! Senate bills and corporate coalition push Washington toward climate action
- 2007/01/23: WaPo: Internal Rifts [Pelosi/Dingell] Cloud Democrats' Opportunity on Warming
- 2007/01/23: CSM: Washington's sudden climate change
- 2007/01/22: Yahoo: Executives push Bush on climate change
- 2007/01/21: CourierJournal: Universities and global warming
- 2007/01/22: TimesDispatch: Global Warming imperiling Virginia? State report calls for commission to study climate-change problem
- 2007/01/22: GristMill: [Dessler] Another op-ed on climate change and Texas
- 2007/01/22: GristMill: The House wisdom deficit
The SOTUA garnered a lot of comment:
- 2007/01/28: ZMag: State of the Union: Words vs. Action
- 2007/01/27: FramingScience: Is Bush Setting the Stage for a *NON-Veto* of a Climate Change Bill?
- 2007/01/24: Wunderground: State of U.S. global warming efforts: Business as Usual [SOTUA]
- 2007/01/27: WaPo: Bush's Climate Remarks Weighed for Policy Shift
- 2007/01/25: TruthOut: Bush's "Clean Fuel" Move May Cause More Harm, Say Environmentalists
- 2007/01/25: GristMill: SOTU 2007: On climate: is that all there is?
- 2007/01/23: BSD: Well, it wasn't a Nixon-to-China moment on global warming
- 2007/01/25: AFTIC: Policy advocate, or human being?
- 2007/01/25: TerraDaily: Bush Refuses To Yield On Global Warming
- 2007/01/25: PlanetArk: Bush Climate Speech Fails to Impress Down Under
- 2007/01/25: CDreams: Independent(UK): Bush's 'Clean Fuel' Move May Cause More Harm, Say Environmentalists
- 2007/01/25: CDreams: Independent(UK): Saving The Planet: Empty Gestures
- 2007/01/24: ConsortiumBlog: Bush's Bait and Switch on Climate Change
- 2007/01/24: NSU: Bush calls for cuts in petrol use - Climate advocates 'underwhelmed' by president's vision
- 2007/01/24: CliProg: SOTU on Climate: Is that all there is???
- 2007/01/24: NewScientist: Bush's address tackles energy and climate
- 2007/01/23: GristMill: SOTU 2007: The coal hard facts [Q: When is an alternative fuel not a renewable fuel? A: When it is coal-to-liquids]
- 2007/01/23: GristMill: SOTU 2007: The big climate-change mention
- 2007/01/24: DeSmogBlog: Disappointing State of the Union
- 2007/01/24: DeSmogBlog: Bush's tough talk forgets fine print
- 2007/01/23: TerraDaily: Embattled Bush Launches Greenhouse Gas Crusade
- 2007/01/24: LA Times: Contradictions seen in alternative energy plan
- 2007/01/24: PlanetArk: Bush CO2 Plan Won't Spur a US Market - Developers
- 2007/01/23: OilDrum: The Energy Content of the State of the Union
- 2007/01/24: OilChange: Devils in details: State of the Union
- 2007/01/24: WaPo: Critics See Too Little Significant Change
Bush said he has a "goal of reducing U.S. gasoline usage by 20 percent in the next 10 years." The fine print: Administration officials said that the goal is 20 percent below projected annual gasoline usage, not off today's levels. - 2007/01/24: DailyIndia: Bush signs energy executive order
U.S. President George Bush Wednesday followed up on his State of the Union energy proposals by issuing an executive order on government energy consumption. Bush Tuesday night proposed cutting U.S. energy consumption by 20 percent in the next decade. As a first step, he signed an executive order mandating the federal government use more alternative fuels, particularly through the use of hybrid vehicles, reduce petroleum consumption in the federal vehicle fleet by 2 percent through 2015 and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 3 percent each year, or 30 percent, by 2015.White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the order consolidates
five existing executive orders and two memos.
California electricity will be greener?:
- 2007/01/27: CCTimes: California power companies barred from buying dirty power
- 2007/01/25: Yahoo: California bans dirty power sources
Several contradictory polls have been taken recently:
- 2007/01/24: FramingScience: In Latest Survey, Only 23% of College Educated Republicans Believe Global Warming Is Caused By Human Activities
- 2007/01/26: GristMill: Talk ain't cheap [SOTUA & Pew poll]
- 2007/01/25: AngusReid: Global Warming Serious for 70% of Americans
- 2007/01/24: Pew: Global Warming: A Divide on Causes and Solutions - Public Views Unchanged by Unusual Weather
The unusual weather affecting the nation this winter may have reinforced the widely held view that the phenomenon of rising temperatures is real (77% of Americans believe that), but the public continues to be deeply divided over both its cause and what to do about it. But there is considerably less agreement over its cause, with about half (47%) saying that human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels, is mostly to blame for the earth getting warmer.
Moreover, there are indications that most Americans do not regard global warming as a top-tier issue. In Pew's annual list of policy priorities for the president and Congress, global warming ranked fourth-lowest of 23 items tested, with only about four-in-ten (38%) rating it a top priority. - 2007/01/25: DeSmogBlog: Ostriches Still Flourish South of the Border [poll]
- 2007/01/26: GristMill: [Dessler] More polling data on climate change
- 2007/01/26: TreeHugger: [US] Polling Data on Climate Change
- 2007/01/25: TerraDaily: Climate Change Public Concern Is Rising Fast
This would be funny if it weren't so tragic:
- 2007/01/23: Coeruleus: The Dirty F*ckin' Hippiesâ,*¢ were right!
- 2007/01/23: FTimes: How Iraq and climate change threw the right into disarray
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2007/01/25: WaPo: Gore Film Sparks Parents' Anger - Showing 'Inconvenient Truth' Would Require Counterpoint
- 2007/01/24: GristMill: Al Gore is a rock star
- 2007/01/23: FramingScience: The Skeptical Environmentalist vs. Al Gore: Danish "Muslim Cartoon" Newspaper Springs Media Trap on Former VP
- 2007/01/22: DeSmogBlog: The Ol' Danish Media Trap
- 2007/01/23: CBS: Al Gore 'Thrilled' by Oscar Nominations
- 2007/01/23: HuffPo: President Bushes "Ozoned" Al Gore. And The World Is Paying The Price
- 2007/01/23: HuffPo: Gore Sells Out Idaho's 10,000 Seat Taco Bell Arena "Faster Than Elton John"...
- 2007/01/22: DeSmogBlog: US Congressional stalwart invites Gore to testify on global warming
- 2007/01/22: SeattlePI: Glare of global-warming attention creates a hot seat in Federal Way
Meanwhile in the UK, Blair is demonstrating he is delusional about more than Iraq:
- 2007/01/28: ABC(Au): Blair sees wider climate deal after Kyoto
- 2007/01/27: Telegraph(UK): Blair: World will agree on climate deal soon
- 2007/01/27: BBC: Blair sees hope of climate deal
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has told the World Economic Forum a major breakthrough on long-term climate change goals could be close. He told the forum in Davos, Switzerland it was possible because of a "quantum shift" in the attitude of the US.
And in Europe:
- 2007/01/24: BBC: Environmentalists have expressed grave concern that the European Commission could be about to drop plans to ensure that new cars produce a quarter less carbon dioxide by 2012
- 2007/01/25: PlanetArk: Slovakia Says to Sue EU over CO2 Cap
- 2007/01/24: PlanetArk: Momentum Grows for EU Cap on Cars CO2 Output
- 2007/01/23: EurActiv: EU gets cold feet on capping car emissions
- 2007/01/24: Guardian(UK): Grand plan for a low-carbon Europe goes up in smoke - European commissioners are at loggerheads over how to shape legislation
- 2007/01/23: PlanetArk: EU Divided over Car Emissions, Delays Proposals
- 2007/01/22: PlanetArk: Spain Says it May Have Cut Greenhouse Gases in '06
- 2007/01/22: NewScientist: Europe mulls mandatory emissions limits for cars
- 2007/01/22: PhysOrg: EU eyes CO2 limits for new cars
In Australia, things are not going well:
- 2007/01/25: TerraDaily: Drought Makes Climate Change Hot Election Issue In Australia
- 2007/01/25: TerraDaily: Three Bitten As Australia Drought Brings Out Snakes
- 2007/01/22: TerraDaily: US Firefighters To Bolster Multinational Effort To Control Australian Bushfires
PM John Howard has had a pre-election change of heart:
- 2007/01/27: ABC(Au): Climate change report a 'wake-up call' for Howard
- 2007/01/26: Australian: Howard a climate convert
A former climate change sceptic, John Howard has shifted his position on the subject, saying he now accepts global warming has contributed to Australia's long-running drought. Delivering his $10 billion national plan for water security yesterday, the Prime Minister said the current trajectory of water use and management was not sustainable. "In a protracted drought, and with the prospect of long-term climate change, we need radical and permanent change," Mr Howard told the National Press Club in Canberra.
Also down under, Tim Flannery has been named Australian of the Year:
- 2007/01/26: WaPo: Scientist [Tim Flannery] Slams Australia Climate Policy
- 2007/01/25: ABC(Au): Tim Flannery named Australian of the Year
- 2007/01/25: ABC(Au): Flannery mindful of award obligations
The Australian of the Year, Tim Flannery, says he will use the opportunity to try to do something about global warming. - 2007/01/26: ABC(Au): Flannery urges climate change action
The Australian of the Year, scientist Tim Flannery, says the Prime Minister's water plan means little unless governments take urgent action on the bigger issue of climate change. - 2007/01/26: ABC(Au): Govts urged to play bigger role in climate change battle
Canberra's Anglican bishop says the honouring of environmentalist Tim Flannery as Australian of the Year highlights the importance of climate change. Bishop George Browning says Australia Day is a time for the nation to reflect on the challenges it faces. - 2007/01/26: ABC(Au): PM shrugs off Flannery's climate change criticism
And in China:
- 2007/01/28: ABC(Au): China admits moving slowly on climate
- 2007/01/28: BBC: China admits to climate failings
China is failing to make progress on improving and protecting the environment, according to a new Chinese government report. The research ranks China among the world's worst nations - a position unchanged since 2004. After the US, China produces the most greenhouse gases in the world. The Chinese report, prepared by academics and government experts, ranked the country 100th out of 118 countries surveyed. Some 30 indicators were used to measure the level of "ecological modernisation" including carbon dioxide emissions, sewage disposal rates and the safety of drinking water. - 2007/01/23: MWR: China establishes inter-agency think tank to brace for climate change
In Canada, environmental issues are conflictual:
- 2007/01/27: TreeHugger: Canada's Newspapers : Welcome to the New Climate
- 2007/01/27: TStar: Curbing the carbon `footprint' rooted in behavioural change - But we also need government to lead
- 2007/01/25: DeSmogBlog: Tory MP: We need "a lot more than Kyoto"
- 2007/01/23: DeSmogBlog: The Environment Ends in Etobicoke
- 2007/01/23: TreeHugger: Green Politics in Canada
They've been taking polls as well:
- 2007/01/26: DeSmogBlog: Global warming tops terrorism and health in Canada
- 2007/01/26: Globe&Mail: Climate concerns now top security and health - One in four label environmental issues as most important
And minority neocon PM Harper is still greenwashing like mad:
- 2007/01/25: PlanetArk: Critics Skeptical of Canadian PM's New Green Image
- 2007/01/24: Tyee: Harper's Green Mirage - PM weakly revived some programs he cancelled. But what about that dirty deal with Bush?
- 2007/01/23: StraightGoods: Government greenwashes its true agenda - We don't call them Harpocrites for nothing.
- 2007/01/24: TreeHugger: Canadian Architects Call Out Harper for Hypocrisy
- 2007/01/22: BCLSB: Jane Jacobs Influenced My Environmental Philosophy [Can pol]
- 2007/01/28: TStar: Who's still cool on global warming?
The Prime Minister "has drunk the green Kool-Aid," to appeal to voters in Central Canada, moans a recent article in the Daily Oil Bulletin. Naysayers: From conservative bunkers, they plan on sowing enough doubt to derail action
There may be 'fine print' on this deal, but it looks good:
- 2007/01/23: PlanetArk: Eco-Funding Deal Reached for Canadian Rainforest
- 2007/01/22: ABC(Au): Canada gives $100m to save Spirit Bear Rainforest
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2007/01/27: CanWest: Carbon tax could finance a green revolution
Corralling emissions from a few big facilities is a lot easier than trying to round up Canada's 18.2 million cars and trucks - 2007/01/25: Telegraph(UK): Stern favours world carbon tax
And the difficult question of aviation & GHG production is in the air:
A Tipping Point has been sighted:
- 2007/01/22: Australian: Oil chief emerges with climate warning
Former fossil fuel mogul John Schubert says the nation has reached a "tipping point" on climate change, with overwhelming public acceptance of the problem making it impossible for business and government to ignore it any longer.
Apocalypso anyone?:
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2007/01/27: BtP: Global Warming is Serious: Why Can't the Post Treat It Seriously?
- 2007/01/25: Straight: Trust us, we're the media
UVic climate-change expert Andrew Weaver says editors must realize they are being used by those who want to delay taking action.
Here is something for your library:
- 2007/01/27: CliProg: Chapter Four Excerpt: The Hell and High Water Scenario
- 2007/01/22: CliProg: Chapter Six Excerpt [Hell and High Water]: The Technology Trap and the American Way of Life
And for your film & video enjoyment:
- 2007/01/25: GristMill: Climate on the big screen
- 2007/01/24: DeSmogBlog: Oscar Nods Twice for An Inconvenient Truth
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2007/01/25: LBNL: A Boost for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Research
- 2007/01/23: EcoEcon: Are Biofuels Moving Us in the Wrong Direction?
- 2007/01/24: EcoEcon: Key Questions on Energy
- 2007/01/26: OilDrum: Ten Fundamental Principles of Net Energy
- 2007/01/25: BBC: Energy roadmap backs renewables - Half of the world's energy needs in 2050 could be met by renewables and improved efficiency, a study claims.
- 2007/01/25: TruthOut: Energy Rhetoric, and Reality
- 2007/01/26: GristMill: The ethanol love-fest will not last
- 2007/01/25: PhysOrg: Sharp Develops Mass-Production Technology for Triple-Junction Thin-Film Solar Cells
- 2007/01/25: PlanetArk: Corn Alone can't Meet Bush Green Fuel Goal
- 2007/01/26: Eureka: Carnegie Mellon engineers devise new process to improve energy efficiency of ethanol production
- 2007/01/26: HuffPo: The Ethanol Love-fest Will Not Last
- 2007/01/26: Guardian(UK): The new gold rush: how farmers are set to fuel America's future
- 2007/01/25: Guardian(UK): Switching to snake oil
Bush wants America to reduce its oil consumption - but subsidising ethanol production isn't the answer. - 2007/01/24: EnergyBulletin: Key questions on energy options (and thoughts on the SOTU)
- 2007/01/24: PhysOrg: Doubling Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Could Cut Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 10 Percent
- 2007/01/24: GristMill: Goal: roll coal
- 2007/01/24: Stoat: (link to pdf) The ethanol program in Brazil
- 2007/01/24: PlanetArk: US Wind Power to Grow 26 Percent in 2007 - AWEA
- 2007/01/08: EoEarth: Ten fundamental principles of net energy
- 2007/01/23: Axcess: Oil Sands Projects Steam Ahead in Alberta, Despite Harper
- 2007/01/22: TechRev: Battery Breakthrough?
A Texas company says it can make a new ultracapacitor power system to replace the electrochemical batteries in everything from cars to laptops. - 2007/01/23: GristMill: TXU and the Climate Action Partnership: BFF
- 2007/01/22: IHT: Pioneering U.S. renewable energy lab [NREL] is neglected
- 2007/01/23: CPunch: King Coal's Latest Con Job - Clean Coal is Not Clean
- 2007/01/22: Yahoo: Berlin warned on phasing out nuclear energy
Germany will miss its CO2 emission targets, face rising electricity prices and become "dramatically" more reliant on Russian gas if it keeps to its policy of phasing out nuclear energy, a new study warns. - 2007/01/22: CanWest: Even cleanest biofuel includes a dirty underbelly, experts warn - U.S. lags behind Brazil: Critics fear faster deforestation in rain forests
- 2007/01/22: EarthTimes: Landmark Study to Show: America CAN Solve Global Warming Without Nukes, Without Continued Dependence on Coal
A major report out of MIT trumpets the future importance of geothermal:
- 2007/01/22: MIT: MIT-led panel backs 'heat mining' as key U.S. energy source [geothermal]
- 2007/01/26: TEB: New Report Finds Huge Power Potential in Geothermal Resources
- 2007/01/23: NSU: Hot rocks could help meet US energy needs - Get more out of geothermal, experts advise
- 2007/01/23: PlanetArk: US Urged to Ramp up Geothermal Power
- 2007/01/22: PhysOrg: MIT releases major report on geothermal energy
Automakers, lawyers and activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2007/01/23: Oikos: CAFE standards for cars: Espresso Excels and latte Lexuses
- 2007/01/23: BBC: Ford has become the latest US car maker to unveil a test vehicle that runs on green alternative fuels
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2007/01/24: TreeHugger: 3C Initiative: Companies Band Together to Combat Climate Change
- 2007/01/22: Guardian(UK): BT [British Telecom] takes steps to reduce carbon footprint by 80% in nine years
- 2007/01/23: PlanetArk: Business Smells Whiff of Money in Climate Change
- 2007/01/22: EnvEcon: EDF's Climate Action Announcement
- 2007/01/22: EnvEcon: US Climate Action Partnership
- 2007/01/23: OilChange: Industry Demands Mandatory CO2 Cap
- 2007/01/22: Reuters: Climate changes mean boom for some -Citigroup
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2007/01/28: Stoat: The New Global Cooling [Motl]
- 2007/01/27: PNTimes: Book review: Unstoppable Global Warming - every 1,500 years [S Fred Singer and Dennis T Avery]
- 2007/01/28: SeattlePI: Deniers: Join, and help, the warming world
Today, the small, lingering band of global warming "skeptics" is beached on the farthest shores of the wrong side of history. They are alone, abandoned even by Global Warming Bush and the oil industry. - 2007/01/27: Deltoid: The Khilyuk and Chilingar test
- 2007/01/27: GWW: Michael Duffy: New green heresy hunter
- 2007/01/25: TruthOut: Who Will Hold Science Teachers Association Accountable?
- 2007/01/25: Deltoid: Khilyuk and Chilingar, oh my
- 2007/01/26: CNN:Fortune: Exxon Mobil greens up its act
- 2007/01/24: DeSmogBlog: Tim Ball Rewrites the "Truth" Once More
- 2007/01/22: CSW: Exxon Mobil takes first steps to accept climate change science and cut funding of the denial machine
- 2007/01/22: DeSmogBlog: Hot Off the Presses: Warmed-over Denial
The Cullen storm still had some steam:
- 2007/01/22: CapWeather: The Cullen Conundrum
- 2007/01/23: ERabett: The Cullen Conundrum
- 2007/01/22: ClimateArk: Storm Hits Weather Community Over Climate Expert's Global Warming Claims
Coby Beck is continuing to post his excellent "How to Talk to a Global Warming Sceptic" series on GristMill:
- 2007/01/28: GristMill: [H2TtaGWS] 'The U.S. is a net carbon sink'
- 2007/01/25: GristMill: [H2TtaGWS] 'Climate change mitigation would lead to disaster'
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2007/01/27: VDM: Viridian Note 00487: We Are Winning
- 2007/01/27: BSD: This anti-tree thing has gone too far
- 2007/01/26: GristMill: Global warming is hot!
- 2007/01/25: ERabett: Mr. Rabett goes to DC...
- 2007/01/26: Stoat: Boondoggling
- 2007/01/23: ERabett: Gut check...many blog and forth about guts and glory in climate science...
- 2007/01/23: ERabett: Don't mess with the bunny...
- 2007/01/24: TerraDaily: A Daily Snapshot Of Carbon Usage In Figures
- 2007/01/24: TheAge: Climate change must be put on the front burner
- 2007/01/24: PlanetArk: Facing Global Warming, are People Like Frogs?
- 2007/01/22: TruthOut: Global Warming: The Final Verdict
- 2007/01/22: BSD: Informed guts, Fred Hutchison, and known unknowns about climate
- 2007/01/22: Coeruleus: Scientists
- 2007/01/23: ERabett: Advertisements for themselves...
- 2007/01/19: BostonReview: Phaeton's Reins - The human hand in climate change by Kerry Emanuel
- 2007/01/23: Stoat: SLR: x, y, z [Sea Level Rise, Gore, AIT, Rabett, etc]
- 2007/01/22: WorldChanging: The Future is Climate Neutral
- 2007/01/22: Grist: Striking a Chord -- As climate concern spreads, Step It Up campaign ready to seize the moment
- 2007/01/21: JFleck: David's Dirty Hippies
- 2007/01/03: CNN: Your Home: Is 'going green' worth the cost?
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- IRI: Net Assessment Forecasts (global - precip/temp)
- Wiki: Climate change and agriculture
- Coeruleus: She Flies With Her Own Wings
- CAG: The North Atlantic Oscillation Thematic Web Site
- BCLSB: BigCityLib Strikes Back (some Canadian GW)
- ConsciousEarth
- Wiki: Madden-Julian oscillation
- Step It Up 2007
- TWCB: The Weather Channel Blog
- CCC: 3C - Combat Climate Change - A Business Leaders' Initiative
- CA-CP: Clean Air-Cool Planet
- 2007/01/10: BOM: ENSO Wrap-Up
PS. You can access the previous postings of this series here
"This isn't a smoking gun; climate is a batallion of intergalactic smoking missiles."
-Andrew Weaver
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H.E. Taylor
Labels: news
At January 29, 2007 7:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm noticing your attempts over at Prometheus to get Roger Pielke Jr. to say something that is logical and worth listening to. If you continue with this obsterperous behavior, you will more than likely be banned, much like Mr. Rabbet.
He got the boot the same day that Little Roger made his debut on Fox Television and was obviously concerned that newly minted hordes of right-wing fans might be turned off by observing Roger getting ripped apart on his own blog.
So be careful, let you also be cut off from acces to Mr. Media Star at Boulder.
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